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Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April


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Details up on the Paradise site now - link for the password is here: http://www.sportingoddsgames.com/c/p...er-league.html The Paradise Poker League Welcome to the Paradise Poker League! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday throughout the month there will be a round of the premier League. Each round has a $3 buy-in and as well as paying out as a regular multi table tourney the top 20 players will also win league points (see below for structure). Your best 5 points finishes throughout the month count to your final score and at the end of the month there is a $5000 prize pot to be paid to the top finishers! Each first place will win a seat to a live poker event and in April a seat to the European Poker Classic in London in July 2007 will be awarded to top spot. The £1500 main event is played over 4 days so will be a fantastic experience of real pro tournament play. Best of luck to all! Prizes 1st - A £1500 seat at the European Poker Classic in July 2007 plus travel and accommodation. 2nd - $400 3rd - $300 4th - $200 5th - $100 6th-10th - $50 11th-20th - $25 Poker League Password As this tournament is only open to the Paradise UK players each round will be password protected. April's Password - have a guess or see the site ;) April League Schedule (*need to double check re GMT/BST) Round 1 - 19:30 GMT Sunday 1st April Round 2 - 19:30 GMT Tuesday 3rd April Round 3 - 19:30 GMT Thursday 5th April Round 4 - 19:30 GMT Sunday 8th April Round 5 - 19:30 GMT Tuesday 10th April Round 6 - 19:30 GMT Thursday 12th April Round 7 - 19:30 GMT Sunday 15th April Round 8 - 19:30 GMT Tuesday 17th April Round 9 - 19:30 GMT Thursday 19th April Round 10 - 19:30 GMT Sunday 22nd April Round 11 - 19:30 GMT Tuesday 24th April Round 12 - 19:30 GMT Thursday 26th April Round 13 - 19:30 GMT Sunday 29th April Every round has a $3 buy-in. Scoring System Your top 5 Champions League performances throughout the month will count towards your final score.

PositionNicknamePointsCounted Scores
Finishing PositionPlace Points
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April

Well played top PL'ers tonight milber in 3rd and shuby in 5th, with tel (you don't need to vote to get these points ;) ), mcarthur and GaF also on the final table. Sad to see morl resort to the fenner-inspired tactics of sitting out for points so soon in the month. :lol GaF (equal) top of the heap. :clap :cow
Well done all, i was out tonight so i was well chuffed to get in the points! :nana
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April

aint playing this shite anymore' date=' gl all[/quote'] explanation..... morls flopped a set of sixes,flop gave me nut flush draw,he went all in,i called and hit my flush on turn.i did apologise gra but i think you were still kicking the computer at the time
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April

explanation..... morls flopped a set of sixes,flop gave me nut flush draw,he went all in,i called and hit my flush on turn.i did apologise gra but i think you were still kicking the computer at the time
no worries mate, the post wasnt aimed at you, it was more of an ARRRGGGHHHHHH......... the number of times ive been ahead on the flop and been screwed is unreal this last week or so, trips beaten by flushes, full houses beaten by quads and just general shite in the poker league, i think thats 3 in a row ive been 1st out appologies if i offended you mate:ok
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April

aint playing this shite anymore' date=' gl all[/quote'] you think yourself lucky 2nd hand raised to 90 with 10 a got reraised allin so i called (never 1 to turn down a gamble) and was very happy to see a lunatic called fivepenny turn on 2 3 (off suit i might add), flop came down JJQ and i dont need to tell you the rest- what makes it worse is he is a PLer (what a clown)
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April

you think yourself lucky 2nd hand raised to 90 with 10 a got reraised allin so i called (never 1 to turn down a gamble) and was very happy to see a lunatic called fivepenny turn on 2 3 (off suit i might add), flop came down JJQ and i dont need to tell you the rest- what makes it worse is he is a PLer (what a clown)
its glceud, last months winner!:ok
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April

its glceud' date=' last months winner!:ok[/quote'] glc you should be ashamed of yourself :$ from now on i will address you as 'clown' and i'd love to see you do that live to a player with reputation :rollin i've calmed down a bit now, but if you win the live event would you be sooo kind and give me a bit of money for a new keyboard and monitor :D :D
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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April After recent success in freerolls I have decided to adopt my "its better to start with twice as many chips as the field strategy"to all tourneys. Wouldnt mind a poll on which is better, making a move with any 2 cards or calling an all in with ace/ten, I mean what could you possibly be ahead off? Actually I just wanted to watch Minty get his leg over in Eastenders so you ruined my whole night, I even missed the 10 o'clock repeat.

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Re: Paradise/Sporting Odds Poker League - April lol - touche!!! Sorry Elm - have to agree with glceud!!!! Hate both plays, but of the 2, I'd much rather go all in with 23o than call wih AT (you omitted to tell us your cards :tongue2) - what do you think you are ahead of? Even v 23o, you are less than 65% to win (assuming rainbow)

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