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Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled

Great stuff horse ;) have you decided what type tournie is it? Rebuys? What starting chips are? Blinds? etc. Well looking forward to it!
No rebuys gerrie or we will be breaking the Gambling Act 2005. If you want to know more about what is and isn't allowed now in GB, see here: http://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/UploadDocs/Contents/Documents/Code%20of%20practice%20equal%20chance%20gaming.pdf Regarding chips, we normally play with 2,000 chips each at Rileys Watford, and the blind clock on Tournament Director is set accordingly. Probably be sensible to stick to the same. As there are only 13 of us we might be able to squeeze in a couple of tourneys. The games will be No Limit Hold'em. They have to be No Limit otherwise horse won't have a chance of getting himself eliminated on the first hand and we can't be having that can we? :rollin:rollin
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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Good stuff, I aint too fond of rebuys myself. Every tournament in Ireland seems to be rebuys tho which sucks. Sure if we're only starting with 2,000 chips and blinds 25/50 i guess, we'll get 2 or 3 tournies in not a bother in 4hours! Looking forward to putting the horse out to graze on the first hand so then!

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled I'm gonna aim to arrive about 4pm. check n to Hotel for shower and and shave.. then out.. any meeting point planned for early birds ???

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled What a good night that was.

Firstly, I must apologise for my inability to form coherent statements from the English language. It may have had something to do with the large G&Ts I was imbibing but my kept words muddled getting up – foooook it, it’s still happening.

14 of us were due to play, sadly Mr & Mrs V got caught up in football traffic and weren’t able to make it. :sad

Our new member PokaJoka, real name Atila (I kid you not), duely turned up and I think had a thoroughly enjoyable evening, nice to meet you mate and I hope you feel that PL is a place you feel at home at. :ok

Absent were the Irish lads, gerrie28861, Scruff and mcgin. We considered sending out search parties but since nobody had met them before we decided that wouldn’t be the best course of action. Many theories were put forward to what might have happened to them but the must popular was “well, after all, they are Irish”. :lol

We got the first game underway at 7.30pm. The biggest shock was Rossy – he didn’t go out on the first hand – he folded it. The next biggest shock was Rossy – he didn’t go out on the second hand – he folded it again. Everyone needed to take large slurps of their drinks to get over these cataclysmic events.

First out was Mrs_ColU who ran into PokerJoka’s set of snowmen. The happiest person in the room when this happened was Mr_ColU. Prior to this, I have played live with Mrs_C at 6 tourneys and every time she has gone deeper in the event than my good self. ;)

Mrs_C then took on the dealing duties and did them very well.

At 8.05pm the Irish lads turned up. It seems they had been in the Walkabout most of the evening waiting for us to turn up. Finally, when the Ireland v Georgia rugby game started they decided they would see if we were at Rileys. A smashing set of lads they were though, good to meet you chaps and hope you will make it to another PL event soon.

Morls got himself knocked out stealing one time too many and blew his PL live tourney winning record. With 6 left, Rossy managed to get himself short stacked and then proceeded to bully the whole table very successfully. I finished on the bubble, money positions were taken by Ubermonkey in third, Philossify second and in first, Rossy. :loon

After an excellent spread put on by Rileys we started the second game. By now I was so incoherent I decided I was incapable of playing and took on the dealing duties. 11 players on one table. Scruff and mcgin became the cheerleaders for anyone who was in a pot against gerrie28861. Little good did it do them though. I’ve forgotten who came third, Mrs_C was second and gerrie28861 first.

It was good to meet Ubermonkey, gerrie28861, Scruff, mcgin, Philossify and PokaJoka for the first time. Best news of the night for me was Mike’s (Ksportz) continuing good health – good on you mate. We left at midnight. Mrs_C and I retreated to our beds. I'll have to leave it to the others to report on further events. Many thanks to Rossy for once again subsidising this event. :ok Mrs_C thanks you all for being such lovely people and making such a good evening. Can’t wait for Brum next month.

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled good to meet you and mrs col as well:okand all the other lads. I notice you didn't mention mrs c having to make you go home;) and we didn't even visit any dodgy clubs afterwards. we did however find a nice little watering hole opposite the rileys(chicago rocks)and carried on till that shut at 2,amazingly we still all had the power of speech and movement and made our way to the hotel. even more amazing we managed to bypass the lap dancing club on the way back ,paul and dave caught a cab while the rest of us ended up back in the irish boys room with half a bottle of vodka and one can of coke:puke. This didnt last long as they still had a bit of a problem with gerrie winning and they are probably still fighting now:lolso me morls and ks thought we'd leave them to it and got off to bed:zzz:zzz. thanks for sorting everything out col and cheers paul for another great pl piss up:clap:clap:clap

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Yet again it was another great night with the PL mad bunch, so i wanna thank Dave (Col_U) and Paul for their efforts in getting this on for us, it was just a shame that more people never attended! It all started rather well when after meeting Uber at the hotel (eventually) we got to Rileys about 5.45pm and decided to have a few games of pool, which i :lol thrashed :lol Uber 4-0.....it was all skill i tell ya! I think the poker has been summed up pretty well from Dave and Benn, however the lucky losers of the 2nd tourney , me, kotp, paul and phil decided to play a few extra $5 stt's and had a good laugh with us all winning one i think.....Well done to Paul for winning the Main Event...fck knows how! Great seeing the lads again, especially KSports who i havent seen for what seems an eternity,Dave and Linda who are 2 of the nicest people you will ever meet and the Irish lads, good craic but by 2am i was struggling to understand a word of what was being said!:rollin Thanks again for a great night and ill see you all again soon!

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Just home there lads after the flights. However much it pains me I must correct MrCol that it was infact mcgin who won the tournie, regardless of how much I was cheering for his good lady wife. I'd have loved it is a five hit on the river. Good evenings entertainment tho definitely, dont think anyone could understand us Irish at 12am when we first entered the pub so I dont think morlspin had much chance of understanding us at 2am! :clap Top notch to Paul for subsidising the whole thing and winning the firsdt tournie. Commiserations to MrsCol_U for finishing runner up. Thanks again folks and sure meet up again in the near future!

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Many thanks to Dave and Paul for organising the whole thing, it was a great night. :clap:clap:clap Hope to see ye all again soon. Morlspin looks like that watford game was a cracker, hope you had a few pound on em. :nana Thanks Again

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Hello everyone, It was great to meet you all on saturday, I had a really enjoyable evening with a great bunch of people and can somehow still remember most of it despite the gallons of alcoholic beverage I poured down my throat. Spent the whole of sunday recovering! I finished just out of the money in both games but I'll take your cash next time lol Thanks to Paul for organising it and thanks to you all for being so welcoming :-)

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Yeah, was a good night. :ok I had to laugh at Phil's face as we were head to head in the 1st game, I went all in every hand and he looked completely lost! :rollin Nice to meet Atilla, a new member and the irish guys, as the irish are always a good laugh. :ok Had to laugh at Gerrie willing the cards to go against his irish compatriot McGin in the head to head against Linda. :lol Scruff seems keen to get a PL Meeting in Cork, who knows, if we can get enough, it could happen. :ok

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled

Scruff and mcgin became the cheerleaders for anyone who was in a pot against gerrie28861. Little good did it do them though. I’ve forgotten who came third, Mrs_C was second and gerrie28861 first.

Lol, didn't think I was that drunk that I imagined winning a tournament ;)
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