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Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?


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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

Finished 2nd. Heads up, 1k more than kermit next to me, I call his reraise with 89s, I flop top pair and decide to put him all in, he calls with 2 overcards (a truly awful call by anyone that does it) and gets a J on the river - fcukin going on a run of these muppets getting the better of me despite playing the right cards and laying down good hands - don't mind me, I'm off to headbutt my gerbil.
Hand #285915428 at table: JonnyTexas F/O Sat. Started: Tue May 02 21:37:16 2006 raiser98 is at seat 1 with 2620.00 RiverDaddy is at seat 3 with 3335.00 RiverDaddy posts the large blind 30.00 raiser98 posts the small blind 15.00 RiverDaddy: --, -- raiser98: As, Jh Pre-flop: raiser98: Raise 90.00 RiverDaddy: Raise 300.00 raiser98: Raise 840.00 RiverDaddy: Call 840.00 Flop (Board: 5c, 2d, 9c): RiverDaddy: Bet 1830.00 raiser98: All in Showdown: raiser98 shows: As, Jh (high card, Ace) RiverDaddy shows: 8c, 9d (a pair of Nines) Turn (Board: 5c, 2d, 9c, 7c): River (Board: 5c, 2d, 9c, 7c, Jd): raiser98 shows: As, Jh (a pair of Jacks) Mainpot: raiser98 wins the pot of 5270 with a pair of Jacks For the record i called because i thought i was ahead! simple as that - i admitadly got lucky. However, you need luck sometimes and i managed to get it at the right time. Also, instead of slagging my game off on this forum i suggest you look at your own game first - that preflop call was (IMO) not the best!.... i was quite compllmentary about your general play on another forum, but i dont appreciate being called a muppet etc etc........ Looking forward to hopefully playing you again on monday in the forum Vs forum challenge. :tongue2 Ps What on earth is this >>> :nana ROFL
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

Ps What on earth is this >>> :nana ROFL
It's a dancing banana, which, after some of the bad beats I've had this week, seems perfectly normal- I think I need to get out more often:\
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

Ps What on earth is this >>> :nana ROFL
Second only in stature to :cow (imo). As regards the tourney - I'll leave Paul to answer, but thanks for coming and giving your point of view (and see you Monday :D).
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

Second only in stature to :cow (imo). As regards the tourney - I'll leave Paul to answer, but thanks for coming and giving your point of view (and see you Monday :D).
A dancing cow is going just too far :eyes
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament? Raiser - go read Doyle Brunson's book, can't remember which one it is now, but he calls it a "poker sin" to call with only 2 overcards, a raise by all means, but calling an all in was a shocking move. As for my calling your re-reraise, its HU, it's always loose HU and I play loose HU all the time. I had the chips to call you, but I stand by what I said, it was a truly awfully poor decision to call me with only 2 overcards.

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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

Raiser - go read Doyle Brunson's book, can't remember which one it is now, but he calls it a "poker sin" to call with only 2 overcards, a raise by all means, but calling an all in was a shocking move. As for my calling your re-reraise, its HU, it's always loose HU and I play loose HU all the time. I had the chips to call you, but I stand by what I said, it was a truly awfully poor decision to call me with only 2 overcards.
You are full of it!! :moon IMHO, i couldnt careless what was in my hand - if i think iam ahead at any point in a hand and someone puts me all in i will call every time.... i will repeat that again just in case you didnt understand me the first time..... I couldnt care less what was in my hand - if i THINK iam ahead at any point in a hand and someone puts me all in i will call every time. I like the way you tried to make out that you fell foul of a bad beat or something in your first post on the subject!! So my advice next time you intend to slag someone off: 1) post the hand history 2) post your comments on a private forum 3) i bet you are well annoyed that i tracked you down :nana (these smilies are great) I will quote and unnamed person on this hand "he hit the flop, you hit the river, thats poker" :cow :moon :rollin Good luck on monday BTW - i think you need as much of it as possible :D :tongue2 - because if you keep making stupid preflop calls with crap you are going to run into to a hell of alot of trouble!
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

