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champs league - final table

Paul Cameron

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first of all congrats to ed, well played. now then here i am all excited at being on final table, then you wouldnt believe it but im heads up!!!!, you wont believe it im jumping up and down in front of computer, saying to other half "im heads up" "im chip leader" then all of a sudden "CRASH" fcukin internet connection crashed, "shit shit" finally get back on zippppp chip leader no more, but not dissapointed with 2nd, my PB in champs league:nana :nana

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Re: champs league - final table

first of all congrats to ed' date=' well played. now then here i am all excited at being on final table, then you wouldnt believe it but im heads up!!!!, you wont believe it im jumping up and down in front of computer, saying to other half "im heads up" "im chip leader" then all of a sudden "CRASH" fcukin internet connection crashed, "shit shit" finally get back on zippppp chip leader no more, but not dissapointed with 2nd, my PB in champs league:nana :nana[/quote'] Worst possible time Paul, can't really say anything more than very unlucky. :ok :cheers
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