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PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED!

Sir Puntalot

PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED!  

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    • Oh Yes! I wouldn't miss a PL Poker Night for anything!
    • No - I'm otherwise engaged in meaningless activity!
    • Maybe - I have to check my busy schedule!

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! I think Duncan and I will be lucky to make it for the 7.30 start, so if we are not there please deal us in and steal our blinds (slowly). We are coming straight from Doncaster races, but will I think leave before last race. I guess we need to go to the Etap to leave the car first otherwise we are either not drinking at all or parking the car overnight at Barry's (which I'm guessing is not recommended). Andy, can you PM me the full address/post code etc for Barry's too, so we can direct a taxi. Presume Etap is on Great Colmore St.

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED!

I think Duncan and I will be lucky to make it for the 7.30 start, so if we are not there please deal us in and steal our blinds (slowly). We are coming straight from Doncaster races, but will I think leave before last race. I guess we need to go to the Etap to leave the car first otherwise we are either not drinking at all or parking the car overnight at Barry's (which I'm guessing is not recommended). Andy, can you PM me the full address/post code etc for Barry's too, so we can direct a taxi. Presume Etap is on Great Colmore St.
Etap on Great Colmore St, PM Big Andy for the address of Barrys. :ok
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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! Should be at the etap for between 2 and 3, probably see some of you in the bar no doubt.:beer:beer Should be a great weekend and can't wait. What's the name of restaurant opposite Barrys again as i seem to remember that was where we got taxi's to?

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED!

What's the name of restaurant opposite Barrys again as i seem to remember that was where we got taxi's to?
Dave, it's called the "Kingfisher" mate, not sure it's open anymore but get yourself to "Three Shires Oak Road" in Bearwood and you're there.:ok
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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED!

Should be at the etap for between 2 and 3, probably see some of you in the bar no doubt.:beer:beer Should be a great weekend and can't wait. What's the name of restaurant opposite Barrys again as i seem to remember that was where we got taxi's to?
I doubt it, etap don't have a bar! :rollin :rollin
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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! Sorry Guys :sad Have to come on my own, wife is unable to make it You are not getting rid of me that easily:ok :nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:$:$:$:$

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! An excellent night again last night. Sorry for leaving early but Mrs_ColU was suffering with her cold and needed her bed. The upside is I haven't got a sore head this morning. :ok Mixed fortunes for me last night. I lost the crib challenge to Alan (teaulc), donked all my poker chips off to Morls but I was undefeated at Dominoes. :nana:nana:nana Played 2, won 2, I claim the title of PL Dominoes champion. Who wants a piece of me? I've got £5 that says I'm unbeatable. Next attempt to prove me wrong can be made on the PL raceday in September. It was good to see you all again and also to meet some of you for the first time - Avon, Runa, Slapdash, Dave488 (a man of impecable taste, refinement and name ;)), and Milber. Mrs_C has just croaked in my ear and sends her thanks for a great night. Roll on the PL raceday. How long to go Paul?

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! Great night as per usual and many thanks go to the staff at Barrys for looking after us:ok I got in at about 5.30am and I'm feeling a bit rough, but nothing that a few more beers and a full Sunday roast lunch won't put right. I came home skint but I had Paul Ross in my pocket all night at the tables:lol:rollinHey Paul, "Nemesis" is hard to say after a skin full aint it?:lol:tongue2

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! that was nothing against his hand that won it:lol:lol:lol 23 os vs hens qqs hu.guess who won;) great night again :nana:nana:nanacheers to all of barrys staff for looking after us so well:ok won the bounty stt we had ,and managed to get 6:eek:eekbountys out of 10 as well:D and ended up about 20 quid up in our late night cash game. dave had a real sick one in the second hand of the cash. 6 seater he pushes all in pre flop vs brian after reraises with kings for about £60.brian called ,dave says oh have you got an ace then ,brian says no i've got 2:loon:loon ended up with the usual early morning birds are singing exit at about half 4,so i think i might have to sleep it off this afternoon:zzz:zzz:zzz

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! a big thanks to Barry`s and PL for organising another great night out (i think), got there a bit early but wanted to miss the traffic so got a nice feel for the place and learnt a bit about the history of the place. played an early sit and go before ColU turned up for our crib challenge which with Valiant as a partner won :nana:nana. great to see Nessy and partner again who i hadnt seen since Ibiza,and to finally meet Phillosify and Milberforce and Mowgli who really does look like a grown up jungle book character ;) good to see Brian (wasp) turn up and to see all the usual suspects again. as for the main event i lasted 3/4 hour when not really having played a hand i get J/J as BB. Morls raises utg+1 and Dave488 calls, i re-raise to 1500 with Graeme going all-in.Dave folds and i call. Morls turns over A/K for about the 3rd or 4th time already. flop brings out all rags as well as the turn,,then as per usual with my negative variance coming up to my 4th month a King on the river.... after the break and curry & chips we have a sng,which somehow manage to limp into 3rd place and get my buy-in back. the 2nd sng i bubble. finally left about 1am to drive home and got in at 3.30am so dont know yet who won.

