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Limping for a minor amount on the SB


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Re: Limping for a minor amount on the SB at early levels if i am being offered 9-1 or more i am limp calling every time no brainer really (for me) as my hand is no where near a 9-1 dog Damo LOL whilst typing this - this hand came up which perfectly illustrates my point Hand #374723767 at table: STT $5 NL Started: Sat Jul 22 22:14:19 2006 chedly is at seat 1 with 1650.00 josephsen is at seat 2 with 1545.00 Abso_O is at seat 3 with 1350.00 nono13 is at seat 4 with 1455.00 s28j20 is at seat 5 with 1425.00 TheOne001 is at seat 6 with 2655.00 derteuro is at seat 7 with 15.00 Vebooa is at seat 8 with 1665.00 LizziePL is at seat 9 with 1815.00 wizard52 is at seat 10 with 1380.00 wizard52 posts the large blind 30.00 LizziePL posts the small blind 15.00 LizziePL: 10c, 4c wizard52: --, -- chedly: --, -- josephsen: --, -- Abso_O: --, -- nono13: --, -- s28j20: --, -- TheOne001: --, -- derteuro: --, -- Vebooa: --, -- Pre-flop: chedly: Call 30.00 josephsen: Call 30.00 Abso_O: Fold nono13: Fold s28j20: Call 30.00 TheOne001: Fold derteuro: Fold Vebooa: Fold LizziePL: Call 30.00 wizard52: Check Flop (Board: 10s, 4s, 5c): LizziePL: Check wizard52: Check chedly: Check josephsen: Check s28j20: Check Turn (Board: 10s, 4s, 5c, 6s): LizziePL: Bet 90.00 wizard52: Call 90.00 chedly: Call 90.00 josephsen: Fold s28j20: Fold River (Board: 10s, 4s, 5c, 6s, 9s): LizziePL: Check wizard52: Check chedly: Check Showdown: LizziePL shows: 10c, 4c (two pair, Tens and Fours) Mainpot: LizziePL wins the pot of 420 with two pair, Tens and Fours

Okay, so would you pay less than 1% of you stack with any 2 cards? Thats a fair enough point. I think I was blinded by the cards rather than the stack. :ok
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