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Warts 'n' All


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I'm not under any illusions when I say my game is costing me money. I feel that I'm on the wrong end of so many situations that I have to accept that this is a failing in my game and I need to put it right. I need to play a level consistently until I either go broke or I find a solution. I've decided to play the $6+.60 on Boss. They run at 3pm and 6.30pm and get around 200 runners paying top 20. I'll play them whenever I feel like. My aim in this thread is to post all the hands I get during a tournament. If I get feedback (good or bad) thats fine, if not, well I'll have a record of my progress or demise. I also hope that even if I don't cash in this and fail spectacularly, it will be down to situations that players can't get away from, rather than just my rank stupidity.

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Re: Warts 'n' All Todays 3pm tournament summary. 204 runners total prizepool $1224.00 paying down to 20th. Hand 1: Seat 5 (E.P.): PV23pl [6c, Ah] fold Hand 2: Seat 5(E.P.): PV23pl [Jd, 9s] fold Hand 3:Big Blind Seat 1: sebastiank (1480.00) Seat 2: gorgius (3250.00) Seat 3: Marincol (1570.00) Seat 4: mitxel (1480.00) Seat 5: PV23pl (1500.00) Seat 6: bertalan1 (1400.00) Seat 7: Skovs+ (1500.00) Seat 8: lanchuka (1480.00) Seat 9: Lordjasper (20.00) Seat 10: --klausi-- (1320.00) mitxel post SB 10.00 PV23pl post BB 20.00 ** Deal ** sebastiank [N/A, N/A] gorgius [N/A, N/A] Marincol [N/A, N/A] mitxel [N/A, N/A] PV23pl [7d, 7c] bertalan1 [N/A, N/A] Skovs+ [N/A, N/A] lanchuka [N/A, N/A] Lordjasper [N/A, N/A] --klausi-- [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** bertalan1 Call 20.00 Skovs+ Fold lanchuka Fold Lordjasper All-in 20.00 --klausi-- Call 20.00 sebastiank Raise to 60.00 gorgius Call 60.00 Marincol Call 60.00 mitxel Fold PV23pl Call 60.00 ** I looked at the number of limpers and decided that I could invest the extra 40 chips as long as no one else re-raised** bertalan1 Call 60.00 --klausi-- Call 60.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Ah, 6c, 8h] *** Bet Round 2 *** PV23pl Check bertalan1 Check --klausi-- Check sebastiank Bet 100.00 gorgius Fold Marincol Fold PV23pl Fold bertalan1 Call 100.00 --klausi-- Fold *** Turn(Board): *** : [Ah, 6c, 8h, 7s] PVFC23pl says BLLX *** Bet Round 3 *** bertalan1 Check sebastiank Bet 200.00 bertalan1 Raise to 400.00 sebastiank Raise to 700.00 bertalan1 All-in 1240.00 sebastiank Call 1240.00 *** River(Board): *** : [Ah, 6c, 8h, 7s, 3c] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 3070.00 sebastiank [6h, 6s] Three of a kind, sixes Win: 0.00 gorgius Fold Win: 0.00 Marincol Fold Win: 0.00 mitxel Fold Win: 0.00 PV23pl Fold Win: 0.00 bertalan1 [8c, 8d] Three of a kind, eights Win: 3070.00 PVFC says PHEW! Skovs+ Fold Win: 0.00 lanchuka Fold Win: 0.00 Lordjasper [2s, 2d] Pair of deuces Win: 0.00 --klausi-- Fold Win: 0.00 Although it's very early I feel I dodged a bullet in this hand and I'm satisfied that in calling the raise I did the right thing. Not sure I could have dropped the trip 7's though had I still been in on the turn although the obvious straight was a worry I never expected two other players to make trips from a pocket pair (and why should I?).

