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GaF's cash focus - $321.49 up


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Re: GaF's cash focus - $258.13 up Finally brought a run of 6 consecutive losing sessions to an end. Bit of a relief - I was beginning to wonder if I was going to wipe out all my profit so far :loon 20080325ys1.jpg Will post some of the hand histories - ultimately they're just bad beats/unlucky (IMO), but it's my thread so I figure I can get away with it. :tongue2 So long as it's hands like these causing my losses, I'm not too worried or concerned .... I reckon I have loads of sklansky dollars available to spend :tongue2

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $258.13 up BossMedia Game #1011123347: Table Table TH 807 - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:04:35 - 2008/03/25 Seat 1: Trout75 ($61.45) Seat 2: szancso81 ($48.25) Seat 3: PLTelepee ($47.35) Seat 4: JaKoSaTo ($17.95) Seat 5: art134 ($38.63) JaKoSaTo posts the big blind of $0.50 PLTelepee posts the small blind of $0.25 szancso81 is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLTelepee [Qh Qd] art134 raises $1.00 Trout75 folds szancso81 folds PLTelepee raises $3.50 JaKoSaTo folds art134 calls $3.50 *** FLOP *** [9d 5s 2s] PLTelepee bets $3.75 art134 raises $15.00 PLTelepee goes all-in with $43.85 art134 goes all-in with $35.13 *** TURN *** [9d 5s 2s] [3d] *** RIVER *** [9d 5s 2s 3d] [4s] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $74.76 | Rake $3.00 Board: [9d 5s 2s 3d 4s] Trout75 won ($0.00), mucks szancso81 won ($0.00), mucks PLTelepee won ($0.00), showed [Qh Qd] JaKoSaTo won ($0.00), mucks art134 won ($74.76), showed [6d 6s]

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $258.13 up BossMedia Game #1009789132: Table Table TH 580 - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:41:06 - 2008/03/24 Seat 1: Granik ($71.68) Seat 2: Angsthaber ($83.01) Seat 3: nrj000 ($64.00) Seat 4: PLTelepee ($47.75) Seat 5: rujkoo ($40.33) rujkoo posts the small blind of $0.25 Granik posts the big blind of $0.50 PLTelepee is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLTelepee [Ah Qs] Angsthaber folds nrj000 folds PLTelepee raises $1.75 rujkoo calls $1.75 Granik folds *** FLOP *** [Jh Kh Ts] rujkoo checks PLTelepee bets $2.00 rujkoo calls $2.00 *** TURN *** [Jh Kh Ts] [Kc] rujkoo checks PLTelepee bets $6.00 rujkoo raises $12.00 PLTelepee goes all-in with $44.00 rujkoo goes all-in with $36.58 *** RIVER *** [Jh Kh Ts Kc] [4s] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $78.16 | Rake $3.00 Board: [Jh Kh Ts Kc 4s] Granik won ($0.00), mucks Angsthaber won ($0.00), mucks nrj000 won ($0.00), mucks PLTelepee won ($0.00), showed [Ah Qs] rujkoo won ($78.16), showed [Kd Ks]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: GaF's cash focus - $225.41 up Just havent had the time to play recently :loon Since the last update I 2 tabled for 17 minutes and that's it :loon Got a profit of $10.38, so total now $235.79. Remember, in my video I had a full buy in (I think :unsure) - so would play it very differently to the way you should.... Have been thinking about trying to get 5xPL'rs together for the next video and get them all to record (with audio) their session and then merge them together - not sure what software I need to do that though, and not sure I can persuade 5xPL'rs to bother setting up to record their sessions :unsure

