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Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added


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Looks a good one :ok


Welcome to the Radio Series of Poker! We have a series of 8 tournaments with 4 being freerolls and 4 being buy in events. You can compete for Rounder's Radio Points over the course of the series. At the end, the top 10 Freeroll Point Leaders and the top 30 Buy In Point Leaders will square off in a winner take all Final Event where the winner will get a $12,000 2007 WSOP Main Event Package from bodog!
Tournament Dates:
  • April 14th, 4:30 PM ET - Freeroll
  • April 21st, 4:30 PM ET - $5.50 Buy In
  • April 28th, 4:30 PM ET - Freeroll
  • May 5th, 4:30 PM ET - $5.50 Buy In
  • May 12th, 4:30 PM ET - Freeroll
  • May 19th, 4:30 PM ET - $5.50 Buy In
  • May 26th, 4:30 PM ET - Freeroll
  • June 2nd, 4:30 PM ET - $5.50 Buy In
  • June 9th, 4:30 PM ET - FINAL!

Full details here - http://www.roundersradio.com/wsop.htm
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Re: Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added I couldn't find it last night either ..... starts at 21:30 BST tomorrow I think...... imagine they'll put it in the lobby later (you can get the password in the build up to the tourney on the radio station, or through the radio station chat box)

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Re: Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added lol .... yeah ..... thought it had the potential to be quite good when I found it .... but ....... yawn...... Who's going to phone in and plug PL then? :tongue2 (0207 993 6143 :nana :cow :nana :cow)

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Re: Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added fooked that up, had a nice stack. Had Q9 in BB folded to SB who called. flop 8 9 9 - SB bets small, I raise. 10 on the turn, I go all in without even thinking about it - SB calls quickly holding 6 7 :lol :lol Hate drinking and playing poker - gl those who left..

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Re: Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added out 71st or there abouts,,i am bb with 5/6 and get to see the flop. flop is 4/7/7/ feel good about this and as short stacked go all in,,utg calls,rest fold he has 4/4 ooooops

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Re: Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added Out in about 78th :sad Had AK and shoved - called by AT and he hit the straight!!! :sad Looking great value though - how many will the buy in games get? Not many and with 30 qualifying for the final ... the buy in games are, IMO unmissable!!!!

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Re: Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added

Christ, gotta listen to this drivel for another 10 mins.. Originally Posted by Teazz(BPP) viewpost.gif Im only listening to the radio for last ten minutes before it starts next time. :zzz Don't blame you there
Hello all. I'm glad to feel the warmth and appreciation for all of the hard work we did to put together this extremely valuable promotion that we opened up to various forums around the web! We will be sure to add TPL to the top of our list when we send out the info for our future promos. Best of luck in the tourneys! ALakeOfFire, Rounder's Radio Host
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Re: Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added

I'm glad to feel the warmth and appreciation for all of the hard work we did to put together this extremely valuable promotion that we opened up to various forums around the web! We will be sure to add TPL to the top of our list when we send out the info for our future promos. Best of luck in the tourneys! ALakeOfFire, Rounder's Radio Host
Bad hair day?
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Re: Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added :welcome to PL alakeoffire, no-one is disputing the hard work put in to organise the tournament and it is much appreciated,i believe tho that the difference in radio culture is a bit hard to fathom for some of us :D keep up the good work:ok

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Re: Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added Ooops LakeofFire, you weren't supposed to find this thread. :tongue2 :welcome to PL and thanks for posting (in spite of the comments) I do feel a little embarressed about my comments now and apologise if there was excessive negativity. So I'll start be reitterating the positive: I said "thought it had the potential to be quite good when I found it " - and I do - I have an insatiable appetite to improve my game, so am always interested in somewhere that will provoke me to think about my game :ok If you can do that, then, in my book you will have succeeded. I disagree with LDS a little - whilst SkyPoker is an example of a poor broadcast, I think PokerNightLive is a great example of a good broadcast :ok (and I am sure that PNL has significantly improved my awareness of the game and situations). There is no question that you have done fantastically well to get a promotion like this too .... a WSOP main event package for an 8 game series is superb :ok The criticisms, and I'm trying to make this in a constructive manner probably come in 2 parts. Firstly, along the lines of what teaulc said, it's cultural (and I can understand it because we have the same issue here - not sure we have any US Poker Players in the forum - most are from the UK, but some from the rest of Europe and Australia too) - you are obviously American and so you have an American focus - you express times in ET (as you would - similarly we express times in GMT/BST), but beyond that, in the show I listened to, you were talking about Ice Hockey .... and had a phone in quiz relating to it ..... you were asking "easy" questions like "Who is the president of the National Hockey Federation?" - I've never heard of the National Hockey Federation (or any of the teams you were talking about), let alone have any idea who the president is - when you devote significant time to US domestic sports, I think you have to expect an "international" audience to switch off. You've obviously made a great effort to include the international Poker Players, evidenced by the London Phone Number you provide, but you should be aware that if you go off topic from poker to domestic US discussion, you will lose non US listeners at this point.... Secondly, the vast majority of the poker discussion that there was seemed to be bad beats. Whether it be on Radio, on TV or on Forums, bad beats are sooooo boring!!! I'd like your discussions to be thought provoking on the strategy of the game, but please - no bad beats (even bad beats disguised as strategy)!!! It may be that I was just unlucky with the show I tuned in to - hopefully I'll find the next one more interesting :ok But thanks for a great promotion and I really wish you every success with the radio - I'm sure you'll get there :ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added

i will be there,just listening to their radio now,alice cooper...schools out..:cow :cow :cow followed by hey jude class records
Listening as well, been some pretty decent music tbh ;)
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Guest gazza271

Re: Rounders Radio/Bodog Buy In and Freeroll League - $12,000 WSOP Added Been out for the day and now home on the beer, been listening for 15 mins and desperate for a pee but scared of missing the password :lol :lol :lol

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