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Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled

Afraid I can't commit to this at the moment.
Ditto. Too much uncertainty at the moment with other engagements, therefore unfortunatley will say that we're unable to attend at this time but if things change will shout up, regardless I hope its a successful night for those that do make it.
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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled On behalf of meself Paul, and Scruff and mcgin, we are flying over from Ireland for the weekend. I'd imagine the three of us are still going to play but the lads dont wanna commit but i'd imagine we most likely are gonna play mate. Also, we have two buddies who might be coming but they are unwillingto book the flights etc unless they know they can play the tournie as well. They don't wanna be left out whilst the rest of us 3 are playing like. U know? If you can let me know if they can play(they arent PLer's) but good guys all the same. I will hope to confirm the 5 of us playing next week then. See ye all on the 15th sure! Yeeeeeeelllllllllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwww!!!!

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled

On behalf of meself Paul, and Scruff and mcgin, we are flying over from Ireland for the weekend. I'd imagine the three of us are still going to play but the lads dont wanna commit but i'd imagine we most likely are gonna play mate. Also, we have two buddies who might be coming but they are unwillingto book the flights etc unless they know they can play the tournie as well. They don't wanna be left out whilst the rest of us 3 are playing like. U know? If you can let me know if they can play(they arent PLer's) but good guys all the same. I will hope to confirm the 5 of us playing next week then. See ye all on the 15th sure! Yeeeeeeelllllllllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwww!!!!
Yourself, Scruff and McGin are PL'ers and of course welcome mate. :ok Non PL'ers have created problems at certain PL events recently, but it has been a minority. All I want to see is that the poker is played in the true PL spirit, if I find it isn't then I reserve the right to pull them out of the tourny with their money back. If you say these guys are ok, then that's cool, but under the rules I've stated above. :ok When can you confirm you are definitely coming?
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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Apologies for the late reply, cleaned up firefox which meant the auto login was reset, hence not seeing your PM Paul. I'll make a decision on this in the next few days, might ask a buddy to come along with me so I don't feel like a complete twat on my own, and wont be any trouble of course ;) Btw, whats this about the bar closing at 11? I'll be needing my fix of alcomahol on a regular basis till it's time to go home :gimme

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled

Btw' date=' whats this about the bar closing at 11? I'll be needing my fix of alcomahol on a regular basis till it's time to go home :gimme[/quote'] There are loads of bars open untill 3am in the morning within staggering distance of Rileys. :ok
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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled

Apologies for the late reply, cleaned up firefox which meant the auto login was reset, hence not seeing your PM Paul. I'll make a decision on this in the next few days, might ask a buddy to come along with me so I don't feel like a complete twat on my own, and wont be any trouble of course ;) Btw, whats this about the bar closing at 11? I'll be needing my fix of alcomahol on a regular basis till it's time to go home :gimme
Sounds like they'll be more irish than english at this one! :eek
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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled

On behalf of meself Paul, and Scruff and mcgin, we are flying over from Ireland for the weekend. I'd imagine the three of us are still going to play but the lads dont wanna commit but i'd imagine we most likely are gonna play mate. Also, we have two buddies who might be coming but they are unwillingto book the flights etc unless they know they can play the tournie as well. They don't wanna be left out whilst the rest of us 3 are playing like. U know? If you can let me know if they can play(they arent PLer's) but good guys all the same. I will hope to confirm the 5 of us playing next week then. See ye all on the 15th sure! Yeeeeeeelllllllllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwww!!!!
Can you let me know, how many of you are definitely coming now guys?;) There's 5 of you in that post, and as I see it, 3 are coming or is it 5?:unsure
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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Hi Paul, Myself, mcgin and scruff are definites anyway. We may have one more, he lives in London but cannot confirm at this time. So take it that there's just three of us coming ok. Looking forward to hitting my only out on the river! :)

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled

Hi Paul, Myself, mcgin and scruff are definites anyway. We may have one more, he lives in London but cannot confirm at this time. So take it that there's just three of us coming ok. Looking forward to hitting my only out on the river! :)
Cheers Gerrie. :ok I look forward to taking your chips with 72o. :ok
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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Im going to provisionally pull out for the moment, cant get hold of buddy, and more so i want to know how my exams go before i put anything in concrete. Finished on the 27th so ill give a definite answer then. Cheers

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Guest gazza271

Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled I'm still hpefull for making this game :hope but cant confirm until I get home and look at my shifts. I am supposed to be working but need to check how much leave I have left. You better put me down as a NO untill the end of this month.

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Re: Watford Live Game - Sep 15th - Brighton Cancelled Down to 14 as Kevshat can't make it now, but even if there's only 10 of us, this will go ahead. :ok :nana The cost PL will charge everyone is £10, that will include a buffet and drinks from 7pm when I set the bar tab up until we leave at around midnight. :ok See you all there. :ok

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