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Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April


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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April

i knocked him out in 5th or 4th all over now my 1st ever champions lge win and my 1st torny win in over a year or there abouts so lets hope its the 1st of many more to come :beer
Hehe - cheers Tel, and well done :clap :clap Bad luck chess :tongue2
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April

i reckon its a tell now......if you have QQ dont push....someone will call with AA' date=' thats 3 times in 3 games its happened on paradise[/quote'] I called him. :(
DodgerAvon also had AA 3 times in first ten minutes...that's a hell of a lot of aces tonight!
Only with the help of the flop, not in my hand. :ok
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April I would join the chorus of ''Well done, Telboy'', if only he hadn't done this on the bubble... Table "PPP League 5" (MTT) -- Seat 2 is the button Seat 2: kippe6 (7,340 in chips) Seat 4: tel16 (16,100 in chips) Seat 6: kristobalZ (10,465 in chips) Seat 7: l4ngers (16,685 in chips) Seat 9: DodgerPL (5,245 in chips) Seat 10: chess72 (7,165 in chips) tel16 : Ante (75) kristobalZ: Ante (75) l4ngers : Ante (75) DodgerPL: Ante (75) chess72 : Ante (75) kippe6 : Ante (75) tel16 : Post Small Blind (600) kristobalZ: Post Big Blind (1,200) Dealing... Dealt to DodgerPL [ Kd ] Dealt to DodgerPL [ Ac ] l4ngers : Fold DodgerPL: Raise (3,000) chess72 : Fold kippe6 : Fold tel16 : Raise (5,000) kristobalZ: Fold DodgerPL: Call All-in (2,170) {So heads up Tel shows his KQ}... *** FLOP *** : [ Js Kh 4d ] *** TURN *** : [ Js Kh 4d ] [ As ] *** RIVER *** : [ Js Kh 4d As ] [ Ts ] tel16 said, "sorry" kristobalZ said, "ul" *** SUMMARY *** Pot: 11,990 | Board: [ Js Kh 4d As Ts ] kippe6 lost 75 (folded) tel16 bet 5,675, collected 12,420, net +6,745 (showed hand) [ Ks Qc ] (a straight, ten to ace) kristobalZ lost 1,275 (folded) l4ngers lost 75 (folded) DodgerPL lost 5,245 (showed hand) [ Kd Ac ] (two pair, aces and kings) chess72 lost 75 (folded) DodgerPL said ''Now THAT HURTS'' .......................................... In all seriousness, well done on your win and well done all who made the money and, for the record, I still love poker!

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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April im sorry to have done that to ya on the river i do hate being done on the river and for some unforseen miracle the bloody river actually helped me (makes a bloody change) . and to be honest if i was in your shoes i would have been fing and blinding :wall. maybe you will pay me back tonight

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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April 8 of us on the final table tonight :loon but couldnt quite bag the win. :( Well done to morlspin in 2nd :clap then davey, milbet, chess, strider, mcarthur, kippe6 and Teazz. :nana Table to follow later, sorry folks, got to go for now. I'll be back......

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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April Cheers guys. :ok Back sooner than I expected and seeing as it's so exciting (and that runadrum switched my PC on to have a nosey anyway) I'll do the table now. Ahh, was sat looking out at the sea and taking in the fresh air in Poole at 6.30 this evening. Back in Bradford by 11.45!

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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April A quick look for the possible winners: Any of the top 10, plus tel and tonyd, can still overhaul chess's current score if they win. Millbet, Teazz, RandR, GaF and tel can still do it with a 2nd. In fact Millbet can do it with 8th. 11th upwards improves chess's score, 2nd puts him safe from all but millbet. The last update I can find on the official site is round 6 :eyes (tho I was sure I'd cross-checked a more recent one), so remember this is unofficial. I'm away for the weekend, not sure what time back Sunday evening, but I will hopefully be able to do an in-running update during the game. But if you don't see me in the thread please can someone put up the result. Good luck everyone, just make sure it's a PL win. :hope

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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April out in 22nd. i had two hands all night, AA when short stacked, i done min raise, everyone folds. 2 hands later on BB i had KK, pushed all in, called by A2.. bye bye... good luck to everyone apart from those who could knock me out of the top 20!!

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