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NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th)

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) Word of note folks, Gower is going to play. He hasn't been passed fit per se, but he's going to line up nonetheless (at least according to the commentators). While we are discussing other stuff, what's everyone on tonight in the cricket? Sri Lanka look a little bit of value but this is one where I've no real interest in cheering on an 'enemy' side. Think I might look at Hayden and Ponting to hit a 50, if just one of them does I'll get a profit and the form both are in I think this will be a decent play.

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) Crouch mate,I'm on Sri Lanka,but I hope Aussie win,confusing aye!lol If anyone is going to beat you guys it them,should be a good watch in between the Football regardless,Good Luck to the Aussie's and Sri Lankans. Good Luck Dingotech,enjoy your night out,hopefully your bets will come in and then you'll have to down some shots to celebrate. Loki,that is a possibilty.

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) While we're talking about the cricket, Glenn Mcgrath recently voted player of the tournament taking 25+ wickets. Considering this is the last salute by Australia's greatest fast bowler I think he has something special stored up his sleeve. 3/10units Glenn Mcgrath Man of the Match @$11 I also have a multi on Chelsea 2 or more goals, ManU/Everton +2.5goals, Arsenal by 2 or more goals. 5/10units Reasoning: Chelsea simply cannot lose here and against a Bolton team that is staggering towards the finishing line with a depleted squad it is easy pickings. Chelsea will rest a few players for the CL match but their second string would still romp Bolton with this sort of motivation. Man United have 22 out of 34 over 2.5 goal games in the Premiership this year. Considering their makeshift defence I think they will concede at least 1 but they have some superb individual talent to score plenty as well. Arsenal are due to spank a team sometime soon and there is not a more prime target than a mediocre Fulham team which have leaked goals all season. With the pressure off and their CL position virtually assured look a free flowing Young Gunners team to absolutely smash a dismal Fulham team at Ashburn Grove.

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) One Plus i guess is i backed em at full stakes on OLBG... who else is signed up there... its a nice little bit of fun the kinda place were u put some of your more outside bets on and watch them all win when you didnt place real money on em... arrrrgg :lol :lol :lol :lol Even funnier 34-12 panthers are gone..... tries every 5 sec 34-16 k2c

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) need a little advice.. i placed $100 on Australia at the start of the world cup @3.10 should i put $100 on sri lanka.. and i will make about $100 profit irrespective of the result... or about $40 on sri lanka so that i break even if they win.. or do i balls it out and stick with my initial bet on Aus

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) Not looking good,oh well,we had to get some wrong eventually,anyway... D3Z1R3 it's up to you,if you are unsure then cover yourself,if not then don't. Bozz buddy not good news on the Serie A Torino vs Milan (just shorts here,it's to long) Milan can stay in 4th regardless and they have a very important match comming up mid week,but Torino has'nt been that good of late and even though should be up for this match,it's not solid.Barone,Bovo and Pancaro all out for Torino,Kaluzo,Gattuso both out for Milan and some others but KaKa will be playing with Ronaldo and Gilardino and Milan willl not be a push over.Maybe a draw but leaning towards Milan,to much strike power. Leave this match alone. Fiorentina vs Cheivo Fiorentina have been one of the form sides in the Serie A for the last couple of months,but over their last 3 have'nt played as well. Fiorentina are without Toni,Donadel,Santano and Potenzo all out for Viola. Mandelli,Scurto,D'Anna,Moro,Cozzolino and Cossatto all out for Cheivo. Fiorentina are missing major strike power and while this match looks lop sided it might not be the case. A draw is a possibillity,if not leave alone. Sorry Fellas. Sorry for the dud tips on the NRL as well. The whole world is on Portsmouth,trust me they are!!!!

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) damn.... looks like we all pulled blanks. Manly look comprehensively beaten, and I also lost a small bet on the Crusdaders-Brumbies game. Oh well, lets hope the Premier League can put the wind back in the sails:clap

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) D3Z, I'd make a half hedge and back Sri Lanka so you wont have a loss, but I've engineer most of the profit to be on Australia. As for Manly game, that sucked. Kinda funny that the game I make a line play it goes down. Like I said, a market I've never been much good at!

