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party poker monthly updates


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Re: party poker monthly updates WOW. Amazing really. To thinkg I had only 700 chips at one point after jjj lost to kkk. I was chatting to os for most of it and just gone through chat history and I was up and down throughout the whole tourny. Madness. I am telling you Plers you can do this the standard is not that good out of the 7500 players you probably had 500 good players. Admittedly you will get bad beats. You will also feel you need to sit out to qualify. But with the right aggression at the right times people could win big on this. I wont play in any more weekly or monthly finals and will look forward to Grand Final on May 26th. If anyone dares books a wedding on this day or summat ill go mad.

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Re: party poker monthly updates

I wont play in any more weekly or monthly finals and will look forward to Grand Final on May 26th. If anyone dares books a wedding on this day or summat ill go mad.
Well thats a shame, I'd have hoped you'd be watching S.R.F.C. in the play-off final! :lol :lol Gotta say I got really excited reading this thread. I'm definitely going to give it a shot.
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Re: party poker monthly updates

Gotta say I got really excited reading this thread. I'm definitely going to give it a shot.
3 of us have won well over $10,000 worth of prizes tonight - why aren't ALL PL'rs in it???? :loon $12,500,000 prize pool so far split amongst 1000 qualifiers :loon Madness..... Just had this email....
Dear TREVOR Congratulations on winning a Monster Grand Final qualifier. You have been registered to the Monster Grand Final tournament to be held on May 26th 2007 16:00 EST. Please keep in mind that there will be no refunds for single entries. Do you know you can go on winning multiple entries to the Monster Grand Final tournament? That's right but you must play your first Monster Grand Final entry first and any additional entries will be refunded to your PartyAccount.com account. Thank you for your support and please feel free to contact our Customer Care Department if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Party Team
Wonder how much they refund for "multiple entries" :unsure
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Re: party poker monthly updates

Gotta say I got really excited reading this thread. I'm definitely going to give it a shot.
Agreed. Party Poker is one of the few sites I don't have downloaded (and wasn't going to bother as I've already got so many on this PC!!), but reading through this thread, I think Party is being downloaded tomorrow and I'll give this a shot :ok
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Re: party poker monthly updates By the way, for those thinking of joining in, the weekly finals are really not difficult to get through. Even I've got a 100% record in the two I've played, so it must be easy! 2000 qualify for a monthly final, and the last weekly final I played only had about 4500 playing, so about 45% qualified.

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Re: party poker monthly updates

how much does entry cost slapdash?
There are various ways to qualify for the weekly final. See here: http://www.partypoker.com/monster/qualifiers/ I've done it both times by winning a $5+$1 STT. There are also STTs at higher buy-ins, and MTTs at various buy-ins where the top three qualify. In all of these, some of your buy-in goes into the Monster prize pool, and the rest ($0 in the case of a $5 buy-in STT) is paid in prize money for the STT/MTT as usual.
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Re: party poker monthly updates Slapdash - i qualified twice for the weekly and didn't make it. Maybe that says something about my playing :lol That site has a "magic" river facility - you'll find people needing runner runner and getting it more than usual. I tried to get my funds up playing in the STT's, but bebbled 4 times - haven't been back since. Might try again - cos i'm greedy :ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: party poker monthly updates

Ouch for gazza, 19 places out, that must hurt m8.
yeah it does mate, thanks for the reminder :lol :lol On a more serious note last night I was really gutted, and I mean really pissed off about it and was saying to myself fcuk it just leave it now :@ BUT after these few days work I'm going to have another go. The value is great and to start with my normal game was fine and took me up to over 20k in chips when the average was only about 10k. TBH I think then that I was to tight, The numbers were getting lower and also making it to the last 1000 would have given me a new PB and basically I fcuked up by being to tight, not playing stupid hands but folding stuff where had i gone all in it would have folded round to me. I know I'm good enough to qualify so gonna have a few more goes on my days off :ok
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Re: party poker monthly updates

well if they will pay me money next time perhaps i will play again.
I checked with Party Poker, and it seems that they have changed their policies......
I apologize for the message in the email that you have received. It states that you will receive a refund for additional entries to the Monster Grand final. However,as per the terms and conditions of the Monster promotion, no additional entry will be refunded. Please click on the link below which directs you to the website and refer to point number 2. http://www.partypoker.com/monster/faq.html#6
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Re: party poker monthly updates

I checked with Party Poker, and it seems that they have changed their policies...... Quote:
Originally Posted by PaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaartyPoker I apologize for the message in the email that you have received. It states that you will receive a refund for additional entries to the Monster Grand final. However,as per the terms and conditions of the Monster promotion, no additional entry will be refunded. Please click on the link below which directs you to the website and refer to point number 2. http://www.partypoker.com/monster/faq.html#6
But you can still win a share of the million dollars in any monthly final you play in, right? And since you don't have to fear the bubble as much as people who haven't yet qualified, you're in a good position to bully as it gets towards the money. But I havent't qualified yet, so DON'T YOU DARE BULLY ME!!! :@
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Re: party poker monthly updates Thank you guys :). I just want to encourage all PLers to have a go at this. I mean, this is one of the biggest tournaments you will ever play. Gaf mentioned many times how big is a value in it, but just imagine saying " Im playing for a million bucks" :loon. What would be buy in for playing in in 1 mill? 1k? This is much easier way. How do I play it? The hardest for me is always 1st step, to win single table. You start with 2k and semi tight game works for me. When blinds 50/100 loosen up. On to weekly 100k. This is much easier task (imo) to qualify for 1 million. You start with 3k and the game is very tight from the beginning. I try to see as many chip flop as possible. I will limp in with any suited or any connectors and raise with premium hands. If raise 3x and more when I limp in, I fold. Yesterday we had over 7500 players (2000 go through) and my stack at highest was 6.4k :$. When it reaches around 3000 players its a bit of a comedy. You will notice dozens and dozens people with less than 100 chips :loon. Every one with less than 5k folds and big stacks just raise every hand. Actually its a good way to come back (if you already in Million) and win some good money. Guys, I have played with you through and through and I know all of you can do it. Remember, that from 1 million, 1000 people still go through to Monster final, where you will play for at least 20 mill :loon. I will definitely be playing in more of them, even just for da money. PL chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge!!!

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Re: party poker monthly updates

so whats the first step?is it the $6 sit and go?and how many get through to next round?
You can play any of them - there is only 1 step!!! Basically they deduct $50 from your winnings (and add it to the main event prize fund) and give you an entry into the weekly final instead. If you play a $6 STT then 1st gets a seat and there is no prize money. If you play $11 STT then 1st gets a seat and $25, 2nd gets $15 and 3rd gets $10 etc..... For the MTT's they assume a number of entrants and set the "break even point" for that - think it may be 100 :unsure So if you get in a freezeout MTT with fewer than the "break even point" for entrants, then you qualify with a lower deduction/contribution to the main event .....
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Re: party poker monthly updates I play the cheapest one $6 :$. One go through. There are $11, $22, $33, $55 tables also. Only 1st go through but some cash on those tables go to top 3 as well. It looks like this on $22 table: monqualimt6.jpg They run MTTs as well with different buy in nearly every hours. First 3 (doesnt matter how many enter) go through + some cash.

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