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There's Nothing Like Getting AA in a $10 Rebuy


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Re: There's Nothing Like Getting AA in a $10 Rebuy

I really don't care about the percentages of the 3 pairs pre-flop etc.... I just thought people would want to see this. :ok never0zh.jpg The guy with JJ said, "I'd have never pushed if I'd known you had AA." :lol :lol :lol
thats amazing
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Re: There's Nothing Like Getting AA in a $10 Rebuy

I can't figure how your still playing Mr V?
Sam and I have a rule with rebuys. We play it like a freeze out, but if we lose all in pre-flop with AA or KK we can rebuy ;-) As it is I'm sitting pretty. :ok
Think I've got it now, you won the side pot of 3930?
No mate that went to deadattwenty... I rebought... :(
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