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Re: Warts 'n' All Hand 4:Small Blind PV23pl [4h, 2d] fold Hand 5:Button PV23pl [2s, 7c] :$ Hand 6: Cut off PV23pl [3d, 3c] I was tempted to limp with this but the 66,77 and 88 hand earlier scared me into behaving. Hand 7: (L.P.): PV23pl [4d, 3c] fold Hand 8: (L.P.) PV23pl [3h, Jd] fold Hand 9 (M.P.) PV23pl [As, 10h] fold These hand sdo tempt me to limp, but even when I do I seem to walk into trouble. Hand 10 (M.P) PV23pl [9h, 7d] fold Hand 11 (M.P.) PV23pl [2h, Qd] fold Hand 12 (E.P.) PV23pl [9d, 6h] fold Hand 13 (E.P.) PV23pl [5c, 7h] fold Hand 14 (UTG) PV23pl [9d, 6h] fold Hand 15:Big Blind 15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 30 May 2007 15:19:42 Texas Holdem (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: Americano (1990.00) Seat 2: gorgius (5255.00) Seat 3: spitz2 (2255.00) Seat 5: PV23pl (1430.00) Seat 6: bertalan1 (3205.00) Seat 7: Skovs+ (2835.00) Seat 8: lanchuka (1830.00) Seat 9: DOCTOR S (3590.00) Seat 10: cuccureddu (2360.00) PV23pl post BB 30.00 ** Deal ** Americano [N/A, N/A] gorgius [N/A, N/A] spitz2 [N/A, N/A] PV23pl [5c, 7h] bertalan1 [N/A, N/A] Skovs+ [N/A, N/A] lanchuka [N/A, N/A] DOCTOR S [N/A, N/A] cuccureddu [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** bertalan1 Fold Skovs+ Call 30.00 lanchuka Fold DOCTOR S Fold cuccureddu Fold Americano Call 30.00 gorgius Fold spitz2 Fold PV23pl Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [10d, 6h, Ah] *** Bet Round 2 *** PV23pl Check Skovs+ Bet 30.00 Americano Call 30.00 PV23pl Fold Hand 16:Small Blind ***** Hand 633215695 ***** 15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 30 May 2007 15:20:48 Texas Holdem (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: Americano (1930.00) Seat 2: gorgius (5255.00) Seat 3: spitz2 (2255.00) Seat 5: PV23pl (1400.00) Seat 6: bertalan1 (3205.00) Seat 7: Skovs+ (2925.00) Seat 8: lanchuka (1830.00) Seat 9: DOCTOR S (3590.00) Seat 10: cuccureddu (2360.00) PV23pl post SB 15.00 bertalan1 post BB 30.00 ** Deal ** Americano [N/A, N/A] gorgius [N/A, N/A] spitz2 [N/A, N/A] PV23pl [2h, 5c] bertalan1 [N/A, N/A] Skovs+ [N/A, N/A] lanchuka [N/A, N/A] DOCTOR S [N/A, N/A] cuccureddu [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Skovs+ Fold lanchuka Fold DOCTOR S Raise to 120.00 cuccureddu Fold Americano Call 120.00 gorgius Fold spitz2 Call 120.00 PV23pl Fold Hand 17 (Button) PV23pl [7h, 9d] fold Hand 18 (Cut off) PV23pl [5s, 2h] fold Hand 19 (L.P.) PV23pl [3s, Ac] fold Hand 20 (M.P.) PV23pl [Jd, Qc] I decided that were there enough limpers I would play this. ***** Hand 633221558 ***** 25.00/50.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 30 May 2007 15:26:16 Texas Holdem (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: Americano (1080.00) Seat 2: gorgius (5085.00) Seat 3: spitz2 (4415.00) Seat 4: jester242 (2220.00) Seat 5: PV23pl (1385.00) Seat 6: bertalan1 (3035.00) Seat 7: Skovs+ (2880.00) Seat 8: lanchuka (1750.00) Seat 9: DOCTOR S (3030.00) Seat 10: cuccureddu (2180.00) DOCTOR S post SB 25.00 cuccureddu post BB 50.00 ** Deal ** Americano [N/A, N/A] gorgius [N/A, N/A] spitz2 [N/A, N/A] jester242 [N/A, N/A] PV23pl [Jd, Qc] bertalan1 [N/A, N/A] Skovs+ [N/A, N/A] lanchuka [N/A, N/A] DOCTOR S [N/A, N/A] cuccureddu [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Americano Call 50.00 gorgius Fold spitz2 Fold jester242 Call 50.00 PV23pl Call 50.00 bertalan1 Call 50.00 Skovs+ Call 50.00 lanchuka Fold DOCTOR S Fold cuccureddu Check So, no raises and I get to see the flop. *** Flop(Board): *** : [Qh, 4c, Ac] *** Bet Round 2 *** cuccureddu Check Americano Check jester242 Check PV23pl Check bertalan1 Check Skovs+ Bet 50.00 cuccureddu Call 50.00 Americano Call 50.00 jester242 Call 50.00 PV23pl Call 50.00 ***I know I can be criticised here, but I didn't suspect anyone had any more than a weak Ace and felt the implied odds were there.*** bertalan1 Call 50.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Qh, 4c, Ac, Qs] *** Bet Round 3 *** cuccureddu Check Americano Check jester242 Check PV23pl Check *** Why? because I have tripped I don't have to worry about a weak Ace anymore, but my attention turns to pocket 4's or a slow played AQ. I feel the bets by the players after me will tell me without me showing my hand right now.*** bertalan1 Check Skovs+ Bet 50.00 cuccureddu Call 50.00 Americano Fold jester242 Fold PV23pl Call 50.00 *** No reason to re-raise here I feel. The simple min. bet screams that neither of the other players have improved *** bertalan1 Fold *** River(Board): *** : [Qh, 4c, Ac, Qs, Jc] *** Bet Round 4 *** cuccureddu Check PV23pl Bet 150.00 *** I have the second nuts and hope to induce a re-raise here from someone with a flush. With hindsight maybe a bet of 250 may have been better*** Skovs+ Call 150.00 cuccureddu Call 150.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1225.00 Americano Fold Win: 0.00 gorgius Fold Win: 0.00 spitz2 Fold Win: 0.00 jester242 Fold Win: 0.00 PV23pl [Jd, Qc] Full house Win: 1225.00

