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so i'm playing 4 stt's at once, all $5 6 seat. how many tables do you/can you/have you played at once on one screen, gaf's multimonitors dont count :p btw any advice on how to get past the bubble better would be appreciated status: 1: 1/2 stack on last 2: trebled up on one 3: 1/3 up on one 4: doubled up on one update 2102: out of #1 in 5th, AQo vs 77, no help, raised pot then got put all in preflop update 2110: out of #3 in 4th, raised 4x with 88, one caller, then check-raised all in when flop came 10 4 6, called by J10 update 2120: final 3 on both chip lead 5340/2250/1360 on #2 2nd 4350/2495/1995 on #4 update 2128: won #2 still 2/3 on #4 3700/2895/2265 update 2135: won #4 got past bubble with this beautiful runner runner :) a>

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Re: Multitaking Don't see why you're going all in preflop with AQo or 88, neither hand is likely to win a pot, and there is a real danger the flop will kill you. In the first hand, you have nothing, and a 50% chance of not pairing either card, Even if you do pair the Q, there is a real chance some with a K will also pair, plus the normal danger of some one hits a flush / set /straight. AQo is a marginal hand that can be used in late position for a blind steal, but to push all in pre flop is crazy. Same goes for the pair of 8's i think you have less than 25% chance of hitting your set. huge likelyhood someone will have a better pair.

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Re: Multitaking thx for the input but the 88 was a check raise all in from the lop with only the 10 as an overcard. short handed (3 left usually) do you really think AQo is not all in preflop material? over the 12 games listed i'm up about $14 but i know i could have done better if i had slightly better bubble strategy. hence the asking for advice played 12 won 3 2nd 2 thinking about it its almost always a preflop push that takes me out, maybe if i hold back on the re-raises or all in calls a bit i'll do better i'll give it a go later be nice to hear what pene the stt goddess has to say about em

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Re: Multitaking

short handed (3 left usually) do you really think AQo is not all in preflop material?
I do, I'd call with it. But if agressively raised I'd lay it down and walkaway, esp with 3 players left on a 6 player tourney where 2 people get paid. There is a greater than 50% chance that all you'll have at the end of it is a high card ace. Sure he could be bluffing with his agressive raise, but at this level, on the bubble, I don't think so. People are tight here. You've probably spent 20 - 30 mins getting to this stage, make sure you get paid for it.
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Re: Multitaking

Don't see why you're going all in preflop with AQo or 88' date=' neither hand is likely to win a pot, and there is a real danger the flop will kill you.[/quote'] It depends very much on the size of the blinds, the stacks involved and how many players to act after you (ALMOST more than the cards). Both AQ and 88 are likely to be coin flips - you are pretty much 50/50 against most hands - add in your "fold equity" and you can have a large positive expectation on a pre flop all in. Harringtons "Inflection Points" goes into this - in his second book - a summary is here - http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26592. An example of the kind of plays advocated are in this thread - http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26655 - yes all in pre flop with hands like T6s in the right situation when short stacked is the "correct play".
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Re: Multitaking Great post GaF, just the kind of thing I look for in the poker forum. I need to read it in some detail. btw, do you have a pdf of that book still ? I see your point though MP, I tend to think that people are very tight at the bubble of a STT, and unless someone is very short stacked I'd take a raise serious, or unless I was short stacked myself, at which point I'd push hard.

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Re: Multitaking playing another 4 now after a break, when it gets down to the bubble (3 or 4 left) i'll make sure i've got the flop before pushing :) out of #4, j high flush on river to k high flush on river out of #1, lost a big pot to a kicker then blinded down, all in with 8/6 suited hitting the 8, called by top pair

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Re: Multitaking

out of #4, j high flush on river to k high flush on river
That interests me, I assume there was only 1 other caller going to the river ? Were you holding 1 or 2 of the flush suit ?? did you have a pair as a fall back position ? Tell us more about this hand, did you both limp towards the river or was there serious betting ?? Did you push all in when you made the flush, or did he, and you called him ?? Was it obvious to you at the time, that he was drawing towards the same flush ?? If he pushed all in first, there are only 2 conculsions, 1 that he's just paired something (what was the river card btw??), or 2 that he's just made the same flush as you. Assuming that he's just got the flush, just how confident did you feel about having a J ?? I wouldn't feel very good about that at all, I'd assume if someone was drawing towards that flush, they'd have Q, K or A in that suit, and their fall back position in the hand was to try and pair it. Given that there is a minimum of 4 cards from that suit out of the deck, and he's clearly drawing towards the same flush, It seems that the only thing that could have saved you on the river, was not to make the flush , but to pair your jack, I calculate this as a 15/1 shot. My take on this type of hand when someone is drawing with me and I don't hold the Ace, would either be to fold it down, or raise very agressively at the turn, to scare him off going to the river.
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Re: Multitaking playing another 2 with my profit margin 10 hands into 1 and i'm 3750 from 1500 9 hands into the other and i'm 3765 from 1500 13 hands 5258 12 hands 5035 its a shame i can play these beginning stages so well then still tend to bubble out. 20 hands 5008 21 hands 6330 won #1 in roughly 60 hands 3 left in #2 chip lead 4670/2420/1910 won #2 in 81 hands never went in preflop unless i knew i was ahead, until at the end when i had a 2:1 chiplead over 2nd seems your help is paying off :) played: 18 won: 6 2nd: 2 out: $99 in: $138 profit: $39

