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Ladbrokes WSOP Team League

Burnley Joe

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Re: Ladbrokes WSOP Team League Thats me out, 120 something. Dont know what the rest of you guys think, but over three hours to reach the points and another to reach the money and god knows how long to reach the final table( Gaz wasnt there after 6 hours last week), I think this is becoming a bit of a bore.

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Re: Ladbrokes WSOP Team League after 3 and a half hours i went out 184th:eek everything that could go wrong did:wall had ks beat by 9s early on with a runner runner str8. about 10 minutes before i went out i get dealt aces in the bb ,button -3 raises 3x bb to 1800 ,button -2 raises to 6k:cow:cowi think right i'm gonna push all my 18k then:drums:drums connection goes:wall:wall:wall:wall comes back next hand and it was the only hand it happened on:wall:wall:wall:wall eventually went out my qs vs aces:wall hope gaz(one man team)blades is doing ok:hope i'm off to go to bed after i've kicked the cat.

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Re: Ladbrokes WSOP Team League After five hours I went out in 67th place. Raised with A/k called by KK in the BB left me with less than a bb 3 guys at the table taking the max time over every hand,if the rest of you want to quit its ok with me!

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Re: Ladbrokes WSOP Team League

3 guys at the table taking the max time over every hand,if the rest of you want to quit its ok with me!
Up to everyone else, but I'm happy either way. It is a ballache of a format, and we're gonna have to put in some performances to catch the leaders now. But the other side is that we only have to get top 36 to get into the invitational freeroll at the end of it. Like I said, I'm happy whatever, and will probably still play a few even if we decide to quit.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Ladbrokes WSOP Team League ** Game ID 955359931 starting - 2008-03-27 20:01:47 ** WSOP Team League 6[1627260]:Table 8 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (30.00|60.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - voyager75 sitting in seat 1 with $1003.95 - Rhydal sitting in seat 2 with $2347.68 - jamie27 sitting in seat 3 with $2537.10 - GodDelusion sitting in seat 4 with $2410.00 [Dealer] - Hillster222 sitting in seat 5 with $2325.00 - milly29 sitting in seat 6 with $1345.00 - theadder4 sitting in seat 7 with $2460.00 - ACE-ATTACK sitting in seat 8 with $2579.93 - pokerbudge sitting in seat 9 with $4291.34 - Makeups sitting in seat 10 with $3655.00 Hillster222 posted the small blind - $15.00 milly29 posted the big blind - $30.00 ** Dealing card to GodDelusion: 9 of Clubs, 8 of Clubs theadder4 called - $30.00 ACE-ATTACK folded pokerbudge folded Makeups folded voyager75 called - $30.00 Rhydal folded jamie27 folded GodDelusion called - $30.00 Hillster222 called - $30.00 milly29 went all-in - $1345.00 theadder4 went all-in - $2430.00 voyager75 folded GodDelusion went all-in - $2380.00 Hillster222 folded milly29 shows: Ace of Spades, Queen of Hearts theadder4 shows: Jack of Diamonds, Jack of Spades ** Dealing the flop: 5 of Clubs, 7 of Diamonds, 3 of Clubs ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 7 of Hearts milly29 wins $4185.00 from the main pot theadder4 wins $2070.00 from side pot 1 End of game 955359931 Multitabling tonight I somehow managed to call 2 allins preflop with 8 9the first hand that I'd played all night:wall. No more multitabling tournaments for me till I get a bigger screen:@.

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