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Re: Warts 'n' All I think you played this correctly. Calling 40 chips pre flop with any pocket pair is fine and then you got away from it after the flop. With that flop you knew you were behind (although probably not what you were behind to) and folded. In many respects you're lucky because you would have strugled to fold trips when all the money went in on the turn

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Re: Warts 'n' All One bullet dodged, many more to follow. Admirable idea to stick to one type of game, Mr V, where I would also expect you will see some familiar faces (and they you) over the ensuing weeks. I wish you all the best.

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Re: Warts 'n' All The only play I don't like in Hand 20 is the check call on the turn. At that time there are still 6 people in the pot and you really don't want to give them all a free card. As it was the river helped you more than it helped them but it could have been very different with both flush and straights still possible before the river. I would have bet to make people pay to see that final card.

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Re: Warts 'n' All 240 before it gets to you PF - thats good enough to me to call for another 40 and hit trips and a perfect laydown on the flop when you haven't improved can't see anything wrong here? Damo

Todays 3pm tournament summary. PV23pl [7d, 7c] PV23pl Call 60.00 ** I looked at the number of limpers and decided that I could invest the extra 40 chips as long as no one else re-raised** Although it's very early I feel I dodged a bullet in this hand and I'm satisfied that in calling the raise I did the right thing. Not sure I could have dropped the trip 7's though had I still been in on the turn although the obvious straight was a worry I never expected two other players to make trips from a pocket pair (and why should I?).
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Re: Warts 'n' All

