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Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April


Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April  

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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April

I'm surprised how much upset it's causing - I did the same with no worries or hesitation, because I believed it was the play to maximise my result. Is the table still frozen? Make sure you get a screen print ;)
table still frozen and cant print screen as the table is closed and wont reopen. they also arnt displaying the chip stacks at time of the freeze. also my computer doesnt seem to be able to prnt screen.
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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April

table still frozen and cant print screen as the table is closed and wont reopen. they also arnt displaying the chip stacks at time of the freeze. also my computer doesnt seem to be able to prnt screen.
only information I can see is that there are 5 players left - that's you - the other 4 were all sit outs I presume? Can you remember who they were? We still dont have week 8 sorted (where there was no controversy) - wonder how long it will take for this one to be sorted out where there is controversy :loon
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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April

only information I can see is that there are 5 players left - that's you - the other 4 were all sit outs I presume? Can you remember who they were? We still dont have week 8 sorted (where there was no controversy) - wonder how long it will take for this one to be sorted out where there is controversy :loon
well surely the table will outplay itself and the one with the most chips wins,in reeshah`s case if he had loads of chips then the odds are he will win
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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April

only information I can see is that there are 5 players left - that's you - the other 4 were all sit outs I presume? Can you remember who they were? We still dont have week 8 sorted (where there was no controversy) - wonder how long it will take for this one to be sorted out where there is controversy :loon
i cant think of the names off the top of my head but if i saw the total players enrolled i would def recognize them.
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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April Oh dear :lol :lol :lol :$ From another forum

im now firmly in the belief that something suspicious is going on at esport and pokerroom we've all seen the ridiculous play and yet the teams are up above us. now get this....... came to final table tonight and a guy "telepee" with no shield stating what team he is from had a big stack first hand he called big raise and took out AK on a K high flop with 92,hitting another 9 on the turn giving him 21k.... he then hit a set 3/4 next hands 2 times when dominated by bigger pair of aways then i trapped him by limping for 150(i had 5.2k) with AA on the bb of an away,of course he raised to 1200,i called flop 10-7-6 2 clubs he bets 1400,i move all-in for 4k,2600 more to call he calls with 92 spades turn 9 river 2 i had my suspicions about this thing but tonight makes me seriously wonder what the **** is going on
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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April

would that be when you called all in with a gutshot straight draw and hit your 4 outer?
of course mate,,you know how the 4`s love me :lol, seriously though it was a good enough game which i believe i deserved to win as you had a whole table of sit-outs all to yourself ;)
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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April I havent seen any shields for anyone and dont know anything about it :unsure I've joined in the debate on their forum - the latest accusation was that I work for eSport :lol :lol :lol :lol

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Re: Matchday 15 - Team Bikeradar Kings of Poker - Sunday 27th April

I havent seen any shields for anyone and dont know anything about it :unsure I've joined in the debate on their forum - the latest accusation was that I work for eSport :lol :lol :lol :lol
Do they no who you are?:rollin What forum is it?
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