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! Congrats to morls for winning again, me and the mrs had a great night watching the poker i might play next time!!! Was great to see Alan and Brian again, wish i could have seen Brian fleece Dave but i have heard all about it on my trip home, Cheers Paul for arranging another great night

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! What the fcuk were we doing at the end of the night?!?! Funny as fcuk that was! :lol :lol As far as I can remember, Gazza asked me if I wanted to play £10 blind all ins with showing your cards one at a time at the end of the river. Before long it was a 8 man STT doing the same thing, with that bastid WASP "stinging" me bigtime. :sad :sad

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED!

Congrats to morls for winning again, me and the mrs had a great night watching the poker i might play next time!!! Was great to see Alan and Brian again, wish i could have seen Brian fleece Dave but i have heard all about it on my trip home, Cheers Paul for arranging another great night
:ok For the record, Big Andy arranged that. :ok
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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! Gawd I'm knackered!! :zzz Started off the evening at Barries partnering Teaulc vs Mr and MRs ColU and then Mrs Galronix and Mrs ColU, winning both times. Had a good night in the main event, although not good enough...finishing 6th. It was a tough final table with Heniek, Morls, Pene, Runa, Kevsul, Terry Nutkin (Dave488), Jackie (Mrs. Galronix) and Galronix and Morls obviously had to be at the top of his game to win another one (congratulations Morls! :clap), although Heniek deserves a bit of sympathy for the way it ended. Joined in with a few games of ultimate skill, which Gazza, Dave488, BA and WASP seemed to dominate ;) before I stopped playing. Spent plenty of time socialising and it was nice to see the old faces and meet the new ones. Good company, good poker, plenty of drink with the furnace hot curry, what more could anyone ask for? Thanks to the wide awake BA :eek :eek :eek for his superb efforts, and the excellent Barries crowd. :clap :clap :clap :clap

what more could anyone ask for?
...ooohhh I've just thought of two things. :ok Earplugs and a fast forward button for Kevsul. ;)
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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED!

What the fcuk were we doing at the end of the night?!?! Funny as fcuk that was! :lol :lol As far as I can remember, Gazza asked me if I wanted to play £10 blind all ins with showing your cards one at a time at the end of the river. Before long it was a 8 man STT doing the same thing, with that bastid WASP "stinging" me bigtime. :sad :sad
I'm already practising for next time. :ok
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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED!

Gawd I'm knackered!! :zzz ...ooohhh I've just thought of two things. :ok Earplugs and a fast forward button for Kevsul. ;)
:lol:lol:lol Apparently Dave488 comes close for loudness, I must have done your head in along with Sam and BA towards the end of the night, when i have a little drink i seem to go on and on and on and on:spank to many :beer:beer:beer:beer for me and boy am i paying for it now, need more:zzz:zzz:zzz. Anyway onto the night for me, I arrived around 6.30 and Sam is first to greet me, Start by saying Hello to all the usual suspects, and meet a few new faces in the shape of Dave488,Milberforce,Nessy,Geordiegaz,Teaulc. As per usual the Staff at Barry's place were excellent hosts:clap:clap:clap:clap On the Poker table I double up early with my 67 suited getting the flush on the turn to take out Phillosify who had trip 9's, Another few hands later i am building a nice stack and call Heniek's allin with my KK which went up against his AK only for him to hit the Ace on the river and start jumping and dancing round the table,Pesky Poles:ok (told you live poker is fixed:lol) I won a few more hands to get my stack back up, then on FT with 5 left I was probably either chip leader or in 2nd place with Chip's have now had to many :beer:beer:beer:beer:beer, and try Some of Morls tricks till I eventually come unstuck with my A3 against Morls A7 , then try to steal the blinds with my Q7 only to run into Runadrum's AQ and I finish on the Bubble:(:\ Also remember bending your ear for a while there Runa while holding the curry in my hand I must be a right Pain when I have had a few drinks, Jumping into conversations I know nothing about:$:$, Asking Slapdash,Gazza,Andy,Brian,Ben,What there education status was as regards schooling and qualifications, Got some nice surprises there:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap. Love a first sight:$:$ OMG Did i really blab on about that:\ I then left around 4am Well done on winning the poker Graeme:clap:clap Lets hope you can do just as good in Vegas:ok:hope So my apologies go out to anyone i may have offended I blame it all on the :beer:beer:beer:beer:beer Thanks for arranging all this BA, Absolutely great night, :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! Also remember saying I backed the winner of Britan got Talent at 100/1 for a £10, a correction i need to put to this, yes i did back it but not at 100/1 ,28/1 was the odds i got, the 100/1 was for Nemesis,

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! Great night thanks BA/PR/PL :ok Myself, slap, morls and Hen were the last vikings to leave at gone 6am after an enjoyable cash session ;) I also did quite well in the ultimate skill challenge :lol I resigned in the main game as soon as I saw the seating plan and saw that Kevsul was on our table :eyes but well done to Hen for winning it :clap

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Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED!

Sarah the dealer (when Kev was in full flow ... again ... when it was his turn to act): "(sigh) I don't think the dealer has ever called the clock on a player before."
Don't remember that:$:$ Remember Brian asking about the clock thing. Also i did a string bet or something like it:unsure
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