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GaF's cash focus - $321.49 up


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Ok - I'm getting on the bandwagon - deposited €100 at Poker Trillion yesterday and have been playing 25c/50c short handed - 4 sessions so far and all winners :loon Hopefully it will continue.... Made a video of the 4th session, with audio "commentary" :$ - might be good to get some discussions going - will post in Poker Strategy as soon as I can find somewhere to upload it.... 20080224gk4.jpg

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $95.44 up I look forward to seeing this :ok Have been watching a lot videos lately recorded by amateur cash game players airing their thoughts on their play in place of playing cash myself as still having a break from it. Very intriguing stuff and this video(s) will be good to watch!

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $0.87 up Gaf?, have you tried 10 handed tables? I never used to like cash games (probably scared of losing money) and always thought myself better at tournaments. I dabbled a little at the short handed cash tables and that proved my point (I was a poor cash player) but I think the reason was that short handed you need to be more agressive. Recently I have played a bit on full ring games and turned over a nice profit. The blinds don't come round too fast giving me a chance to assess my opponents and pick my hands. I've also just installed poker tracker which is also helping (I'm going to have to buy it soon). It's still early days but I've doubled my initial deposit and have stepped up levels already.

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $0.87 up I have, but there's far less liquidity on the 10 seat tables - and I view them as more about patience - if my game is to develop I think I need to improve at short handed :unsure

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $0.87 up At least your not playing 0.05/0.10 in an attempt to improve as I think you showed that was a waste of time in a previous challenge. As well read and time served as you are I think it might be time for you to stick a couple of grand in somewere skip out the lower levels and see how you get on at mid stakes.

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $117.85 up I've broken through $100 profit :) Bit dodgy tonight - multitabled for the first time during this and was well down on both tables, but fought my way back. Now 9 consecutive winning table sessions now :dude 20080314dt5.jpg

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $117.85 up ty :) It's worth adding that I did abysmally at the 5c/10c NLHE games :$ I'm a firm believer that you should beat each level before moving up, however was persuaded to try slightly higher ..... still very short run though - I'm not necessarily beating the game, despite how it may look from the results displayed..... At micro limit, patience is the absolute key..... Limit is a VERY different game to no limit - completely different skill set required .... I think glceud does very well on LIMIT...

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $117.85 up Nice set of figures. how many consecutive winning sessions before you have the self belief to move up? Or are you sticking to Fergusons formulae. Given up all together on limit now. Only really played it as it was a risk free way of clearing bonuses and making raked hands for tourney entries, Oh and it was the only game availble before TV made poker popular. I know I can beat up to $1/$2, but even 6 tabling its a pretty pathetic hourly rate. And I dont have the balls to find out if I can go any higher. Still think its the best way to start out though as i gives you a feel for the likelyhood of hands improving, how often you should expect hands and the importance of position at a far lower financial risk.

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $117.85 up 20080316ye3.jpg Starting to get a bit of confidence now, a little bit of self belief that maybe, just maybe I can consistently beat this ;) 16 consecutive winning table sessions now and broken through the $200 profit barrier :)

Nice set of figures. how many consecutive winning sessions before you have the self belief to move up? Or are you sticking to Fergusons formulae.
I'm getting a little bit of confidence, but I also know numbers are still small and it's far from proven..... I think I'm going to be aggressive about this (by my standards, though suspect you'll think I'm still being too cautious...) - I'll measure profit instead of bankroll, and allow myself to play for a maximum of 10% of my profit (minimum 25c/50c) - so to move up to 50c/$1 I'll need a profit of $1,000 - I'm 20% of the way there.....
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Re: GaF's cash focus - $179.35 up Noticed you losing sessions average loss is a fair bit higher than your winning ones profit. Is this normal or explainable?, as it appears to be a massive problem in my game. Think my average winning session is about 10% of my average losing one! Means I have to win 11 out of every 12, which is becoming a bit stressfull to say the least.

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $179.35 up I don't know :unsure I think the losing sessions tend to be a little longer than the winning sessions - it's easier to walk away with a profit than a loss - so that may explain it a little, but even looking at BB/100, which eliminates session length, the losing sessions seem more extreme....

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $179.35 up I found exactly the same thing. My winning sessions average $22 but my losing ones average $68. :( It is much easier to leave a table after winning a $50 pot than losing one. I tried to put a time limit on my sessions but couldn't stick to that either. It's too easy to think "ah that was just unlucky, I'll stick another buy-in down". Thinking more about the extremetity of the losing sessions: If I lose a $50 pot and carry on playing, but then lose another $50 pot I'm down $50. However, if I win a $50 pot and leave I've denied myself the chance of winning another $50 pot by leaving (subconsciously probably thinking "I don't want to give back that $50 pot") so what I should be doing is playing on and probably winning another $50 pot and then I'm $50 up. Does that make sense? Could be the reason why losing sessions are worse? It also goes against common sense that we quit whilst we are winning but carry on whilst we are losing. Surely we should be continuing to play whilst winning and quitting when losing? :unsure

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $179.35 up Nice one GAF seems to be goin well for you. I think (not sure not got pokertracker on my PC) that my winning sessions generally win more than losing ones easily. But only about 65% sessions are winning, but I think this is a lot from me changing tables after a few hands and losing like $2 cause the table/position on it is rubbish. I think you need to be opening a few more tables btw, you're obviously killin' it on one. GL, Rob

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Re: GaF's cash focus - $179.35 up

I think you need to be opening a few more tables btw, you're obviously killin' it on one.
Still a very small sample - but I have started playing 2 at a time - you can see the "MT Ratio" going up (except on the last one where I seem to have chopped it off :$) :ok
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