Hand 4:Small Blind PV23pl [4h, 2d] fold why fold your SB for only half a bet? unless there is a raise before or not enough limpers? Hand 6: Cut off PV23pl [3d, 3c] I was tempted to limp with this but the 66,77 and 88 hand earlier scared me into behaving. again why not limp for trips? unless there is a raise before you and, most importantly, if you are scared then you best not be playing (sorry to be brutal here), you cannot play scared, just because of what happened before, you should always play your game, not anyones else's Hand 9 (M.P.) PV23pl [As, 10h] fold These hand sdo tempt me to limp, but even when I do I seem to walk into trouble. GF IMHO, I might limp suited A 10 here just for the flush flop/flush draw the rest are standard plays - will critique the main HH next Damo
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Re: Warts 'n' All Hand 21 (M.P.) PV23pl [5s, 5h] Ummed and ahhhed.. Then folded. I need odds of 7 to 1 to play small pocket pairs and I didn't think I was going to get them. As it turned out there were just the blinds playing this one. cuccureddu Call 50.00 Americano Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [5c, 8d, Ad] *** Bet Round 2 *** cuccureddu Bet 50.00 Americano Raise to 100.00 cuccureddu Raise to 350.00 Americano Call 350.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [5c, 8d, Ad, 2s] *** Bet Round 3 *** cuccureddu Bet 350.00 Americano All-in 580.00 cuccureddu Call 580.00 *** River(Board): *** : [5c, 8d, Ad, 2s, As] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1960.00 Americano [8s, 2h] Two pair aces and eights Win: 0.00 cuccureddu [3d, Ah] Three of a kind, aces Win: 1960.00 Should I have limped anyway? Hand 22 (M.P.) PV23pl [2h, 5c] fold Hand 23 (M.P.) PV23pl [10h, Jc] fold*** The flop ended as 10,9,9,9,2... So I'd have had a full house. Should I be limping with these hands on the off chance I hit? I think not. Am I right? Ak os won this pot. *** Hand 24 (E.P) PV23pl [10c, 9s] fold *** Another of those marginals that I generally fold. This time I would have hit the open ended straight on the flop and got my straight on the river.[Qs, 6d, Js, 4d, 8c] Hand 25 Big Blind PV23pl [2d, Ks] Checked down to the river. *** River(Board): *** : [8h, Jc, Qc, 6d, 3d] *** Bet Round 4 *** jester242 Check PV23pl Check cuccureddu Bet 100.00 jester242 Fold PV23pl Fold Hand 25 Small Blind PV23pl [10d, 5d] ***Muppet Play!***:$ ***** Hand 633229114 ***** 25.00/50.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 30 May 2007 15:33:01 Texas Holdem (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: MIGUEL69 (3565.00) Seat 2: gorgius (5035.00) Seat 3: spitz2 (4315.00) Seat 4: jester242 (2420.00) Seat 5: PV23pl (2260.00) Seat 6: bertalan1 (2685.00) Seat 7: Skovs+ (3080.00) Seat 8: lanchuka (1750.00) Seat 9: DOCTOR S (2955.00) Seat 10: cuccureddu (2560.00) PV23pl post SB 25.00 bertalan1 post BB 50.00 ** Deal ** MIGUEL69 [N/A, N/A] gorgius [N/A, N/A] spitz2 [N/A, N/A] jester242 [N/A, N/A] PV23pl [10d, 5d] *** I decide to make up the BB.***:$ bertalan1 [N/A, N/A] Skovs+ [N/A, N/A] lanchuka [N/A, N/A] DOCTOR S [N/A, N/A] cuccureddu [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Skovs+ Call 50.00 lanchuka Call 50.00 DOCTOR S Fold cuccureddu Fold MIGUEL69 Fold gorgius Fold spitz2 Fold jester242 Fold PV23pl Call 50.00 bertalan1 Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [Ad, 9d, 4d] :nana *** Bet Round 2 *** PV23pl Bet 50.00 :unsure :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall bertalan1 Fold Skovs+ Call 50.00 lanchuka Call 50.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Ad, 9d, 4d, 7d] *** Bet Round 3 *** PV23pl Check *** I should give up on the hand here, I tell myself *** Skovs+ Bet 150.00 lanchuka Fold PV23pl Call 150.00 *** Nah fcuk it, he's bluffing. I'm in til the end now *** *** River(Board): *** : [Ad, 9d, 4d, 7d, Qh] *** Bet Round 4 *** PV23pl Check Skovs+ Bet 200.00 PV23pl Call 200.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1050.00 PV23pl Fold Win: 0.00 Skovs+ [9s, Jd] Ace high flush Win: 1050.00 Told you he was bluffing :$ :$ :$ :eyes :eyes :eyes I know I should have tried to stop the hand on the flop and paid the price for my stupidity. Ah well... back to the beginning with 1810 chips. Hand 26 Button: PV23pl [3c, 2d] fold

