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Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April


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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April

So morl, what was tonight's horror story? I'm suffering "top pair with slightly worse kicker-itis" at the moment. McG
3rd hand, i get QQ, 1 small raise to 40, i 10 x to 400......he gos all in.....i call and he turns over KK......same shite different day lol
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April :welcome to PL kippe6. Sorry about knocking you out on the bubble on Tuesday in the Betfair MKOPT. A wealth of tips and hints on this forum - and stacks of added value. Have a look at the Wednesday MTT league on SO. See you around - and don't forget to say hi McG

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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April

:welcome to PL kippe6. Sorry about knocking you out on the bubble on Tuesday in the Betfair MKOPT. A wealth of tips and hints on this forum - and stacks of added value. Have a look at the Wednesday MTT league on SO. See you around - and don't forget to say hi McG
what the wed mtt and where is it:gimme
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April

what the wed mtt and where is it:gimme
kippe6, have a look at the sticky threads on the Poker Tourneys page, under " SO Boss PL MTT - April ". Held every Wednesday, i t only costs $1 to enter, but there are some nice additions for the monthly league for Punter's Lounge members. However, just one final word of warning - it is the toughest $1 competition around. :wall
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April Well hi all figured my name needed to go in orange and spent enough time admiring avons work thought i should at least contribute from time to time.(strider 239)should give millbet a chance to discuss our h/u a couple of weeks ago also :$ All the best off to browse some more.

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