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Mansion Discon protection


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Mansion are all but alone in the poker world in offering disconnection protection on No Limit tables to set you all in if you are disconected. Other poker rooms used to offer the same, but the easy manner in which this can be abused has led (as far as I know) to all of them removing this protection. Last night a player "Sammy Ace", raised when drawing, and his opponent (not me) came over the top to put him all in!! He could not call with his draw to risk his tournament and would normally have to fold the hand for a substantial dent to his stack. He had an alternative route and "accidentally" became disconnected, so the software set him all in. He was straight back to see his draw hit and a substantial addition made to his stack. I was incensed by this and I have no doubts at all that he cheated to achieve this - it was blatent and I told him so!!! Others then added in the comment box, that this player frequently does this and they have made complaints about him before but nothing has been done!!! Sammy Ace went on to finish 3rd and win a prize (pair of tickets to game of his choice this season at Tottenham). Mansion are wrong to allow this "protection" in their software, for the very reason of the ease of abuse. This player was wrong to abuse this "fault" in the mansion software. I complained to Mansion Support, expecting him to be punished and stripped of his prize (at the very least). The evidence must be crystal clear from the hand history file - especially if it is happening frequently. I have absolutely no doubts about what I saw. I am VERY disappointed by the reply I have recieved from Mansion. If they cannot see what happened in this blatently obvious case, then I quite frankly don't believe that they looked at the hand history or investigated it at all!!!!

Hello Telepe, Thank you for bringing the play of SammyAce to our attention. After reviewing the play of this individual, I have come to the conclusion that this player has not used an All-In disconnection to his advantage. The timing and nature of this disconnection, while it may seem suspicious, has not violated our disconnection policies and procedures. Further to this, only one instance was found where this player disconnected. Hopefully, this player will no longer suffer a disconnection in the future as to disrupt the game flow. The help of players like yourself is integral to maintaining the integrity of our games here at Mansion and we greatly appreciate it. If you see any further suspicious activity from an individual please contact support so that we can investigate and take action.
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Re: Mansion Discon protection i hear what ur saying gotafancy absolutely disgusting,but if mansion wish to do nothing about it then more fool them because people will read this and think twice about depositing with them so eventually by doing nothing to blating cheats they lose there respect not the cheats

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Re: Mansion Discon protection To be honest, he never once denied it, never even asked what he was supposed to have done. The only thing that seemed to happen was that he stopped doing it when he was rumbled, although in my opinion he did seem to think about doing it on more than one occasion. For the record, I have tried it after Vix explained it to me ages ago, and it is so easy to do. In fact it is too easy. I have to say that although I agree totally with you bringing it to Mansion's attention, you had (while I was watching) as many discon's as him, and that is where the problem lies. At least they took your complaint seriously enough to have at least looked through the transcript, instead of just filing your complaint in a queue until the Complaints (Couldn't Give a Toss) Dept.* opened. *See Boss Media ;)

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Re: Mansion Discon protection

you had (while I was watching) as many discon's as him
But my Discons weren't in reponse to a raise when I had a draw!!!!!! (I had serious probs with my connection last night) - and as far as I know, I didn't receive all in protection once (as the timing didn't warrant it) Disconnections in themselves aren't wrong and cannot be helped - however repeated disconnections over many tournaments with a draw when facing a raise are MORE than suspicious...... The ease of abuse is why other poker rooms dont do it any more - and Mansion must inevitably follow suit when they realise the problem ...... but in the meantime, players will cheat in this manner at our expense, especially whilst it is clear Mansion will do nothing to deal with persistant abuse!!!
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Re: Mansion Discon protection

I have to say that although I agree totally with you bringing it to Mansion's attention, you had (while I was watching) as many discon's as him, and that is where the problem lies.
But my Discons weren't in reponse to a raise when I had a draw!!!!!! (I had serious probs with my connection last night) - and as far as I know, I didn't receive all in protection once (as the timing didn't warrant it)
No, I understand your point, but is it so obvious when looking at a transcript(?) of the tourney. It is only obvious when taken in context of the game itself.
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Re: Mansion Discon protection

but is it so obvious when looking at a transcript(?) of the tourney.
My assumption is yes....something like. Villan1 raises $2000 Villan2 raises $23000 and is all in Villan1 is diconnected and is all in for $2000 Villan2 is returned $21000 River - Villan2 hits his 2 outer and takes the pot of $10000 down Villan2 is reconnected Ok - oversimplistic - but those are the elements that will be in the hand history......
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Re: Mansion Discon protection ive been a bit slow to twig onto this as i hardly ever play cash and had no idea what all in protection was. i can vouch that on mansion nearly everyone gets disconnected after large betting pre flop and on the flop.... took me a while to figure it out but yes they get the pot as they have contributed to it and imo they are obviously doing it on purpose. i guess with the traffic they are having and the software having problems they are willing to keep it for the time being. but its being abused and its obvious.

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Re: Mansion Discon protection I agree that they shouldn't have disconnection protection in no-limit/pot-limit poker. I also agree that this looks very suspicious, and that if the guy does this repeatedly, then Mansion should take action. But looking at it from Mansion's point of view: Cheating is a serious matter, but so is accusing somebody of cheating. If this were the only incident they were aware of concerning this guy, then I think it would probably be right for them not to take action at this stage, but to record the incident in case of repetitions. After all, suspicious though it looks, it could have been innocent. If he had been reported several times before, then yes, they should take action. But I wouldn't necessarily take as gospel what the other players said about having reported him before. They may just have been saying it to worry him. Having said that, I'd much prefer them to have said "We don't think there is sufficient proof ..." rather than "the player has not ..."

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