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Re: Warts 'n' All again don't mind the PF call if you can dump flop, you wnet with your read, however when the turn hit you must raise IMO, there are straight and flush draws out there, so make them pay! river 150 into 700 pot, hmmm dunno, I think you missed a chance on the turn to build a pot worth winning - and defo missed one here - make it 300 at least, in fact make it 341 or something similar! nice hand, just not quite enough to maximise the call from Ace rag etc on the end

PV23pl [Jd, Qc] *** Bet Round 1 *** Americano Call 50.00 gorgius Fold spitz2 Fold jester242 Call 50.00 PV23pl Call 50.00 bertalan1 Call 50.00 Skovs+ Call 50.00 lanchuka Fold DOCTOR S Fold cuccureddu Check So, no raises and I get to see the flop. *** Flop(Board): *** : [Qh, 4c, Ac] *** Bet Round 2 *** cuccureddu Check Americano Check jester242 Check PV23pl Check bertalan1 Check Skovs+ Bet 50.00 cuccureddu Call 50.00 Americano Call 50.00 jester242 Call 50.00 PV23pl Call 50.00 ***I know I can be criticised here, but I didn't suspect anyone had any more than a weak Ace and felt the implied odds were there.*** bertalan1 Call 50.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Qh, 4c, Ac, Qs] *** Bet Round 3 *** cuccureddu Check Americano Check jester242 Check PV23pl Check *** Why? because I have tripped I don't have to worry about a weak Ace anymore, but my attention turns to pocket 4's or a slow played AQ. I feel the bets by the players after me will tell me without me showing my hand right now.*** bertalan1 Check Skovs+ Bet 50.00 cuccureddu Call 50.00 Americano Fold jester242 Fold PV23pl Call 50.00 *** No reason to re-raise here I feel. The simple min. bet screams that neither of the other players have improved *** bertalan1 Fold *** River(Board): *** : [Qh, 4c, Ac, Qs, Jc] *** Bet Round 4 *** cuccureddu Check PV23pl Bet 150.00 *** I have the second nuts and hope to induce a re-raise here from someone with a flush. With hindsight maybe a bet of 250 may have been better*** Skovs+ Call 150.00 cuccureddu Call 150.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1225.00 Americano Fold Win: 0.00 gorgius Fold Win: 0.00 spitz2 Fold Win: 0.00 jester242 Fold Win: 0.00 PV23pl [Jd, Qc] Full house Win: 1225.00
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Re: Warts 'n' All 55 - implied odds? you remember them don't you? by limping you may create the multi-way pot you need anyway Damo

Hand 21 (M.P.) PV23pl [5s, 5h] Ummed and ahhhed.. Then folded. I need odds of 7 to 1 to play small pocket pairs and I didn't think I was going to get them. As it turned out there were just the blinds playing this one.
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Re: Warts 'n' All Hand 27 (Cut off) - PV23pl [Js, Ah] I limp. Miss the flop [7s, 5s, 10s] and fold. To a pot sized bet. Hand won by King high flush. Would a raise to steal the blinds have been sensible? Hand 28 (L.P.) PV23pl [9s, 7h] fold Hand 29 (M.P.) PV23pl [Jc, Qc] fold to a 3 x BB raise, although with one caller there was little action post flop, turn and river. [7c, Ks, 10c, Kc, 4c] Too much respect or correct decision to fold? I feel right folding this to a raise. Hand 30 (M.P.) PV23pl [3d, 2h] fold Hand 31 (M.P.) PV23pl [8c, 7c] fold Hand 32 (E.P.) PV23pl [4h, 3d] fold Hand 33 (UTG) PV23pl [Kc, 6d] fold Hand 34 Big Blind PV23pl [7h, 10h] ***** Hand 633238830 ***** 50.00/100.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 30 May 2007 15:41:38 Texas Holdem (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: MIGUEL69 (3215.00) Seat 2: gorgius (3185.00) Seat 3: spitz2 (4465.00) Seat 4: jester242 (2820.00) Seat 5: PV23pl (1760.00) Seat 6: bertalan1 (2585.00) Seat 7: spadestoday (3600.00) Seat 8: lanchuka (3300.00) Seat 9: DOCTOR S (2805.00) Seat 10: cuccureddu (2560.00) jester242 post SB 50.00 PV23pl post BB 100.00 ** Deal ** MIGUEL69 [N/A, N/A] gorgius [N/A, N/A] spitz2 [N/A, N/A] jester242 [N/A, N/A] PV23pl [7h, 10h] bertalan1 [N/A, N/A] spadestoday [N/A, N/A] lanchuka [N/A, N/A] DOCTOR S [N/A, N/A] cuccureddu [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** bertalan1 Fold spadestoday Call 100.00 lanchuka Fold DOCTOR S Fold cuccureddu Call 100.00 MIGUEL69 Call 100.00 gorgius Call 100.00 spitz2 Call 100.00 jester242 Call 100.00 PV23pl Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [Kh, 10c, 7c] *** Bet Round 2 *** jester242 Check PV23pl Bet 700.00 ***Mindful of my error before with the flush, I'm happy to take it here*** spadestoday Fold cuccureddu Call 700.00 MIGUEL69 Fold gorgius Fold spitz2 Fold jester242 Fold *** Turn(Board): *** : [Kh, 10c, 7c, 3c] *** Bet Round 3 *** PV23pl All-in 960.00 ***The post flop pot sized bet has pretty much got me pot committed, so I push.*** cuccureddu Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 2100.00 I don't think anyone can complain about that one, personally.

