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Charity Freeroll 30th March 2008 - 9PM BST Start


Charity Freeroll 30th March 2008 - 9PM BST Start  

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    • Yes please, I have more than 100 posts
    • Yes please, I have less than 100 posts but I cheered you on
    • No thanks, but good luck with the game

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Re: Charity Freeroll 30th March 2008 - 9PM BST Start

Big Thanks to Duncan and the ColU gang - great gesture
Just to clarify - The ColU gang didn't contribute anything to this charity freeroll, it was all from Duncan. However, the ColU gang will be organising another charity freeroll in late June 2008 to which they and Duncan will be contributing. Do you wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang, ..... :rollin:rollin:rollin
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Re: Charity Freeroll 30th March 2008 - 9PM BST Start Once again fabulous gesture runa, it was a very enjoyable game:ok. On discussion with a couple of close friends who have a girl with cerebral palsy the charity I would like to receive my donation is the jessie may trust(no not that jessie may;)) Its a Bristol based charity that provides a hospice at home service of nursing care and respite for children with a terminal illness. http://www.jessiemaytrust.org.uk/

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Re: Charity Freeroll 30th March 2008 - 9PM BST Start Just wanted to confirm that payments all now either made online or cheques in the post. Gift Aid declarations made on all (apart from glceud's at the moment) so worth an additional 28% in each case. Beneficiaries are:- The Ellenor Foundation £650 (Rivrd) The Children's Trust £650 (Teaulc) The Hospice of St Francis £400 (ColU) The Jessie May Trust £300 (Goater) Cancer Research UK £250 (Bluepennant) Cats Protection £200 (Mr Intensity) The Myfanwy Townsend Melanoma Research Fund £175 (Tweetypie) The Anthony Nolan Trust £150 (Gazza271) Clan MacQuarrie Community Centre (building a new centre) £125 (Glceud) The Fire Fighters Charity £100 (Fenner) PDSA £50 (Pocket Lady) :clap Look out for another tournament at the end of June to coincide with Col U's birthday. :drums

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Re: Charity Freeroll 30th March 2008 - 9PM BST Start Just got a call from the committee secretary saying a big thank you for the cheque which has arrived safely. She will reply shortly. Many thanks again for this tremendous act of generosity.

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Re: Charity Freeroll 30th March 2008 - 9PM BST Start Just read through this whole thread and you have take your hat off, absolutely amazing genorosity Runadrum, I can't say anything that hasn't already been said, clearly a legend! :clap Reading through this thread one thing stands out to me and that's the spirit and unity of this community, I'm sure you would be hard pressed to find this anywhere else in the country, let alone on an internet forum! Hopefully, now I've discovered the joy/pain of poker and the learning phase is underway, I'll be able to contribute more to the forum's and participate in this next year. Once again though, welldone Runadrum - a human being of the finest quality. :notworthy

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Re: Charity Freeroll 30th March 2008 - 9PM BST Start Thanks for the kind words chapman I'm no hero, just stuck to a promise. As Paul says in the latest PL newsletter, I agree that it says as much about PL as it does about me. Probably the Poker section here as much as any other is a tight-knit community as we compete with and against each other, rather than 'just' against one common enemy, the bookmakers (:spank for anyone who thought first of another forum). To borrow the usual 2 lines from Kipling's "If" - about meeting with Triumph and Disaster and treating those two impostors just the same - if anywhere can help me do that it is here :clap

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