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7 Card Stud Hand History


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Ok - I don't really know what I'm doing with 7 card stud - any constructive criticism of my play? Scooter has gone off on one over this hand, but I dont see what I did wrong - is he just tilting, or did I play it badly? I struggle with Limit too (may be more a question of Limit strategy than 7 card stud) - but basically I bet when I thought I was ahead, and I called when I suspected I was/could be behind......

Full Tilt Poker Game #1478007768: Hendon Mob Forum League (10298550), Table 3 - 200/400 Ante 30 - Limit Seven Card Stud - 16:28:14 ET - 2006/12/26 Seat 2: wezmcken (2,507) Seat 3: Telepe (4,990) Seat 4: thealanc (5,378) Seat 6: cd1_nofrills (3,598) Seat 7: Getaria (2,654) Seat 8: scooter7 (3,010) wezmcken antes 30 Telepe antes 30 thealanc antes 30 cd1_nofrills antes 30 Getaria antes 30 scooter7 antes 30 *** 3RD STREET *** Dealt to wezmcken [3c] Dealt to Telepe [Qd Qs] [7c] Dealt to thealanc [Ks] Dealt to cd1_nofrills [Js] Dealt to Getaria [Qh] Dealt to scooter7 [9d] wezmcken is low with [3c] wezmcken brings in for 50 Telepe completes it to 200 thealanc folds wezmcken: erm.. wezmcken: how long has it been stud for? cd1_nofrills folds Getaria folds Getaria: lol Getaria: one hand Telepe: lol - a while!!! cd1_nofrills: thought we were still on razz scooter7 has 15 seconds left to act wezmcken: oh... thealanc: 2nd hand wezmcken: i nearly #!#@ myself.. scooter7 calls 200 wezmcken folds *** 4TH STREET *** Dealt to Telepe [Qd Qs 7c] [3h] Dealt to scooter7 [9d] [8d] scooter7 checks Telepe bets 200 scooter7 calls 200 *** 5TH STREET *** Dealt to Telepe [Qd Qs 7c 3h] [4c] Dealt to scooter7 [9d 8d] [8s] scooter7 bets 400 Telepe calls 400 *** 6TH STREET *** Dealt to Telepe [Qd Qs 7c 3h 4c] [Th] Dealt to scooter7 [9d 8d 8s] [5s] scooter7 bets 400 Telepe calls 400 *** 7TH STREET *** Dealt to Telepe [Qd Qs 7c 3h 4c Th] [4d] scooter7 bets 400 Telepe calls 400 *** SHOW DOWN *** scooter7 shows [9h 5c 9d 8d 8s 5s 2d] (two pair, Nines and Eights) Telepe shows [Qs Qd 7c 3h 4c Th 4d] (two pair, Queens and Fours) Telepe wins the pot (3,430) with two pair, Queens and Fours *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3,430 | Rake 0 Seat 2: wezmcken folded on 3rd St. Seat 3: Telepe showed [Qs Qd 7c 3h 4c Th 4d] and won (3,430) with two pair, Queens and Fours Seat 4: thealanc folded on 3rd St. Seat 6: cd1_nofrills folded on 3rd St. Seat 7: Getaria folded on 3rd St. Seat 8: scooter7 showed [9h 5c 9d 8d 8s 5s 2d] and lost with two pair, Nines and Eights
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Re: 7 Card Stud Hand History Yeah - you've got the idea Jaded!!! He said I knew I was behind and drawing to trips!!! :unsure Which obviously I wasn't - the 2 pair was good - but he went on about having no flush or straight draws......

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Re: 7 Card Stud Hand History :lol You had the hidden pair and he didn't see it coming. You had to play that, and you didn't do a lot wrong imo. Okay, you'd prefer to have the extra outs but ffs there were 2 players in this hand not 6! You were showing 7c 3h 4c Th and still calling his bets, so what did he think you were doing? I would have been worried about trips in his position (let alone the str8) and think I was drawing to a full house (which is practically dead imo). That said, you saw that one of your outs had gone when someone folded a Q but thats hardly cause for criticism. I think he just didn't see that you could have had him beat and started wailing to cover his ineptitude. Fookin mard-arse. :@

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Re: 7 Card Stud Hand History

:lol :lol :lol Sorry mate thats the first thing I read or was told (by Jaded?).
*listens carefully to the sound of a dozen or so PL'ers fainting onto their keyboard* Yup, I gave useful tactical advice AT LEAST once!! (Now if I could only remember to take it myself...)
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