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Imaginary Hand


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10 seater $1/$2 no limit cash table Every one has $200 You have Jack Jack and raise to $6 in mid position you get one caller pot-$13.50 Flop 9-4-2 Rainbow You bet $8.00 Its called pot-$29.50 Turn 2 you bet $16.00 its called pot $61.50 River ace you check Forget wether you would have played the hand like this but what would you do if the other player A- bet $20 B- bet $61.50 C- bet $139.50 Actually the hand did happen and I will explain what happened later

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Re: Imaginary Hand OK was a bit sneaky here as I was the other guy and was holding quad 2's, was wondering if between you I could work out the best way to get paid. Suprised no one would risk the call on the end to the all in bet or even the pot sized bet as either of these bets would suggest a weaker hand to me. So basically if I had nothing I would win 100% of the time bluffing your average pl player! Any thing over 50% of the time for the potsized or 66% of the time for the all in would make either of these bets value. I thought about those two options before deciding on the value $20 bet. Fortunatley it was Stewartd14 I was playing and he reraised me all in. Thats me finished with 1/2 euro NL mind you its far too scary sticking a 140 quid in a pot even with quads!

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Re: Imaginary Hand

OK was a bit sneaky here as I was the other guy and was holding quad 2's, was wondering if between you I could work out the best way to get paid. Suprised no one would risk the call on the end to the all in bet or even the pot sized bet as either of these bets would suggest a weaker hand to me. So basically if I had nothing I would win 100% of the time bluffing your average pl player! Any thing over 50% of the time for the potsized or 66% of the time for the all in would make either of these bets value. I thought about those two options before deciding on the value $20 bet. Fortunatley it was Stewartd14 I was playing and he reraised me all in. Thats me finished with 1/2 euro NL mind you its far too scary sticking a 140 quid in a pot even with quads!
Nice one gl
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Re: Imaginary Hand

OK was a bit sneaky here as I was the other guy and was holding quad 2's, was wondering if between you I could work out the best way to get paid. Suprised no one would risk the call on the end to the all in bet or even the pot sized bet as either of these bets would suggest a weaker hand to me. So basically if I had nothing I would win 100% of the time bluffing your average pl player! Any thing over 50% of the time for the potsized or 66% of the time for the all in would make either of these bets value. I thought about those two options before deciding on the value $20 bet. Fortunatley it was Stewartd14 I was playing and he reraised me all in. Thats me finished with 1/2 euro NL mind you its far too scary sticking a 140 quid in a pot even with quads!
nh, quite interesting because with the small bet, I looked at it as a bluff after the check. Glad I wasnt playing the game, a big stack of dough to lose. I am still a learning poker player and have only been playing for a few months so I am still very raw in those kind of decisions. :ok:ok
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