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Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines


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Anyone else get the impression that these two are on the verge of merging? :unsure Inside Edge has obviously made a HUGE stride towards Poker Player with it's increased focus on Poker. However, there seems more to it than that..... I've started getting emails from PokerPlayer promoting Champions League Betting Advice.... The Inside Edge web site has started talking about Poker Player tourneys The Poker Player RSS newsfeed has started carrying Inside edge information quite regualarly The distinction between the two has become very blurred ...... Both my subscriptions are up for renewal, however I really get the feeling that one of them wont exist in name soon........

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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines GaF, I thought the same thing when I received today's Poker Player News Letter via email... As you say, the distinction between PP and IE is now very blurred, as IE now tends to be focusing on Poker... I think a merger will come soon enough... I am not worried about it though, as I like both mags, as they both give something back to their readership by way of the freeroll tourneys that they offer every month... I have just cancelled my WPT Magazine subscription, as I have found it becoming more WPT orientated....I guess that isnt a surprise, given the title, but I used to find it an enjoyable read, but the last couple of issues have been too much WPT for me...I liken it to going into a pub and having a choice of Grolsch or Grolsch... Plus, I can still snaffle a copy of WPT Mag at Stanleys... I have subscriped to Poker Pro Europe, as the launch issue was very good IMO... I also like reading Card Player Europe. However, unless / until any other mags start offering readers tourneys like Poker Player and Inside Edge, then PP and IE, either separately or as a merged publication, will remain the favourite magazine(s) of myself and no doubt many others...

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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines Wouldn't be surprised by an eventual merge as both are Dennis publications but I suppose Alun and Dave will be hoping they won't. It's ridiculous how Inside Edge is getting so much into poker with Phil Ivey, Johnny Chan, the um, Brit Pack and now Phil Hellmuth on the cover...shouldn't Poker Player be having the poker players on the front cover!? Both websites offer the SAME poker content. Yeah, Poker Europa, Flush as well as WPT Magazine are available at my local Grosvenor Casino.

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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines I wasn't really pleased with the change in Inside Edge's format as I have already got subscriptions to Poker Player and WPT Magazine as well as IE and there really is no need in me paying 3 subs to poker mags when I was buying IE for their sports betting. I wouldn't like to see a merger as it would mean the sports betting would be scrapped altogether as that is the only thing holding me to IE at the moment.

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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines I stopped buying WPT fairly quickly too, I don't want a mag reporting on WPT events, I want a mag about poker. I was about to offer subscriptions to PP and IE on my blog, but I guess now I'll wait for a bit and see if they merge. Out of curiosity, which poker mags does everyone have subscriptions to?

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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines IE which was Ed's free for a year when signing on with SpOdds, it's just about to expire and PP which we got 3 free issues from IE, I liked it so much I subscribed via a posting on here that gave me a year for £5, damn good value. Don't think we'll be renewing IE.

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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines Hello chaps, If the mag's do merge it will come as a huge surprise to me as I'm the news editor on PokerPlayer! I can assure you there's no plans to merge the two mags. We're both doing well and covering different players, events and strategies each month. Just a few facts for you: - Both PokerPlayer and InsideEdge are owed and published by Dennis (also does Maxim, Viz, a load of computer titles etc) - InsideEdge has indeed shifted to covering more poker, partly due to the massive growth in the game. And let's face it, poker is far better than sports betting (this, of course, comes from someone working on PokerPlayer so what do you expect me to say!). - The mags retain very individual styles and standpoints. - Great care was, and continues, to be made to make sure there is no crossover between the titles. We make sure that features in the mag don't clash and that freerolls are standalone (basically you won't get the same ones in both mags). I hope that clears things up. Happy to answer other Q's. Rick Dacey PokerPlayer magazine news editor

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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines

Happy to answer other Q's.
OK Rick, I have three questions for you. 1. Has PokerPlayer investigated the GoalPoker fiasco that you will find reported on in a thread a little above this one? It also has a thread on the PokerPlayer forum. 2. If yes, has PokerPlayer made a judgement on what it has found out? 3. If yes, will PokerPlayer be publishing it's judgement?
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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines I did a little reply on that thread. However, I may have missed something that's happened recently. Last I saw, the two guys had been sorted out with their entry into the Main Event and on top of that were being sorted out with entry into the Johnny Chan Invitational, which if that is the case gives them a better deal in some ways - not to say that it wasn't a balls up of the nth degree. If it hasn't been sorted out then Fenners or Joe can definitely drop me a line at [email protected] However, is there something that I've missed there?

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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines

However' date=' is there something that I've missed there?[/quote'] Rick, Thanks for taking the time to reply. I don't know what the latest situation is with fenners and Burnley Joe. I'll leave them to talk directly to you if they so wish. You're right in saying they got their main event entry fee paid. It's just a pity that Absolute had to bail GoalPoker out. As a result of this, people on PL have been querying whether GoalPoker is a site poker players can trust with their money. I respect your right to decide whether or not this is something you should bring to the attention of your many readers, of which I'm one. :ok
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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines no merge - nice one - had only this week renewed my subscription! I used to subscribe to both IE and PokerPlayer, but dropped the IE as I haven't got any interest in horses and i think its hard to produce a magazine that still has relevance to sports betting so far in advance of the events taking place.

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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines Cheers Rick :ok Are the web sites developed by the same team? If there is to be no merger (and I totally accept there isn't from your comment above) the I can only assume there have been some errors with the "brand" attatched to some of the online articles ..... I will try and seek out some examples for you later :ok

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Re: Poker Player and Inside Edge Magazines I didn't touch on that point, did I! There is shared content as the back end of the two wesbites is shared. It's currently a portal site, which means once you're in you get a certain amount ofshared info. The good thing for the moment being that you get more. Think we might be looking at a way to keep them filtered. Bloody internet - if the page hasn't got a 'reply' or 'raise' button button then I'm at a complete loss.

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