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Singapore Masters ~ Euro Golf

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Singapore Masters: Winner
Wednesday 7 March 2007 - 23:00 GMT
Related events...Tournament Match BetsWinnerPlace Betting Top 5Place Betting Top 10
Best odds/All oddsv15.gifv6004.gifv6074.gifv1.gifv6006.gifv2.gifv3.gifv6124.gifv6002.gifv10.gifv6018.gifv502.gifv6005.gifv401.gif
Howell, D17171717151517171717191516.518
Westwood, L1517171715151717191719151719
Clarke, D2119212121212121212323212124
Dyson, S2326262623212626212621262226
Dougherty, N2626212623212629232929262327
Jaidee, T2326262121262926262923262829
Singh, JM2926262626262626292629262529
Hanson, P3434293434343434293429343236
Katayama, S4134414134262941414141343846
Randhawa, J4141514141515151415141413848
Haig, A51515141515151-515151514650
Derksen, R51414151415141-415134344755
Kapur, S4141514134514151515141514755
Liang, WC4141515141515151515151414760
Fisher, O51514151514151-515167414760
Fisher, R6767515151346751415151415460
Lara, JM5151515167416767676767515870
Lynn, D5151674167416767516767674770
Storm, G6751676751675167516767675870
Ilonen, M6767675167516767676767675880
Lucquin, J51515151516751-676751514980
Jacquelin, R5167676767516767676767519270
Meesawat, P6767515151516767816751675875
Marksaeng, P6767678141518167676767517480
Wilson, O8167676781676767676781677480
Phadungsil, C81818181676781-678181816885
Wiratchant, T6767675141676767816781515885
Archer, P67816781676781-818167817490
Hedblom, P6767678181518181818167677490
Minoza, F67676751818181-818181816895
O'Malley, P67816767515167818181818168100
Gallacher, S818181101818181818181101817885
Ghei, G818181101678181-818181816885
Kjeldsen, S818181816767811011018181677485
Nirat, C8181678110110181-8110181816885
Warren, M81811018181818181818181816885
Wang, TC811018110181811011018110181816895
Kingston, J10167811016710167101671011018186100
Fraser, M8181811016767101101811011018186110
Mamat, M101101811016781101-81101818192110
Pilkadaris, T818110167676767101101101818174110
Rumford, B671018110110181101101671011018192110
Garrido, I811011011018181811011011011018186120
Khan, S81101811018181811011011011018192120
McGrane, D81101811018167811011011011018186120
Molinari, F101101101-10110110110110110110110186120
Orr, G81818181818110110181101818186120
Rocha, A1018167818167818167811016746120
Senior, P818181101811011011011011011016786120
Dodd, S6710181101678112610181126678174110
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Re: Singapore Masters ~ Euro Golf Slightly more quality on offer than usual for this event with Westwood, Howell and Clarke turning up. I'm not going to ignore them because there differnt class to most of these. In the top GB market they obviously dominate along with Dyson and Dougherty. Darren Clarke looks the value to me, priced bigger than LW and DH which is a mystery has he has played quite well in all of his tournaments this year, anyway 10/1 at betfred who pay 4 places unlike some is decent enough. This is a long course so i'm going to take a chance on a young powerful player with my other bet in the top European market. Alvaro Quiros shot to fame winning the Alfred Dunhill in October and his one of the longest hitters on the circuit, average last time out but before that has made the cuts and always has an advantage on courses like this. 25/1 with PPower looks a sporting bet to me. D.Clarke 10/1 Top GB/Ire Player (1/4 1234) Betfred A.Quiros 25/1 Top European (1/4 1234) Paddy Power

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