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Paddy Power Sex Dolls!!


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cnt_club.jpghttp://www.paddypower.com/email/poker/newsletter/cnt_title2.jpg height=22>Paddy Doll
youdoodoll_105x105.gifMy best friend is in my pocket.... If you can't get your hands on a hot kinky auld wan for your Duurty Valentine, then why not just buy one instead? All you need to do is get a photo of the sexy sexagenarian's face and through the magic of computers and cloth you can have a mini mistress arriving in the post before you can say - "hey baby, want to get your coat?" Of course, if you aren't a pervert, you could always just get a mini doll of yourself or someone you know, they're pretty cool like... Upload a photograph of your desired face onto our new Paddy Doll and you'll have a friend for life! Paddy Dolls have mutilple uses:
  • They bring you more luck by improving your poker playing strength.
  • Improved social life - you will be the envy of all your mates...
  • Improve your sex life - what you do in your spare time is up to you but we promise we won't judge you...
  • Stress relief - you can bitch all you want about what is going on in your life without having to worry about being judged.
  • Make your ex girlfriend/boyfriend jealous by showing them what it means to be in a meaningful relationship...

*Please note: Paddy Dolls are not just a friend for Christmas or Valentine's - they're a friend for life.

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