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poker night live feed POKER PLAYER FINAL TABLE


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Re: poker night live feed pokerrose and milou on telly was going well in this myself aq ah kh and some low card on board ( not heart) i call his all in as i have nut flush draw as well he turns over a9 hits feckin 9 on turn :( vvvvvvvv anoying happeneing far too often atm grrrrrrrr

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Re: poker night live feed pokerrose and milou on telly out in 25th so the minimum money level should have at least hung on for 24th to double my money, but then thinking back could have been out well before the money when all-in with 88 up against 99, but was saved by 8s on the flop and turn so I'll settle for what I got :eyes

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Re: poker night live feed pokerrose and milou on telly out in 9th......... my own fault as i just knew i shouldn't have bet on the flop committing myself to the pot (but did it anyway) ..................i thought he had a flush draw, but wouldn't have thought he'd call my pre-flop raise with Q9s :\ I didn't win with AK the entire night:cry :cry............... or last night for that matter :lol EDIT: actually not quite true as i did win the blinds a couple of times .................. just didn't win anytime someone called with an inferior hand or a 50-50 :lol

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Re: poker night live feed pokerrose and milou on telly Not sure what they showed - hopefully it was when I was doing well earlier on rather than when I got totally defensive after some calling station came all the way to the river with me when I had pocket Jacks (with no overcards on the board). He showed a pair of 5s and hit his 5 on the river :wall:wall Didn't really recover after that :sad and ended up folding cards I should have been raising with :( That said I shouldn't really complain as I had a big stroke of luck very early on when I hit an Ace high straight and one guy insisted on raising me all the way through with his pair of 8s :loon LBB just gone out one off the final table :sad - unlucky Neil - very well played though :clap

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Re: poker night live feed MCFC AND LBB ON TELLY

yeah ...... very good :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap They just cut away after i had lost with AK (again) and was left with 3x bb .............. so they have missed my comeback:sad
bandit :clap
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