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $225.41 up

Have been thinking about trying to get 5xPL'rs together for the next video and get them all to record (with audio) their session and then merge them together - not sure what software I need to do that though' date=' and not sure I can persuade 5xPL'rs to bother setting up to record their sessions :unsure[/quote'] I might be interested in this, if it was anywhere but Virgin. It would also depend on the stakes, I guess. I generally play full ring, rather than short handed, but I have spent a few hours playing short handed cash games so would still be interested. I tried a short handed tournament once but had no idea what I was doing :sad Its been a while since I dabbled in audio/video encoding (I run a Peter Cook website, and at one time was encoding stuff almost every weekend - but I haven't updated the site since I started playing poker :$ Can I mention it here? Its strictly not-for-profit) For it to be relevant, you'd need to show all five hole cards at once, which would be a nightmare to put together. . . not overly complicated, but quite time consuming. For the audio, I'm guessing (I'm a bit rusty) that if it was encoded to some kind of dvd format, then you could end up with several different audio tracks. It'd be a huge download though. If you're really serious about it, I might be able to host the file. In fact the easiest way to make the download available would be via a torrent file - but I'm getting ahead of myself already :cow Cardrunners, lookout! The PLers are about to Chaaaaaaaaaaaaarge!!! (I don't mean financially) :lol
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Re: GaF's cash focus - $225.41 up Nice one :ok Yes the vision I had was a video file where all hole cards were visible and audio tracks that could be selected to decide who you listened to. I would also put a master audio in where the most relevent comments from active players at that time were included. I was thinking of finding a way of combining multiple video recordings from players - but the other way of doing this could be to just put in overlays of players cards on my video (though I've no idea how to do this :lol :lol :lol Maybe it could be a fabricated table in Photoshop that I turn into a video (slideshow) - might be easiest, but then you lose potential tells - like amount of time to act....) - this means other players only need to record an audio track (and give me a hand history). I'd hope it could be put together in a few hours (for a 30 min to 45 min session) but having never done it before, I wouldn't know :unsure Stakes - not important - so long as we're all playing "seriously" and thinking in terms of BBs rather than the money, no reason it couldnt be minimum stakes

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $225.41 up

Just havent had the time to play recently :loon Since the last update I 2 tabled for 17 minutes and that's it :loon Got a profit of $10.38, so total now $235.79. Remember, in my video I had a full buy in (I think :unsure) - so would play it very differently to the way you should.... Have been thinking about trying to get 5xPL'rs together for the next video and get them all to record (with audio) their session and then merge them together - not sure what software I need to do that though, and not sure I can persuade 5xPL'rs to bother setting up to record their sessions :unsure
Yes it was a FULL buy in - thats where i want to go - remember :)
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Re: GaF's cash focus - $225.41 up Again, its been a while for me also and tbh I've never done anything quite this ambitious. I think it would be easiest to do using something like Adobe Premier, which would allow us to overlay the hole cards - but it might still be neccessary to take a screen shot form each video, edit it in Photoshop then add it to the timeline - its a over a year since I did anything with Premiere, so off hand I'm rather rusty. If we were to get the required number of players who are prepared to take it seriously and were able to record their session, with audio commentary, I'd be happy to research how to put it together... I still have all my old bookmarks, which would be a good starting place. Regarding buy-in, I'd be happy to play up to 0.25/0.50 NLHE. But as you say, it wouldn't need to be anywhere near this high. Edit: we could set up a private table at somewhere like 32RED, and the buy-in would be largely immaterial. Its the playing thats the point. Edit 2: stabbers.org - its THE Peter Cook website, and its all mine. Mwahahahaha.

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Guest gazza271

Re: GaF's cash focus - $37.04 up If we can get the set up sorted and someone is happy to talk a muppet like me through the set up process I would happily take part :ok

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $37.04 up You appear to have suffered the same fate as me mate. Just looking at your last 2 sessions they are waaaay longer than your usual ones - chasing losses perhaps? Stick with it mate. Maybe have a couple of days off. Although I'm not updating my thread at the moment I am still playing a little cash games and the green shoots of recovery are poking through. Good luck, I'm sure you'll get your profits back up to where they were. You done it once you can do it again. (well that's my thinking anyway). :ok

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  • 1 month later...

Re: GaF's cash focus - $432.56 up Just had a cracking session (by my standards) - about half an hour two tabling and more than doubled my buy in on both tables :) My BB/100 (including the very poor run) is now almost 10 :) f_20080615Casm_4d22378.gif

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $432.56 up Very nice results :clap Just wondering how much you 3bet and steal in general pre flop. My raise pre flop % is only 9, 6 handed, it's creeping up now, ideally i'd like it up to 20% as i might get more action with big hands. But, even at 9% i still mostly get a lot of action. Reason my pre flop raise is low but results are still good is because i take a lot of pots post flop with marginal hands without a showdown so wonder if stealing is as important as the strategy people make out.

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $432.56 up I'll see what stats I can dig out on that :ok Remember this is 5 handed not 6 handed, so will call for more aggression preflop. I wouldn't say I raise to steal pre flop - I'm not interested in winning 1.5xBB - my main motive for raising with a range is to try and disguise my cards. I dont want my opponents to know that every time I raise I have AA, KK, QQ, AK My pre flop raise percentage isn't actually listed in these screen shots (unless I'm blind!!), however over the 8658 hands it is 16.96%. I think it was considerably higher when I went through the bad spell, and I was pushing too hard (I was a maniac rather than aggressive!!) Having said that, looking at 1879 hands since 1st June, my PFR% is still 14.16%

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