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I know they're arranging some great promotions for PL and all, but I've been playing on Virgin a lot all week and I've been getting booted out of tourney after tourney and cash game after cash game, without any other internet problems (multitabling on other sites). I got disconnected with top set last 15 in the 8k in a huge pot the other day then got booted out of this hand, screenshot taken when it froze but just before the 'console will shut down....' message. I get back to see a 4 on the river and a bet facing me which I have to call because it was timed such that I was sitting out when he made it, he has 84 and 4 on the river for a boat. I know Virgin are doing some great PL promotions, but this is a persistant problem with Boss Media software and they really have to get it sorted out. guess7lm.jpg Apologies for crappy quality screenshot - that's a nut flush, 2/4 game with $60 pot pre-turn.

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Re: Virgin I have been useing virgin quite a bit recently and so far I have had no such problems, the only time it has frooze on me is when I tryed to load up a prima site at the same time, but I think that is more down to my connection speed than anything with the software. That is really unfortunate mate, I take it you have mailed Virgin and BM about the problems?

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Re: Virgin Unfortunately it does seem the "norm" on Boss Media. Though hopefully they are sorting it out and this weeks upgrades will improve things further :unsure. To be honest, on a personal note, I don't have huge problems!! I get the impression that Boss Media is hugely processor intensive and this is the source of the problems - so it can come down to the performance of your machine and what else you have running at the same time (EVEN the tournament lobby in Boss seems to have an effect if you leave it open....) Also it seems to need a constant internet connection - if it loses it for a second, then it wants to completely shut down.........

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Re: Virgin Thanks guys, I did email them - I got back various throwaway suggestions like reinstalling the software/clearing cookies etc. I have a dualcore processor, 2 gigs of ram on an 8 meg line, and my log shows my connection didn't drop at any point. I wasn't really expecting any compensation from them, though it'd be nice - I was just kinda hoping they'd acknowledge that it could be a problem with either their server or their software. I think when the boss media providers look at a hand history they just see the cards, or maybe just connects/disconnects. In my case I completed the hand, I just didn't see the turn or the river dealt, then it booted me afterwards, exactly the same thing it's done multiple times this week. I may have just been unlucky with virgin this week , but I know we're all familiar with that error message - the 'we're going to disconnect you in a minute' one, from SO and the like, I remember V thrashing this one out with SO. I don't think they can tell this is happening, because of the way the error presents, I think they just see you completed the hand. I just wish they'd acknowledge this problem, take their customers at their word when we tell them it's happening and it's a problem at their end - regardless of whether it's the server or their software you shouldn't need a nasa supercomputer and a degree in computer science to operate an online poker room - no other software presents these kind of problems with such regularity.

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