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Re: Multitaking

take a peek, i dont think i played it badly.
All about opinons I guess. But you were behind at every stage in the hand, he had a pair of 2's and a king kicker. You had nothing but a high card jack. You're on BB, so you go the flop without any extra money, fair enough, you check through the flop at no cost, a 7 appears on the turn, he raises you 120, this is a test. You have nothing, i'd have folded at this point, pot odds aren't in your favour, you've put 50% of the chips into the pot and there is roughly a 1 in 5 chance of making your flush. You're taking a 5 to 1 shot that pays even money here. Not wise You make your flush on the river, so raise 360, he raises 720, didn't this worry you greatly?? Four options are he's just made a pair of Queens, he's hit a straight, he been drawing towards the same flush as you, and you don't know what he's got, either A or K defeats you, or he's a fool trying to bluff you. He's not going to reraise with a pair of queens with both flush and straight draws on the board, you've just signaled you've a big hand, and it doesn't scare him at all. we can pretty much rule out QQ, he's not an idiot or he wouldn't have made it this far in the tournement. You must know now he's got a big hand, It's a difficult one now, you're now involved for a third of your chips. If you call his 720 chip bet, you're pot committed and your entire tournement rests on this hand. You have no out at this point, if you'd pushed all in, he'd have called you. He's got the 2nd nut flush, and has got to feel pretty good. In my opinion (for what little it's worth) you played this handd wrong, you should have walked away when he raised you 120 at the turn, you had sh!t then and didn't need to be involved, I'd have walked away with a loss of 40 chips, meaningless in the big picture. Hitting the flush on the river was the worst thing that could happen to you. If you hadn't hit it, I guess you'd both have checked, and you'd have lost 160, instead of the entire stack. I'd have folded at his 120 raise on the turn, but I'd be really interested in how others would have played the hand.
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Re: Multitaking on the turn i had, ~9 outs for face card flush, ~4 outs for straight and the jack as an overcard. ther 120 bet made me think he had mid pair, so if the flush or straight hits i can put myself ahead. 9 outs for 3xbb, meant my expected value of the hand if either hits was very large. remembering that it was only 5 handed, the chances i had been up against a higher flush draw were slim, the queen coming down made the straight and top pair on the board. the flush being the single most powerful hand on the board and only the Kx or Ax beat me, with him betting the turn, i didnt put him on either. when he raised the first time, i thought he was trying to bluff the flush when he raised the second time i thought he'd hit 2p or the straight. imo he just didnt play like the flush draw

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Re: Multitaking speaking of good play early on, i kinda went a bit overboard on one, and after doubling up with runner runner 2 pair AJ vs 55, i ended up with 99 on the big blind after a preflop raise and re-raise, by 2 people both with single starting stacks, with me having just doubled up i figured i could afford to gamble with my 99 so i re-raised all in and both called instantly, to their doom. both of them turned over AKo, putting me well in front, 5 low cards later and ive got a 6.5k stack and only 3 players remaining. i figured i had enough to play agressivey and sure enough, the others start calling my regular all ins with off hands, i hit a pair and they drop. long story short, i won the thing kinda fast. Masterplan-fastfinish.JPG

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Re: Multitaking

I need to read it in some detail. btw' date=' do you have a pdf of that book still ?[/quote'] Have come across this site - dedicated to Poker Torrents - http://thepokerbay.org The "Poker Books Collection" includes: Harrington on Hold em I Harrington on Hold em II Theory of Poker (first 170 pages) Super System I Holdem part Holdem for Advanced Players Small Stakes Hold em Low Stakes Limit Hold em Holdem Brain Internet Texas Holdem Winning Strategies Shorthanded Fixed Limit Articles This is the torrent http://thepokerbay.org/download.php/155/Poker%20Books.torrent Overall is 94MB.
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