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Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?...


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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?...

Mr V- how do you insert a copy of a spreadsheet into a reply to a thread and get it nicely formatted like yours is?
Use Internet Explorer (not Firefox), and then its just a case of copy and paste... It took a lot of head-scratching on my part to realise that was the problem I was having. :lol :$
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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?... I go as Douser, Drousy, SimonC001 and now PLDodger. I don't chat much though as I am usually watching TV while playing poker. {How could I possibly respond to Tricky2323 last night when I had a shortish stacked all-in and pulled off a Royal Flush? ''Fkin assole'', he says. Yes, maybe, but I prefer not to give him the satisfaction of my posting!}

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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?...

I was on 2 tables with Heniek last week. I said hello and he ignored me. Twice.:sad:sad:sad
No fokin way :$. Where was that? Seriously, if I did Im very sorry. Some of those poker rooms have such a shitty chat, its a joke. If its like little box in a corner without chat appearing on the table I dont read it :eyes. Im heniek31 or just heniek apart from Virgin where Im siwka31. Its like on Virgin yesterday. I was on table with steve and PLady. Sam said gl to steve. I said the same to both of them and Sam didnt answered. Two minutes later I was out, said gl to both of them and only got answer form steve. No harm done it will happen very often :ok.
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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?...

Use Internet Explorer (not Firefox), and then its just a case of copy and paste... It took a lot of head-scratching on my part to realise that was the problem I was having. :lol :$
Ahhhh. I'm a Firefox man. Just for once I'll load the dreaded IE and post my spreadsheet.
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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?...

No fokin way :$. Where was that? Seriously, if I did Im very sorry. Some of those poker rooms have such a shitty chat, its a joke. If its like little box in a corner without chat appearing on the table I dont read it :eyes. Im heniek31 or just heniek apart from Virgin where Im siwka31. Its like on Virgin yesterday. I was on table with steve and PLady. Sam said gl to steve. I said the same to both of them and Sam didnt answered. Two minutes later I was out, said gl to both of them and only got answer form steve. No harm done it will happen very often :ok.
I said Hi Heniek - No reply Then thinking I might somehow have the wrong Heniek I said are u Punterslounge Heniek? Yes. Then nothing. It was on SO $5 STTs. :) My name is mcguirpa BTW. On any site I go on, although being a very, very part time player I'm rarely on anything other than SO.
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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?... Here we go:

All Prima sitesColU_FC
Blue SquareColUFC1
Goal PokerCOLUFC
Poker RoomColU_FC
Sporting OddsColUFC
William HillColUFC
Right now close IE down, urghh, hate IE, it's like stepping in a dog turd, wipe your foot as much as you like in the long grass and you still can't get it all off.
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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?... usually Friskyfitz or any variation of that i.e.. Friskyfit Friskyfit1 Friskyfitz1 Frisky2 Frisky3 and be warned!! Sometimes, i simply have NO IDEA of who im chatting with as i tend to do it to soften up the tables too ;);)

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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?...

I said Hi Heniek - No reply Then thinking I might somehow have the wrong Heniek I said are u Punterslounge Heniek? Yes. Then nothing. It was on SO $5 STTs. :) My name is mcguirpa BTW. On any site I go on, although being a very, very part time player I'm rarely on anything other than SO.
I know you nick Paul :ok. Anyway, thats wasnt me :lol. Actually, theres another heniek on SO (Im heniek31 and no, its not my 2nd account :eyes). I noticed this guy too and he has Poland under his name and I have UK. Did you ask him "Punterslounge Heniek?" or "PL heniek?", cause if latter, then obviously he said yes, as PL stands for Poland, same way UK for United Kingdom :ok.
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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?...

I know you nick Paul :ok. Anyway, thats wasnt me :lol. Actually, theres another heniek on SO (Im heniek31 and no, its not my 2nd account :eyes). I noticed this guy too and he has Poland under his name and I have UK. Did you ask him "Punterslounge Heniek?" or "PL heniek?", cause if latter, then obviously he said yes, as PL stands for Poland, same way UK for United Kingdom :ok.
Aaah, maybe I said PL Heniek. I thought it was odd because because I've never seen you on the SO STTs before.:)
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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?...

I must admit as a relatviely new member of PL I often have trouble recognising people so a big :ok on the idea.
second that! :ok I'm just plain old Nehemiah on anything i do! (xbox live/poker/msn etc ) - if you spy a nehemiah - its most probably me - or my stalker. :eek
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Re: Who Are Ya?, Who Are Ya?... I think i have between 35 and 40 poker accounts so i won't list every site :lol laidback 1, 2, 3- lots of places :lol

GoalPokerBig Muppet
Party Pokerlaidback1000
Poker.co.ukBig Muppet
Prima Networkjax1000
I think thats all the variations i have................. might have to come up with a new one soon :tongue2
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