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Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling


Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling  

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Re: Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling

I think Pist is working away this week , he hoped to get a conncection in the Hotel - but we will have to play it by ear. So hopefully the other quarter Final will be decided by Sunday
are you 2 playing this today? pm me when one of you wins - good luck
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Re: Backgammon Tourney - Time to get rolling

Slapdash wins 9-8 :clap :clap But elmcroft was ROBBED in that final game ;) Well played mate - pushed him all the way :clap :clap
couldn't agree more gaf??? 9 8 to slap and won the final game by 1 point tremendous game well played slap we are playing the league game now - glutten for punishment i guess!!!
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