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Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!


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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath! Only now decided to write some as I was aching for two days and I dont know why :unsure. The spirit of PL was out of this world :loon. You know, we all go "PL chaaaaaaaaaaarge", "Cooooooooome on" and "Yeeeeeeeeeeeah" online, but to scream that on the top of your voice is incomparable. What a rush :notworthy. It was nice to see again people I already met and then all new people in the pub. And I swear, now I remember them all (sorry chess and Da Matrix :tongue2). To sum up my poker game, my 77 run into AA. The only consolation is, the guy won the tournament. All has been said and I extremely enjoyed it. It was pleasure to meet Marek, whom I have known for 3 years and have never met :dude. Great to meet Prowler and MattD :ok. Whole Pl was a centre of the show and of course Pene our queen :nana. Just wonder why no one mention the most funny thing that happened (IMO). We were walking back to the hotel and watching closely KOTP as he was jumping on everything and into everything. It was pretty scary, cause river was just near by. Anyway, there was this thing on the pavement. It looked like a huge, inflamed balloon. So Dave runs towards it, spreads his legs and hands and jumps flat on it. Well it comes up, this is made of.....metal. He didnt bounced off to far :rollin. Thank you again Paul ;). Top show :cow.

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath! At last !! I'm awake enough to post. First of all, a big thank you to Mr Intensity for letting me take his place, coupled with an apology for not actually bringing back a share of the action. - I went out around 27th (I think) - Rags all night, only to have my 10 K humilliated when Lars turned over AA. Other than that it was a fantastic night, really great to meet everyone, especially the worlds most interesting hat-stand (now known as Kev Shatshatshatshatshat:lol :lol :lol by Pocket Lady). I have to say that Pene's bullying on the table is absolutely nothing to the bullying she does when deprived of a drink - jeesus, I was soooo scared!! She nearly started a war over a bottle of Bud, what would she have done for decent :beer :beer :beer I have to say that the dealer on the final table was absolutely amazing, dealt well, knew the game inside out, didn't allow people to slow the game down and had arms that could reach to the next table to change chips. The tournament director however did make one or two mistakes.. It's the first time I've ever seen a full house lose to a flush- easy mistake I suppose but to announce it live on a final table :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon Anyway - Friday night we went to the LPM game at Clapham, on a side game after I had just gone HU with another guy who was well stacked against my small stack, 3 times on the trot I was dealt KK - all in - to win against AK (KK held up every time and I won the game- what are the odds?). Anyway, it was a good night all and we look forward to meeting up again (with reserve beer in tow). :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok :ok

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!

Sorry to keep you waiting for my pics guys. After doing a massive post with most of the pics on it I had to restart my pc because of suffering with problems again. :sad:sad:sad If you watch this space then i will put them up ASAP ( poker permitting) :ok
Can't wait Sam :ok :nana :loon :clap :drums :beer
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath! At the Ledger Building Bowles and Paul bowlesnpaul2ds.jpg Pene and her little brother Lars penenlars3om.jpg Ice MAn, Mr V and Galronix larsandyneric3fp.jpg Heniek and Marek hennmarek2oc.jpg Pene taking pics penecam4be.jpg At The City Bunker Pene and Big Andy on the Final Table penelaugh6aq.jpg The Boss Man himself - Paul Ross aveit3cb.jpg Galronix, Mr V, Kevshat and Gazza ericandykevngaz4om.jpg DaMatrix damatrix9lm.jpgSTT- Gazza, Nikki (Mrs Gazza), Milou, Kotp, 600ner, Kevsatshatshatshat, Frisky (Dealing) sttplers5yg.jpg Nikki taking Gazza's chips (Milou to the right) gaznnickedchips0bk.jpg The Aftermath at Betfair Mr V making sure tha Dave doesnt fall over andyholdingdaveup9xm.jpg Dave showing his best side davesass3sq.jpg Gazza following suit gazass6nt.jpg Dave getting to the bottom of his ice cream dave4db.jpg Pene and Frisky onyerbike2cu.jpg The Bosses' shows where his playing style (Jadedability) comes from blufferpaul7ux.jpg

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!

Just read yesterdays report in City AM... OK, so who played on the same table as ex-England International Trevor Steven and who knocked him out early.
I noticed a professional photographer at the game, I wonder will the photo's be put online? I didn't notice Trevor Stevens but then again, he didn't recognise me. It was only when ColU and PokerRich pointed him that I knew he was there. I wonder is he a regular on Betfair?
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!

Just read yesterdays report in City AM... OK, so who played on the same table as ex-England International Trevor Steven and who knocked him out early.
Trevor Steven was on my table. Thought he looked familiar lol Only realised after reading this. He lost with AQ vs VeraPera's QQ.
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!

Trevor Steven was on my table. Thought he looked familiar lol Only realised after reading this. He lost with AQ vs VeraPera's QQ.
If you remember that you should've made more effort with the free bar:lol
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!

We were told on the night by the photographer that the photos taken at this event were for the City AM yesterday's edition. :ok
There was only the one piccie in the paper, showing winner being interviewed by Steven.
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