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Re: Warts 'n' All

Hand 23 (M.P.) PV23pl [10h, Jc] fold*** The flop ended as 10,9,9,9,2... So I'd have had a full house. Should I be limping with these hands on the off chance I hit? I think not. Am I right? Ak os won this pot. *** Hand 24 (E.P) PV23pl [10c, 9s] fold *** Another of those marginals that I generally fold. This time I would have hit the open ended straight on the flop and got my straight on the river.[Qs, 6d, Js, 4d, 8c]
No! you should be raising! (well I do anyway) I consider J 10 a raising hand in position, it can win you a lot of chips. Yes dump it if the situation doesn't feel right but occasionally raise with this type of hand. If the blinds call they will put you on higher and you can outplay them PF. If you hit the flop then bingo they will try and outplay you and come unstuck. I never limp with this type of hand it shows your hand, fold or raise :ok
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Re: Warts 'n' All Hand 28 Small Blind PV23pl [Kd, Ac] *** Bet Round 1 *** spadestoday Fold lanchuka Fold DOCTOR S Fold cuccureddu Call 100.00 MIGUEL69 Fold gorgius Fold spitz2 Call 100.00 jester242 Fold PV23pl Raise to 500.00 All fold. Hand 29 Button:PV23pl [Jh, 8c] fold Hand 30 Cut off:PV23pl [10d, Ah] Player raised 3 x BB and I fold. Hand 31 (L.P.) PV23pl [Jd, 9d] fold Hand 32 M.P. PV23pl [As, 6h] fold Hand 33 PV23pl [Qd, As] I'll post this then I'm off to get the body armour. :$ :$ :$ :$ :$ ***** Hand 633244333 ***** 50.00/100.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 30 May 2007 15:46:30 Texas Holdem (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: MIGUEL69 (3115.00) Seat 2: gorgius (2985.00) Seat 3: spitz2 (4265.00) Seat 4: jester242 (2720.00) Seat 5: PV23pl (3360.00) Seat 7: spadestoday (3350.00) Seat 8: lanchuka (3100.00) Seat 9: DOCTOR S (2805.00) Seat 10: cuccureddu (4595.00) cuccureddu post SB 50.00 MIGUEL69 post BB 100.00 ** Deal ** MIGUEL69 [N/A, N/A] gorgius [N/A, N/A] spitz2 [N/A, N/A] jester242 [N/A, N/A] PV23pl [Qd, As] spadestoday [N/A, N/A] lanchuka [N/A, N/A] DOCTOR S [N/A, N/A] cuccureddu [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** gorgius Fold spitz2 Fold jester242 Fold PV23pl Call 100.00 *** I don't know what I was thinking when I limped. Although in truth I should make it a rule of thumb to myself never to go out on a hand that I limp with*** spadestoday Fold lanchuka Call 100.00 DOCTOR S Raise to 400.00 cuccureddu Fold MIGUEL69 Fold PV23pl Call 400.00 - I'm happy to call the 4 x BB raise (another 300 for me to go) lanchuka Call 400.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Js, Qc, 7s] *** Bet Round 2 *** PV23pl Check - ***I want to see whether the initial raiser has KK... I expect him to bet.*** lanchuka Check DOCTOR S Check - *** Turn(Board): *** : [Js, Qc, 7s, Ad] *** Bet Round 3 *** PV23pl Bet 1000.00 ***Top 2 pair with a flush draw I'm happy to take it now**** lanchuka Call 1000.00 DOCTOR S Fold *** River(Board): *** : [Js, Qc, 7s, Ad, 2d] *** Bet Round 4 *** PV23pl All-in 1960.00 ***I honestly thought I had him*** lanchuka All-in 1700.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 6750.00 PV23pl [Qd, As] Two pair aces and queens Win: 0.00 lanchuka [7c, 7h] Three of a kind, sevens Win: 6750.00 I don't feel that I played that badly, apart from the bet on the river. Anway with 200 odd chips left and blinds at 75/150 I didn't last much longer, with; Hand 34 PV23pl [10d, 4s] fold Hand 35 PV23pl [6s, 3d] fold Hand 36 PV23pl [3c, 4d] fold I went out on my BB holding J3 os in 83rd.

