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Paradise PL MTT League - July


Paradise PL MTT League - July  

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July Well done Kippe on winning on the night :clap :clap But JUST missed out overall to Welchy :clap :clap For anyone who hasn't spotted, we had $1230 in added value over the 4 games - more of the same next month - hope you're all looking forward to it!!! :ok

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July Cheers Guys and Girls :cheers. Well played to Kippe tonight :clap:clap:clap and unlucky overall. Congrats to all the others in the cash. Nice one again GaF great added value :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy.

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July Have sent the following info to Paradise for the prizes :ok

welchy28 ($250 + 50 Up Seat) kipper9 ($100 + 50 Up Seat) Telepe ($50 + 50 Up Seat) avongirl ($30 + 50 Up Seat) Sharpe1ne ($20 + 50 Up Seat) wallg ($15 + 50 Up Seat) borokp ($12 + 50 Up Seat) RedImpsGaz ($10 + 50 Up Seat) heniek31 ($8 + 50 Up Seat) Griff505 ($5 + 50 Up Seat) staffyPL (seat carried forward from last month) I notice the following players already qualified for the 50 Up and will carry seats over to next month: kipper9 heniek31
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Guest gazza271

Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July nice one Welchy :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap and all in the money :clap:clap I think the PL league is sooo hard,like the Champions League of poker and to win it is no mean feat :ok Well done folks :clap

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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July

nice one Welchy :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap and all in the money :clap:clap I think the PL league is sooo hard,like the Champions League of poker and to win it is no mean feat :ok Well done folks :clap
Absolutely agree. I just missed out on the extra money this month, but really chuffed, in a way with my best ever overall position of 12th. No easy chips available, and you have to work for them all - by far the most enjoyable $1 of the week, and long may it continue :ok.
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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July

Have sent the following info to Paradise for the prizes :ok
Well done all :clap:clap GaF, can I be added to next months 50up final as I have already qualified this month through the daily tourneys?
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Re: Paradise PL MTT League - July It's done manually - so it can be done over variable timescales. I haven't had a response to my email yet, so assume for whatever reason my contact isn't in the office/is busy with other things. They're giving us great value, I'm more than happy to give them at least a week before getting concerned/chasing them :ok

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