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Pay Day for AA


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Thought I'd share this hand with you. Couldn't believe my luck when just about the whole table called round to me and I couldn't hit that raise button quick enough! Not sure how many xBB it should have been (one for each caller is it?) but 500 was a nice round number so I stuck with it. :D Hand #396573778 at table: Texas Holdem

Started: Fri Aug 18 19:33:23 2006

b3nde is at seat 1 with 850.00

zsoko1 is at seat 2 with 5000.00

HELIUMNL is at seat 3 with 1044.00

avongirl is at seat 4 with 2430.00

beecee11 is at seat 5 with 1350.00

Zlobr is at seat 6 with 7385.00

OlDirty is at seat 7 with 3861.00

jannie_b_ is at seat 8 with 3873.00

Genießer is at seat 9 with 2550.00

david303 is at seat 10 with 1042.00

Zlobr posts the large blind 50.00

beecee11 posts the small blind 25.00

beecee11: --, --

Zlobr: --, --

OlDirty: --, --

jannie_b_: --, --

Genießer: --, --

david303: --, --

b3nde: --, --

zsoko1: --, --

HELIUMNL: --, --

avongirl: Ac, Ah


OlDirty: Call 50.00

jannie_b_: Call 50.00

Genießer: Call 50.00

david303: Call 50.00

b3nde: Call 50.00

zsoko1: Call 50.00


avongirl: Raise 500.00

beecee11: Fold

Zlobr: Fold

OlDirty: Call 500.00

jannie_b_: Call 500.00

Genießer: Fold

david303: Fold

b3nde: Fold

zsoko1: Call 500.00

Flop (Board: 7d, Kh, Jh):

OlDirty: Check

jannie_b_: Check

zsoko1: Bet 200.00

avongirl: Raise 500.00

OlDirty: Fold

jannie_b_: Fold

zsoko1: Call 500.00

Turn (Board: 7d, Kh, Jh, 4d):

zsoko1: Check

avongirl: Bet 500.00

zsoko1: Call 500.00

River (Board: 7d, Kh, Jh, 4d, 4c):

zsoko1: All in

avongirl: All in


zsoko1 shows: Kd, 8d (two pair, Kings and Fours)

avongirl shows: Ac, Ah (two pair, Aces and Fours)


avongirl wins the pot of 6085 with two pair, Aces and Fours :dude

(0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

Now you can all tell me how I should have played it. :ok

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Re: Pay Day for AA I don't think I would have raised that much tbh, but that's just the way I play. Maybe a 200 raise gets 3 callers, therefore 600 as apposed to 500, but then you have more drawing possibilities for the villians. All depends on your mood I suppose. Me, I'd get as many in as possible. :ok But you won it, and won well, which is all you need. :nana

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Re: Pay Day for AA Not sure best person to ask but i would of raised 200, hoping to get more callers. The flop quite nice for you apart from the 2 hearts, zsoko1 bets so i would put him on K Q/10, J 10 - or similar and i would of actually called his bet, still hoping for more callers. The 4 on the turn is nothing and zsoko1 has checked so i would say definitely think he is holding a K, still maybe K Q/10, top pair to him and he's probably hoping for a trap thinking he has top pair. I would of done the same, bet 400-600 after that (which you did) and he went all in after river thinking he had nuts, but you had A A. Dunno know the maths and what you could of gained if the situation was as so, you probably made more in how you played it.

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Re: Pay Day for AA its nice to see them hold up, one person I know always goes all in with As, regardless of position, blind level or stack size, as it eats him up if they lose. Personally I would just raise, my normal 3,4,5 x BB whatever I have been playing , unless its been reraised by a major amount in front of me then I might just flat call or might just go all in, depending on if I'm in a loose mood or a tight one. Nice pot by the way.Well done. Mike

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Re: Pay Day for AA you did great :ok there is NO point in raising 4BB at this point, you may well get 8 callers rather than just the 3 to a 10xBB raise.....:eyes the less callers you have to more chance of you AA holding up, so put in a decent raise rather than give everyone a chance to call for only another 150. Don't waste your chance of winning a decent pot by being 'clever' - you have the best hand right now, but with 6 callers to a 4BB raise you will be behind after the flop! I am suprised that people have said they want more callers - you don't, you want as few as possible - its just the same when you raise with AQ, you want as few callers as possible (and don't mind just taking the blinds), loads of people in the pot reduces your chances of winning, even with AA. flop - RAISE MORE, there is 2200 in the pot and you raise another 300? - you are giving folks 5-1 to call or the original better 8-1 to call and with str/flush possibilities they are getting the right odds to call - make the raise to about 1K, one of the 3 has got some part of the flop and you want to play them HU - as it turned out you got that, but make it a bit more next time (I am suprised that only 1 of them called - they must be playing some shite cards if that flop missed them - Ax, low pp, low suited connecters etc) turn/river - got what you wanted - all the chips in the middle well played IMHO:clap Damo

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Re: Pay Day for AA why you want LESS callers in this case have chosen 5 other hands at random, possible holdings that people might call a 4XBB raise after limping in with how good do you feel about your Aces now? you aces only have a 1 in 3 chance of winning now Damo acesrf7.jpg

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Re: Pay Day for AA Thanks for the comments. I probably would have raised only 4 or 5xBB with only 3 or 4 callers but I definitely wanted to reduce the number I was up against. Obviously been reading far too many of Damo's posts! Not sure I've ever raised 10x before; it's normally 3-5 or all-in, but this seemed quite an unusual situation. And I have lost with AA too many times 'being clever' so I am now quite happy to take the blinds if that's what happens (especially if there's 8 of them). :lol Never sure what the 'correct' thing to do is with the flop and turn bets. Not quite got into pot odds yet, tho I do understand the theory. Didn't feel too threatened by the flop due to no-one raising initially. I tend to go for consistency ie. keep to the same size bet. But looking again after the turn, a K, 8 or any diamond would have given him the hand so I did give him an easy decision didn't I.:\

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