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AWOP VP Rumble - Tiebreak this Thursday


AWOP VP Rumble - Tiebreak this Thursday  

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Re: AWOP VP Rumble - Tiebreak this Thursday At last we got it played and its been won... well done guys and so sorry for the points confusion, I had to go to work so was not available until the wife phoned and i relayed messages to her. Thank you guys for what has been a Fantastic Tournament and I hope we can have a few more with you in the Future. All five games had been played in the spirit i intended and all members from all forums Invited are a credit. Thank you Gaf for your support throughout these games and also a thank you for your patience and understanding whilst trying to get this play off sorted. Seems like Boss media have been having a few problems, Like working on a different calender to the rest of us. Cheers Guys heres to the next one :cheers

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Re: AWOP VP Rumble - Tiebreak this Thursday what a cracking evening,a thoroughly enjoyable night of poker even when i had to sit out for half hour to get my bro-in-law who`s car had broke down to see most my chips gone:loon,then the old poker gods kicked in and helped me out for a change :D.. well done the other pl`ers who got the points and well done to AWOP for being very gracious losers,their poker was played in the best of spirits as it should be..:cheers roll on the next one

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Re: AWOP VP Rumble - Tiebreak this Thursday Hi Guys and Gals.........Chris here from AWOP. I'd just like to say congrats on your win last night.It was a great game and i thoroughly enjoyed it(didnt do too well but hey). I will be looking forward to the next 1 and hope we will do a bit better in the rematch:):):) Anyway guys enjoy your freeroll and the best of luck. I'm going to go :cry:cry:crymaself to sleep again lol

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