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September SportingOdds Champions League


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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League well thats me out - first hand !!! had two pair A4, put the BB allin on the turn, he calls with pair of Aces and the river pairs the board to give him two pair with the higher kicker, incredible call in my opinion, infact bloody stupid call, there you go thats poker.

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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League

well thats me out - first hand !!! had two pair A4' date=' put the BB allin on the turn, he calls with pair of Aces and the river pairs the board to give him two pair with the higher kicker, incredible call in my opinion, infact bloody stupid call, there you go thats poker.[/quote'] next hand he loses all the chips with f... all - well done you f.cking muppet - MILLBET I would be extremely disappointed if you were PL.:spank
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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League GAF - it makes me mad, he has A8 , the flop was A102 rainbow, Ive raised preflop with A4s in SB, he's called in BB, turn comes four, I check he raises 200, I go all in for 1300 - how the hell does he think he's a head with a single pair of As, but calls anyway, river comes 10 to give us both 2 pair but he's got the higher kicker ? cant he see past a single pair ???? I'm fuming, looking forward to this since last night and then go out first hand.To a plonker.

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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League

(Been)looking forward to this since last night and then go out first hand.To a plonker.
You know, I think this is the best definition of a bad beat ever. Unlucky Mike. What I mean is that bad beats aren't (imo) about variance or odds, but about what mental anguish bad play causes. I've felt this way about cetain tournies and I've been gutted when I've had not a particularly 'bad beat', but been on the receiving end of bad play in them.
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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League

GAF - it makes me mad' date=' he has A8 , the flop was A102 rainbow, Ive raised preflop with A4s in SB, he's called in BB, turn comes four, I check he raises 200, I go all in for 1300 - how the hell does he think he's a head with a single pair of As, but calls anyway, river comes 10 to give us both 2 pair but he's got the higher kicker ? cant he see past a single pair ???? I'm fuming, looking forward to this since last night and then go out first hand.To a plonker.[/quote'] Apologies all, that rant was out of order, if the pair on the board had not come, I would have doubled up very earlier in the tourney and been made up.I'm sure Ive probably sucked out on others in the past. First hand though......you call an allin with 1 pair, after a couple of raises ( and with a sh*t kicker) I cant catch my breath - honestly. What a plonker
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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League mike i know how u feel! Hand #415978851 at table: Champs League-Rnd6 Started: Thu Sep 14 20:44:39 2006 djuju1 is at seat 1 with 2030.00 slapdash is at seat 2 with 1685.00 Drag0nking is at seat 3 with 2655.00 morlspin1 is at seat 4 with 1225.00 Zimbra is at seat 5 with 2845.00 uberpl is at seat 6 with 1415.00 oleola1311 is at seat 8 with 4525.00 donnaPL is at seat 9 with 2360.00 Higgs23pl is at seat 10 with 1740.00 morlspin1 posts the large blind 100.00 Drag0nking posts the small blind 50.00 Drag0nking: --, -- morlspin1: Jc, Kh Zimbra: --, -- uberpl: --, -- oleola1311: --, -- donnaPL: --, -- Higgs23pl: --, -- djuju1: --, -- slapdash: --, -- Pre-flop: Zimbra: Fold uberpl: Fold oleola1311: Raise 200.00 donnaPL: Fold Higgs23pl: Fold djuju1: Fold slapdash: Fold Drag0nking: Fold morlspin1: Call 200.00 Flop (Board: 2s, Jd, 3d): morlspin1: Check oleola1311: Bet 1200.00 morlspin1: All in Showdown: morlspin1 shows: Jc, Kh (a pair of Jacks) oleola1311 shows: 5s, 5d (a pair of Fives) Turn (Board: 2s, Jd, 3d, 4s): River (Board: 2s, Jd, 3d, 4s, 6s): oleola1311 shows: 5s, 5d (straight to the Six) Mainpot: oleola1311 wins the pot of 2700 with straight to the Six (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League Cheers Mr V - thanks for your understanding. Without wanting to sound like a whinger here ( which no doubt I'm already doing a good job of doing), 4 FTs out of the last 5, 2nd in the league - out first hand , 3 days to make amends - ahhhhhhhh. I'm off to bed before I upset the wife or kids.Goodnight.

