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Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?...


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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?...

Daz I live in Oakenshaw, in the south part of Bradford. It's only about 5 or 6 miles away from AG and runadrum. I thought McGoatski was from north of the border, but I might be wrong. I know people used to get the two of us mixed up when I first started playing about a year ago. Interesting fact - did you know that "anuswater" is an anagram of "runa sweat"? McG :gimme
no sweat ! :rollin
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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?... :welcome to PL Azure :) Can I recommend this thread to you as a great starting point - How To Start Out in Poker Without Risking Your Own Cash (Andy Higgins) Dont expect to learn too much on the play money tables - it's great for learning the mechanics and the software, but you wont learn much strategy.... try and play freerolls - completely free to enter, but you'll start building a bankroll when you get into the money.....

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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?...

:welcome to PL Azure :) Can I recommend this thread to you as a great starting point - How To Start Out in Poker Without Risking Your Own Cash (Andy Higgins) Dont expect to learn too much on the play money tables - it's great for learning the mechanics and the software, but you wont learn much strategy.... try and play freerolls - completely free to enter, but you'll start building a bankroll when you get into the money.....
TY for your reply GotaFancy, I understand what you are saying and I need to find the sites with good freerolls.
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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?... Hi Denis here I play mostly on the merge network but have been known to donk around on Boss as well i played with a few of you guys in the Pokerkings freeroll last weekend and just thought i,d come take a look around Looking forward to meeting you at the tables again and joining in with the forum Den

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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?... Not on many sites as yet..... Some variation of ruleb (+ something) on every site though. VC == ruleb79 Stars == ruleb1979 SJ == rulebPL Devilfish == rulebPL Littlewoods = ruleb Full Tilt == ruleb WHPC == rulebr GNUF == ruleb Cant think of any others atm....

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