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improving at poker


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Well I know there's a heck of a lot of good players on here.. I have been a patron of a few other gambling sites, and had a few good players from these sites help me with my game (via good discussion, and some hand & Table analysis) the big Question - Is anyone on here up for the some "casual browsing and commentating on my table / play style, online ...? (if they happen to have some time to spare and happen to be on the same site at the same time)" kind of thing? (worst case scenario I meet a few nice people and gab a bit!) I am always wanting to improve and am sure some of you are in a position to help so holler if you are willing to help a decent player get *better* :D anyways I have a thick skin, so feel free to tell me to feck aaaf :) I play on cdpoker and poker.co.uk mostly...(bonus chasing whore!) 02:53 -table time:) alex p.s my attempt at "quality" poker humour for the evening : QT doesn't mean Queen Ten - It means QUALITY TIME (people with partners might appreciate that one more than the "single white pokerplayer" :-P ba dum dum. :cow

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Re: improving at poker Hiya Alex. I've watched quite a few PLers playing tournies and have given a couple a critique (of course, following your own advice is much harder then remembering others wise words ;)). If you give me a clue where you're playing then I may just pop along and stay in the shadows on a couple of occasions. Or if you add me to your MSN you can shout me and tell me where you're playing.:ok

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Re: improving at poker Alex - about a month ago I did this - http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27111 Unfortunately it didn't really take off (mainly I suspect due to the size of the files to download). The idea was I'd do the first one, then invite others to do it, and we could look at different peoples games - it would help the person whose game we're studying, but it would also help those looking at it (IMO). Would you like to try doing something similar? I will download the files if you do it and work through it (I prefer this option - because we get to see all the information you see in making your decisions - if we just turn up and watch, we only see your cards at showdown......)

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Re: improving at poker Mr V - have added you to msn - cheers for this. GotaFancy - good idea.. I have a better one though.. I see there are a number of wee scripts that playback your hand history (or a history someone has given you..) e.g. http://www.tightpoker.com/replayer.html It would be nice if we had the facility here to click on a hand history and have it open in a graphical table based player.. (I am a more visual person- so it beats squinting at a spreadsheet table:) Cheers Alex

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Re: improving at poker Yes Alex - did think of that - however a video gives all the "tells" that are there - if you look at "replays" then things like the amount of time for a bet, chat etc are missing from the context of the decision..... Also I think it is important to see a series of hands, to understand the "situation", rather than look at individual hands in isolation. The spreadsheet was more an aid to accompany the video (and specifically to allow you to jump about the video and be able to work out where you were) rather than something to look at in its own right (in fact, don't think there is anywhere near enough info in the spreadsheet to consider the hands based on just that)

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Re: improving at poker

if you look at "replays" then things like the amount of time for a bet, chat etc are missing from the context of the decision.....
totally agree with you - the software hand-players of the future will no doubt cater for this.. Alexross- waits 20 seconds.. Puts All his chips in in last second Chat: "If you call, it's all over, baby" :cheers
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Re: improving at poker

Alex - about a month ago I did this - http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=27111
As it happens Gaf I was interested in this, but for some reason could never get the download to work. Perhaps it would be possible to organise some kind of schooling tournament where a few people play and then once the tournament has finished the participants can discuss the way they played with a couple (or more) of more the more experienced players. Don't know how you would do this software wise (or if it's possible) but I know I would benefit from it and I suspect a few others.
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