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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League

Apologies all, that rant was out of order, if the pair on the board had not come, I would have doubled up very earlier in the tourney and been made up.I'm sure Ive probably sucked out on others in the past. First hand though......you call an allin with 1 pair, after a couple of raises ( and with a sh*t kicker) I cant catch my breath - honestly. What a plonker
i think its time for your prozac babes :eyes
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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League

Cheers Mr V - thanks for your understanding. Without wanting to sound like a whinger here ( which no doubt I'm already doing a good job of doing), 4 FTs out of the last 5, 2nd in the league - out first hand , 3 days to make amends - ahhhhhhhh. I'm off to bed before I upset the wife or kids.Goodnight.
Feel for you, it'll feel like ages till Sunday too:(
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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League Just call me Bubble boy (again) :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol Hand #416028793 at table: Champs League-Rnd6 Started: Thu Sep 14 21:36:28 2006 djuju1 is at seat 1 with 1520.00 slapdash is at seat 2 with 3420.00 Drag0nking is at seat 3 with 690.00 oulton is at seat 4 with 3495.00 Zimbra is at seat 5 with 2630.00 uberpl is at seat 6 with 3580.00 oleola1311 is at seat 8 with 2475.00 Higgs23pl is at seat 10 with 2230.00 slapdash posts the large blind 400.00 djuju1 posts the small blind 200.00 djuju1: --, -- slapdash: --, -- Drag0nking: --, -- oulton: --, -- Zimbra: --, -- uberpl: --, -- oleola1311: --, -- Higgs23pl: Qs, Qh Pre-flop: Drag0nking: All in oulton: Call 690.00 Zimbra: Fold uberpl: Fold oleola1311: Call 690.00 Higgs23pl: All in djuju1: All in slapdash: Fold oulton: All in oleola1311: Fold Showdown: djuju1 shows: As, Ac (a pair of Aces) Drag0nking shows: Ah, Ks (high card, Ace) oulton shows: Kd, Ad (high card, Ace) Higgs23pl shows: Qs, Qh (a pair of Queens) Flop (Board: Jd, 7c, 9d): Turn (Board: Jd, 7c, 9d, Qd): River (Board: Jd, 7c, 9d, Qd, 8c): oulton shows: Kd, Ad (ace high flush) Sidepot 3: oulton wins the pot of 1020 with ace high flush Sidepot 2: oulton wins the pot of 3090 with ace high flush Mainpot: oulton wins the pot of 3850 with ace high flush (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League Updated table posted. Well done to Slapdash for placing 2nd tonight :clap with Mr Pene the Boss, Hodgey, Big Andy and 68 hot on his heels in the money, and yet another 7 in the points. :cow Are we out of the focus games now? If so, decision time for everyone whether to continue. Don't forget the added value for the final top 20.:ok

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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League Oh my God... I'm in shock :\ Just came back from picking Paul up at the airport... Was sitout, but was still in. I go all in and Tammykins says: "take that bitch out" ...and again when I went: "that bitch doesn't deserve to play" :loon... I've never even seen the guy before... Paul thinks he is TDP and just hates me because I am with Paul... Can u believe it??? :wall

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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League

Oh my God... I'm in shock :\ Just came back from picking Paul up at the airport... Was sitout, but was still in. I go all in and Tammykins says: "take that bitch out" ...and again when I went: "that bitch doesn't deserve to play" :loon... I've never even seen the guy before... Paul thinks he is TDP and just hates me because I am with Paul... Can u believe it??? :wall
Not nice Pene - :(
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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League

Have you sent a complaint about him to SpOdds, Pene? May not do any good, but I would. (He's out, by the way ... luckily for him considering the number of PLers left in.)
There were lots of PL's at my table when it happened... but it didn't seem to me they wanted to get involved... understandable enough... Paul though... was at the table VERY quickly... :lol I might contact Joe Legge :ok
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Re: September SportingOdds Champions League

There were lots of PL's at my table when it happened... but it didn't seem to me they wanted to get involved... understandable enough...
Was I there? (think I was!!) - more a question of multi tabling than not wanting to get involved
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