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I'm having a problem editing. It's bringing the text up in something like HTML code. For instance I do a league table on excel which I copy and paste. When I go to edit the post it's just a string of codes, no table. Didn't dare try pasting the new version on top of it. But the simple text is coded as well eg. for bold and symbols for smilies. The system also keeps logging me out. It's mostly OK when I'm just browsing, but I've tried to send a PM twice and when I submit it tells me I'm not logged in, when I definitely was (and loses what I've written when I log back in). Also been logging me out after each time I've tried an edit. Sorry, two queries in one, but I'm not sure if they're connected. My end or yours do you think?:unsure If it's mine, I'm betting it's connected with setting up my blog this weekend (thanks Paul!)

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Re: Editing Thanks Paul. Done that, and ran the virus scan and spyware for good measure too (nothing found), but it's still happening. I'll try on the other PC when I get chance to make sure it's my PC rather than something in my profile. What I have found out, is that if I switch to 'go advanced' edit it's OK. So I'll be able to cope with it that way anyway. It still logs me out between the two though. :(

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Re: Editing

Avon - have you upgraded to IE7? When I did I noticed the same for the HTML.....
Not knowingly, but if I've clicked Ok to accept an update I might have. :unsure I tried on Duncan's PC today though and still get the same problems, and he says he's not got IE7 on there. Next test is to get him to do an edit and see if it happens then.
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