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Re: Warts 'n' All

why fold your SB for only half a bet? unless there is a raise before or not enough limpers?
Because you are out of position for the rest of the hand ... when you half hit you'll end up spending too much finding out where you are... 99% of players lose on the small blind with good cards, let alone with bad cards!!!!
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Re: Warts 'n' All

too much limping going on mate you need to raise and raise big on Boss' date=' did you notice the guy with the 7's wasn't limping?[/quote'] I agree, too much limping and hoping to hit a flop - when you hit, you bet, when you miss you fold. You need to vary your play a bit more IMHO, in the entire MTT you only raised once pre flop with AKo. They all folded to your raise. Why? Well I'd suggest they knew you'd never raised pre flop before. Why not try that when you've got suited connectors, or in late position when no one else has bet at all? It will cost you chips from time to time but also makes people wonder what you're holding. Often you can fold these if you miss the flop without anyone knowing what you raised with in the first place.
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Re: Warts 'n' All

I'm 5th out of 51 in the 6.30 tourney atm.... :hope Played crap as well. :lol
Yes but to get there you got short stacked, pushed with KJo and got a wee bit lucky with a J on the river, followed immediately by an all in with QQ v 1010 v AKs when your queens held up.:tongue2 Sorry, you did ask for an honest and frank opinion.
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Re: Warts 'n' All

55 - implied odds? you remember them don't you? by limping you may create the multi-way pot you need anyway Damo
Totally agree - small pocket pairs are gold in MTT's IMO, easily dropped postflop when they miss and can be lethal when they hit. Don't think 7/1 on the single hand ! - if i have 7 pocket pairs in a tourney and hit one time i could easily stack someone playing Ace-large for instance. I would probably only not play a small PP if i had 22 or 33 UTG and playing on an aggressive table.
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Re: Warts 'n' All

:wall :wall :wall :wall Just done 81 out of 139 hands in my hand history from the 6:30 tourney... I can't find the rest (and therefore my demise). I'm not sure I want to do this in stages.... I'm sorry all. :sad
Don't worry about it :dude
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Re: Warts 'n' All I meant to add this last night but got caught up with other things. Once you got to be the chip leader on your table I expected you to use that to your advantage more than you appeared to. Obviously I have no knowledge of what cards you had, and I did see an occasional 2K raise pre flop, but I was expecting a bit more bullying from you. I've seen the way you play 72o so know that you're willing and able to do it. I know that at that stage of the tournament it's a tough time because the short stacks are going all in a lot, but things like suited connectors aren't that far behind pocket pairs, particularly when there were some very loose players such as Eddiebow at your table. I failed to watch your last few hands as SO crashed (that's never happened before has it!!)

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