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Virgin 10 Week MTT - Leg 9 - 7xMTT by 13th January


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Re: Virgin 10 Week Tourney - Leg 6 - 7xMTT by 23rd December :spankMust read the T&Cs!:spank Lucky really cause I just went to reg for the Cheap Skates and missed by a few seconds. What happened to the late reg update on Boss? I don't really care about late reg but we should at least be able to reg right up until KO.

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Re: Virgin 10 Week Tourney - Leg 6 - 7xMTT by 23rd December

Didnt use my chips wisely then FBF! I went out with KK where FBF had AA another bod had QQ and Gaf says he folded JJ. Dont you just love those type of hands?
Not wisely enough. I played like a weak little biaach around the bubble and got what I deserved. The biggest surprise on the hand you quote was not that it was AA v KK v QQ but that the best hand when the money went in won. Although I dhould probably expect to lose about 1 time in 3 anyway. FBF
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Re: Virgin 10 Week Cash - Leg 8 - 15xSTT by 6th January Not sure that's fair - this is dealt with by the marketing/promotions team, and I for one am pretty pleased to see Joe having a Sunday off (for once - at least - not answering emails) - so long as the password arrives well before the start on Wednesday, (which we can be pretty confident it will) there's no desperate rush is there?

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Re: Virgin 10 Week Cash - Leg 8 - 15xSTT by 6th January

Not sure that's fair - this is dealt with by the marketing/promotions team' date=' and I for one am pretty pleased to see Joe having a Sunday off (for once - at least - not answering emails) - so long as the password arrives well before the start on Wednesday, (which we can be pretty confident it will) there's no desperate rush is there?[/quote'] Ive only sent 2 emails to Virgin so obviously it is a bit unfair, however neither have been answered so far. Personally, I think they should send an automated receipt saying that the email has been received and is being dealt with and forwarded to the relevant departement. No desperate rush at all, but as far as I am aware I could have sent my emails to the wrong place... thats why a receipt is nice. Just my thoughts.
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Re: virgin - sounds interesting

http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5" > Qualification Schedule See below
WeekDate (inclusive)Qualification€250 Freeroll
112th Nov – 18th NovCashSunday 18st Nov @ 8pm
219th Nov – 25th NovSTTWednesday 28th Nov @ 8pm
326th Nov – 2nd DecMTTWednesday 5th Dec @ 8pm
43rd Dec – 9th DecCashSunday 9th Dec @ 8pm
510th Dec – 16th DecSTTWednesday 19th Dec @ 8pm
617th Dec – 23rd DecMTTWednesday 26th Dec @ 8pm
724th Dec – 30th DecCashSunday 30th Dec @ 8pm
831st Dec – 6th JanSTTWednesday 9th Jan @ 8pm
97th Jan – 12th JanMTTWednesday 16th Jan @ 8pm
It says from the 31st Dec above rosco, which i believe was monday, so maybe not.:unsure
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