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th)

Bozz buddy not good news on the Serie A Torino vs Milan (just shorts here,it's to long) Milan can stay in 4th regardless and they have a very important match comming up mid week,but Torino has'nt been that good of late and even though should be up for this match,it's not solid.Barone,Bovo and Pancaro all out for Torino,Kaluzo,Gattuso both out for Milan and some others but KaKa will be playing with Ronaldo and Gilardino and Milan willl not be a push over.Maybe a draw but leaning towards Milan,to much strike power. Leave this match alone. Fiorentina vs Cheivo Fiorentina have been one of the form sides in the Serie A for the last couple of months,but over their last 3 have'nt played as well. Fiorentina are without Toni,Donadel,Santano and Potenzo all out for Viola. Mandelli,Scurto,D'Anna,Moro,Cozzolino and Cossatto all out for Cheivo. Fiorentina are missing major strike power and while this match looks lop sided it might not be the case. A draw is a possibillity,if not leave alone. Sorry Fellas. Sorry for the dud tips on the NRL as well. The whole world is on Portsmouth,trust me they are!!!!
Unlucky Manly! Thanks for the info jumbo:ok Only 2 bets for 2nite, Fiorentina no clean sheet & +1 Portsmouth. GL all im off to watch Everton/Man U
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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) Good calls there Bozz,lucky to keep away from Torino. Did you take Man U over 2.5? Easy money. I won't be putting up NRL looks today untill before kick off as I'd really like to see what the rest of you are gonna come up with,so good luck to all,i'll be posting late. Also to anyone intrested,after a good look around i'm on the Rockets to beat the Jazz today before the League starts if anyones keen.

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th)

Good calls there Bozz,lucky to keep away from Torino. Did you take Man U over 2.5? Easy money. I won't be putting up NRL looks today untill before kick off as I'd really like to see what the rest of you are gonna come up with,so good luck to all,i'll be posting late. Also to anyone intrested,after a good look around i'm on the Rockets to beat the Jazz today before the League starts if anyones keen.
Hey bro just got back from city only to find out Chievo never scored, but i did back Portsmouth DNB 2.20. Nah i forgot about the Man U game:@ . Looks like Man U have wrapped up the Premiership. Milan/Torino, i just read that Milan fielded some of the big guns, but it burns me to read previews before only to find out they play!
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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) Bozz mate and everyone else,heres the site that my mate writes for,you guys like Euro Football and I see all the Betshoot tipsters have all their Serie A plays up already so check them out but another good site for Euro Football is www,freebetting.net/bettingpicks.php This site is fantastic,they have good write ups and good info on matches in Europe,I would advise those intrested in the Euro Football tonight to check it out,my mate and his buddys are truly good with the Euro Football,Get in there fella and check it out,also if anyone go's there tell me what you guys think.

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th)

manly arent lookn good at the moment :( off topic ive taken 3pts Portsmoth +0.5 @1.53 3pts Everton Man Utd over 2.5goals @1.80 3pts Man City Aston Villa under 2.5 goals @1.60
Bro with the Aussie win in the Cricket,you've had a fantastic day,well done to you my friend.:ok
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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) Jumbo I'm taking Denver 2day on the ML @2.10 and considering Rockets... is the Handicap useless or are you taking it? Personally i prefer the money line when teams are under +3 (generally speaking) just because usually if i pick a team i think it can win outright by a good few points and the 2pt diff 4 up 2 .40 is value to take ML... what do you think jumbo you seem 2 know your stuff. Mind you I'm saying this having never lost because of taking ML rather than Handicap in this situation...

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th) thanks jumbo, i also had 5pts Nadal 2-0 vs Ferrer @1.33 3pts Nadal 2-0/Aus to hit more 6's @2.10 so turned out alright :) i took some advice and put 3pts on Sri Lanka to hedge but that wouldnt have even covered my initial bet so cheering that Aus won..on to the NRL

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Re: NRL Rugby - Round 7 (April 25th 30th)

Jumbo I'm taking Denver 2day on the ML @2.10 and considering Rockets... is the Handicap useless or are you taking it? Personally i prefer the money line when teams are under +3 (generally speaking) just because usually if i pick a team i think it can win outright by a good few points and the 2pt diff 4 up 2 .40 is value to take ML... what do you think jumbo you seem 2 know your stuff. Mind you I'm saying this having never lost because of taking ML rather than Handicap in this situation...
I'm of the same opinion as you bro,1 or 2 points in nothing and I follow and take the risk of the h2h,I do have larger wagers on the points starts but today i'm not,I very much like Houston to win,they have been bad in patches of their matches but are still a better side than Utah,so i'll willing to take the Risk. I to was intrested in the Denver match but i've taken them to cover the total instead of the h2h although it would not surprize me if Denver won. I hope that helps you bro.
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