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Classy Plays - Great Bluffs


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Re: Classy Plays - Great Bluffs Love the river: NL Texas Hold'em Trny:42215763 Level:11 Blinds-Antes(1,000/2,000 -75) - Monday, September 29, 18:43:25 ET 2008 Table Super Monday (1529399) Table #2 (Real Money) Seat 9 is the button Total number of players : 6 Seat 1: kikka66 ( 36,651 ) Seat 8: Georgeblah ( 33,675 ) Seat 6: Jever84 ( 20,459 ) Seat 7: MY_INKA ( 43,198 ) Seat 9: macker1982 ( 50,410 ) Seat 2: vanderfight ( 35,865 ) Trny:42215763 Level:11 Blinds-Antes(1,000/2,000 -75) kikka66 posts ante [75] vanderfight posts ante [75] Jever84 posts ante [75] MY_INKA posts ante [75] Georgeblah posts ante [75] macker1982 posts ante [75] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Georgeblah [ 2s 6d ] Jever84 folds MY_INKA folds Georgeblah raises [4,800] macker1982 calls [4,800] kikka66 folds vanderfight folds ** Dealing Flop ** [ Th, Jh, 4c ] Georgeblah checks macker1982 checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ 3d ] Georgeblah bets [7,500] macker1982 calls [7,500] ** Dealing River ** [ Ah ] Georgeblah is all-In [21,300] macker1982 folds Georgeblah does not show cards. Georgeblah wins 49,350 chips

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Re: Classy Plays - Great Bluffs Pretty standard but a good example of how a call and set the later bluff up better and make it believable. ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 449174708 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $390 Buy-in + $10 Entry Fee, Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante)) - Sunday, November 30, 20:15:19 GMT 2008 Weekly $55,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #182454 Table 5 9-max (Real Money) Seat 6 is the button Total number of active players : 7 Seat 1: kunku wap ( 16,905.25 ) Seat 2: SluttyIan ( 7,091.25 ) Seat 3: suddes ( 3,830 ) Seat 4: ThisIsMe ( 10,225 ) Seat 5: thanos79 ( 1,071.30 ) Seat 6: Harold Boom ( 10,515.85 ) Seat 7: fuzzard ( 0 ) Seat 9: simpson555 ( 10,233 ) Tourney Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante)) simpson555 posts small blind [75] kunku wap posts big blind [150] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Harold Boom [ Qc, Ac ] SluttyIan folds suddes folds ThisIsMe folds thanos79 folds Harold Boom raises to [560] simpson555 folds kunku wap calls [410] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 8d, 2d, 5s ] kunku wap checks Harold Boom checks ** Dealing Turn ** [ Ts ] kunku wap bets [896.25] Harold Boom calls [896.25] ** Dealing River ** [ Ks ] kunku wap bets [1,493.75] Harold Boom raises to [4,200] kunku wap folds Returning uncalled bet [2,706.25] to Harold Boom Harold Boom shows [ Qc, Ac ] high card Ace ** Hand Conclusion ** Harold Boom wins 5,975 from main pot ************ Game 449174708 ends ************

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Re: Classy Plays - Great Bluffs From the DTD Ann. Cup last Thursday night. I defend my BB a lot, sometimes with jank in order to prove a point, it works sometimes too - it can discourage stealing. Cut-off (stack 28 kish) made 1100 (or thereabout), folded to me (18k ish) in the BB (400) with 83o. I call, the chap is a decent player and agressive pre-flop but I thought I may be about to out-play post-flop. We'd tangled nicely a few times and I'd just got the better of him so far. Flop was JKK. I check, he bets 1300. I min-raise with my 8 high to 2600. He then re-re-raises to 5800 (another 3200) or thereabouts. :unsure I come back over the top again, raised another 5k. He mucked, I flipped over the 83o. The logic behind it was, I knew he would orginially think I was putting a play on him with the min-raise. Therefore I didn't think his re-reraise meant anything. It was that sort of game, we were reading each other well. I was certain it would take take just one extra bet. Ok, it's tough to learn anything as such from this example as such but it proves the importance of your table image, how others perceive you and what state the game is currently in. All three factors are important when bluffing as we all know. He later told me he also had nothing also (ace high). We both played the hand well, I just played it slightly better. ;) Probably the "hand of my life"....so far.

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Re: Classy Plays - Great Bluffs Nice play - you make a very valid point, table image is so important. Your situation reminded me of a wonderful moment in the EPT Monte Carlo from a few years ago when Paul JAckson was heads up with Phil IVey. They were re-raising with total air, eventually Ivey takes it down with an all-in. Magnificent poker. I'm sure it will be on You Tube. How did you get on in the end ?

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Re: Classy Plays - Great Bluffs I just love that I was able to play this out 100% how I wanted.... this play knows me as LAG in late position and I know he can be rather tight in early pos... I am almost 100% he is using that.... in HU situation with no one else to act I have only seen him raise or fold (once he called with AKo but I feel this may have been mixing it up more than anything)... there is added value in the pot from somebody folding in a forced post so I am almost obligated to raise.... he asks the questions... and I give him the answer that fits... ***** Hand 1354541519 ***** 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - Tuesday, 9 December 2008 6:18:07 AM Table TH 538 (Real/Cash Game) Seat 4: RayPenber (103.55) Seat 6: Dr.Furman (45.75) Seat 5: ermakeahPP (54.12) Seat 10: SuperBowl (48.00) Seat 1: Sohucasino (61.98) Seat 2: IOL0wntre (8.50) Seat 3: JCYF1 (39.62) Seat 7: Christ_LPP (48.20) Seat 8: -Niko- (52.30) ermakeahPP post SB 0.25 Dr.Furman post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** RayPenber [4s, 3h] Dr.Furman [N/A, N/A] ermakeahPP [N/A, N/A] SuperBowl [N/A, N/A] Sohucasino [N/A, N/A] IOL0wntre [N/A, N/A] JCYF1 [N/A, N/A] Christ_LPP [N/A, N/A] -Niko- [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Christ_LPP Fold -Niko- Fold SuperBowl Fold Sohucasino Fold IOL0wntre Fold JCYF1 Fold RayPenber Raise to 1.50 ermakeahPP Fold Dr.Furman Call 1.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [3c, Ah, 8h] *** Bet Round 2 *** Dr.Furman Bet 2.62 RayPenber Raise to 6.50 Dr.Furman Call 6.50 *** Turn(Board): *** : [3c, Ah, 8h, 8s] *** Bet Round 3 *** Dr.Furman Check RayPenber Check *** River(Board): *** : [3c, Ah, 8h, 8s, 6d] *** Bet Round 4 *** Dr.Furman Check RayPenber Bet 7.00 Dr.Furman Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.80 Total Pot: 15.70 RayPenber By default Win: 15.70 Dr.Furman Fold Win: 0.00 ermakeahPP Fold Win: 0.00 SuperBowl Fold Win: 0.00 Sohucasino Fold Win: 0.00 IOL0wntre Fold Win: 0.00 JCYF1 Fold Win: 0.00 Christ_LPP Fold Win: 0.00 -Niko- Fold Win: 0.00

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