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** Congratulations to Imavillan who wins £250 in the Last Man Standing II Competition **

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In my opinion MTT are pretty pointless to play in. NL Hold'em we're talking here :). With there being hundreds of people there are a lot of different characters out there on the world wide web. 'Kamikaze' to me sums up a lot of the people who go all-in virtually with everyhand. Now, of course a lot will go out straight away, however, a lot will win a couple of all-ins and build a big stack then sit on it. The problems with the 'kamikazes' is if they strike lucky v u in an all-in you're out straight away, but if you're like me you want to be in for the long-haul and so will play pretty tight early on. Bringing me to my second point. If you're like me and play fairly tight then this means you wait for hands, but a good hand is rare to come by, and particularly rare is a hand which you feel will beat a 'kamikaze' because for all you know he could have bullets the one time you call them. This method means you more often then not will have more or less the same stack you started with but there will be an ocean's gap which has developed from you to the top players in the tourn and so the money slots are a distant dream. In summary MTT imho are all about getting hands (sounds obvious, right?) i.e. you need to be extremely lucky to get far in the tourn by getting a lot of decent hands as it's pretty impossible to bluff and if you stay tight you get cut adrift. I rarely play MTT these days but used to and thought i'd get your thoughts on these tournaments - am i missing something really obvious to get far in these tourns? The highest i got was 10th once past about 500players (probably through luck rather then judgment, i can't remember) but now my games totally adjusted to STT and mainly cash games - Which i consistently win at. Do you guys consistently get wins in MTT? If so :notworthy


Re: MTT - Bit of a joke? Your edge (and therefore profit) will never be greater than when you are playing against kamikaze players going all in every hand ...... you just need to make sure you adjust your game correctly to beat the people throwing their money away..... You have the maniacs go up against one another early on .....one of them will win, the rest will get knowcked out. That means you have a large stack who doesn't know how to play the game. Blinds are still low - you still have time in your stack ...... the idiot who doesn't know how to play the game will very seldom win .... you just need to play correctly against him (i.e. patiently and without bluffing)...... I do significantly better in MTTs than I do in cash games or STTs. I dont think MTTs are all about getting hands - for me they are all about stack management and adjusting your "gear" accordingly ..... the cards are far less important than in cash games......

as it's pretty impossible to bluff
That's easy then - dont do it!!! Until later in the tournament when you can get away with it!! Don't bluff someone who will call with Ace high!!!!

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