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APAT in Newcastle: Full (Sold Out)


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Re: APAT UK Amateur Poker Championship

Let's give Des and crew a break, APAT is still in it's evolving stage and little, successful, steps are better than running and falling flat on your face!
Agreed. I guess the concern is that the primary aim of the association is to bring good value live (and online) games to players that would not normally get a chance. By not restricting entry in any way it is likely that 'seasoned' players on the normal tourney circuit will swoop on the beautiful added value here. Not, I would suggest, the APAT target audience. Probably the single best bit of the online games so far has been the atmosphere, dare I say cameraderie that playing against the same players week on week brings. I just worry that normal punters off the street will join up just for this event with no intention of playing in any of the others. Just my thoughts - I've said before to Des that he's been doing a cracking job so far - let's hope I get a flipping ticket to this one!:lol
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Re: APAT UK Amateur Poker Championship

Agreed. I guess the concern is that the primary aim of the association is to bring good value live (and online) games to players that would not normally get a chance. By not restricting entry in any way it is likely that 'seasoned' players on the normal tourney circuit will swoop on the beautiful added value here. Not, I would suggest, the APAT target audience.
Please forgive me, but I'm not sure what you mean here...are you referring to the 'professional' status of potential entrants or the number of seats which seems to be the primary source of most concern? The number of seats is down to the size of the available cardrooms and Des et al are, I know, actively looking for larger and larger venues but the difficulties in finding (and securing) these are legion. Ask Des, he'll tell you. As for the 'seasoned/professional' issue, that's always going to be a fine line...I play 'live' every week and it's my hobby not a profession (I work for a living :) ). That said a £75 tourney with over 200 seats is a big deal for me as, I suspect, it will be for most. In the LPM we have a monthly £30 F/O tourney with over 60 runners and Jac Arama wanted to sit in at one. Although a number of us were concerned at playing against a professional, on reflection, the consensus was that this could only improve our game. Long story short, Jac couldn't play but it would have been interesting! Des, sorry you can't make make BHO III !
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Re: APAT UK Amateur Poker Championship

Please forgive me' date=' but I'm not sure what you mean here...are you referring to the 'professional' status of potential entrants or the number of seats which seems to be the primary source of most concern?[/quote'] As I thought I stated above (apologies if it wasn't clear), APAT themselves state that "...the Tour will quickly become the affordable proving ground for players wanting to realise their potential in high quality live events". I was expressing concern that by not limiting this to players who have played online events or participated in some way, the 'association' and 'tour' are nothing of the sort - it is just a few random events with added value. I believe that APAT want to encourage players to participate in as many events as possible so the field does not exactly remain constant, but players who do play in all events and do want to challenge for ranking points are allowed to do so. 18 points is no benefit to someone who has not played in an event so far and has no intentions of doing so in the future.
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Re: APAT UK Amateur Poker Championship No criticisms of Des at all - from everything I hear he's doing a fantastic Job :ok (and getting a lot of $h!t too I'm sure!!!) It sounds like Mike may be onto something here though - it would make a lot of sense in the future (they can't be expected to consider changes for the upcoming event) to award places based on leaderboard positions ..... therefore the event will be sure to be open to all who are "in the hunt" and are regularly supporting APAT events......

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Re: APAT UK Amateur Poker Championship

I was expressing concern that by not limiting this to players who have played online events or participated in some way, the 'association' and 'tour' are nothing of the sort - it is just a few random events with added value.
Well, it is an association, you have to be a member to take part. Granted the membership criteria are small but you have to cast your net as wide a possible. Tour, well they're trying. A few 'large' events for now may lead to somewhat smaller (satellite?) events later.
I believe that APAT want to encourage players to participate in as many events as possible so the field does not exactly remain constant, but players who do play in all events and do want to challenge for ranking points are allowed to do so. 18 points is no benefit to someone who has not played in an event so far and has no intentions of doing so in the future.
True, but what if I don't want to play online? I'm an amatuer poker player who prefers to play live..why exclude me from taking part in a live (surely the 'purest' form of poker) event. Try that at the WSOP! "No, we won't take your $10,000. You can't play because you didn't qualify with enough online points!" Anyway, my small blinds worth.
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Re: APAT Aspers - REGISTRATION OPEN Sorry for the slight hitch earlier Anyone with any queries about the application..ie you've bought 3 and you only meant to buy for 2 members etc etc! just email [email protected] and we'll resolve the issue for you anyone wishing to register..hint HURRY! Look forward to seeing those of you already in next month

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