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BetOnBet $5000 Raked Hands Freerolls


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BetOnBet Exclusive Freerolls <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

We are cancelling all $1.000 weekly freerolls and will instead have a one $5.000 Freeroll every second month. The first one will be 4th of March – 20:00 CET. The only criteria for joining these freerolls is that you have a minimum of 100 raked hands the month prior to the freeroll.
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  • 9 months later...

Re: BetonBet Bi-Monthly $5000 (100r/h)Freeroll I have this coming up in the diary on Tuesday, but I suspect it's now out of date and has been replaced by this promotion instead. Can't see anything in the lobby for Tuesday so I'm going to remove it and put these in for the end of the month. :ok Looks like entries for this month's were 107 for $500 (200RH), 100 for $1500 (500RH) and 53 for $3000 (2500RH). 5000Freerolls_710x108.gif

From TODAY you can start collecting the raked hands required to enter one, two, or all of the freerolls.

500free.png 1500free.png 3000free.png
20:00 CET 28th of October $500 Bronze Freeroll (200 Raked Hands last 30 days) 20:00 CET 29th of October $1.500 Silver Freeroll (500 Raked Hands last 30 days) 20:00 CET 30th of October $3.000 Gold Freeroll (2500 Raked Hands last 30 days)

Upcoming Loyalty Freerolls:

    • 25th, 26th and 27th of November 2008 - 20:00 CET

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