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Quick System

Guest ralphie7

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Re: Quick System Hi Billy not bad mate feeling a bit uneasy about this Mods job though no i think i mean really guilty you see i don't think i am pulling my weight somedays i dont even look on the mods forum ever felt everything was going past you and you didn't have a clue thats me even the gg's are letting me down and i dont like losing peoples money some of the shite i have put on here is really bad i don't mean on this thread but on other threads on ATR anyway mate enough of my insane ramblings how are you doing ? its great to have you back i was really gutted about what happened but i do know that you not posting was Punters Lounge's loss. All the Best Billy talk to you later ralphie

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Re: Quick System Ralphie, People contribute in a variety of ways to the PL, some come and go and some become part of the furniture so to speak. Some post all over the place and some specialize in one or two forums, thats what is so great about the PL and i guess thats why me and you are still here after all this time, through the many changes that have happened. The ATR and the DHRC rely on guys like you, a friendly 'face' who's always there come rain or shine, it gives it a purpose and you have a great following. You have been an ever present in the TC aswell, your half bank trebles are famous! As far as the horses go its a funny time of year, thats why i'm not posting in the DHRC at the moment, a very good judge once said to me in the betting industry, if your serious about Betting, leave the horses alone after October until the new year, he just used to save up his 'ammo' til after xmas, not a bad piece of advice. The Modding thing i wouldnt worry about mate, i dont do much 'modding' either, i'm afraid to say i dont trawl the threads looking to remove links or ban people. I'm more of an organiser than a Mod. Anyway ive said it before Mod's are like referees, the best are those that are mainly anonymous, and just get on with their jobs. Your job is being that 'rock' of the forums you visit, you do that superbly well, keep it up mate. Cheers BH PS; Hope the animals are doin OK!

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