You are full of it!! :moon IMHO, i couldnt careless what was in my hand - if i think iam ahead at any point in a hand and someone puts me all in i will call every time.... i will repeat that again just in case you didnt understand me the first time..... I couldnt care less what was in my hand - if i THINK iam ahead at any point in a hand and someone puts me all in i will call every time. I like the way you tried to make out that you fell foul of a bad beat or something in your first post on the subject!! So my advice next time you intend to slag someone off: 1) post the hand history 2) post your comments on a private forum 3) i bet you are well annoyed that i tracked you down :nana (these smilies are great) I will quote and unnamed person on this hand "he hit the flop, you hit the river, thats poker" :cow :moon :rollin Good luck on monday BTW - i think you need as much of it as possible :D :tongue2 - because if you keep making stupid preflop calls with crap you are going to run into to a hell of alot of trouble!
Uh oh...:(
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament? Pre-flop odds: Raiser - 62.18% RiverDaddy - 37.50% Post flop odds. (when the money went in) Raiser - 21.92% RiverDaddy - 78.08% Post turn odds Raiser - 9.09% RiverDaddy - 90.91% Funny. Now I'm REALLY looking forward to Monday - if he is a forums' good player. And before you say you thought you were ahead - b-s! You had nothing - not even a runner runner flush or straight. You called cos you were tied to an Ace. I hope you don't realise I'm right - its plays like that, that pay for my treats.:ok Thanks for putting up the hand history, I didn't realise how far ahead Paul was.:D

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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament? At no point have i disagreed with the fact that i got lucky after the flop - i know that and everyone else knows that!! The fact he made such a pathetic call preflop was my main point & come to think of it moving all in himself on the flop when he was first to act is CRAZY - i obviously shown strength preflop. It was a very very risky move on his part IMO - i could have any over pair. All in all the best player on the table won the hand and the game!! LOL - oh and not to mention iam from the more superior forum.....:tongue2 :rollin :loon (these smilies are great!)

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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament? :lol :eek :nana :notworthy

Dear Kermit, It was preflop heads up, very different to preflop with 6 players or more - go read a book. You clearly haven't played HU very much, hence you're a muppet at it. ;)
LOL - you are so funny! Do you have a speech impediment like your brother Jonathan? .....Ri....ri....ri.....ri.....ri.....rivered :rollin I have never gloated in rivering someone before, but the time has started!! ROFL :tongue2 :clap :cow :spank :moon :nana
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament? Now it's time to get myself a bad name.Now only being able to see 1 hand history it's a bit hard to make a decision,but Mr Ross' bet on the flop could look like a panic bet to preserve Ace high with a small kicker.I would have gone for it and called the all in(and if i had lost then so be it).More reviews of hand history's would help maybe Mr Ross had made some bad moves before this hand and Raiser fancied his chances.

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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament? Just to put this thread back on topic a little, I realised that only 2 prizes: 1st: Entry to Jonny Texas Invitational on Sky (worth $5000) 2nd: $3000 might mean when it gets to heads up, people will be fighting to get the 2nd prize rather than the first. This could make a mockery of the heads up. Therefore, we have come up with the following enhancement: 1st: Entry to tournament (worth $5000) 2nd: 40% of remaining funds ($1200 if 16 players in final, as expected). 3rd: 30% of remaining funds ($900) 4th: 20% of remaining funds ($600) 5th: 10% of remaining funds ($300) This should hopefully mean everyone playing will be trying for first place, rather than second! Though, second at $1200 is obviously pretty attractive too. If you haven't entered yet, what's keeping you? :nana :cow :nana (whilst on the subject of emoticons, we must get some of these for our forums!) There are only 8 spaces left, with satellites running every day until Saturday.

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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

You are a truly great player' date=' unluckily for you I can afford to buy straight in and send you straight home in the final and with plays like that, it will be "Taxi for Raiser". ;)[/quote'] Oh oh... now the Boss is getting his whip out... :loon Go get'em Boss :ok
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

Thankyou Matt :clap :clap :clap
He he, and there I go dragging it right back... ;) Btw... thinking of having a go at this in 30 mins... can't make up my mind about it really :unsure ...only 2 in at the moment...
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

He he, and there I go dragging it right back... ;) Btw... thinking of having a go at this in 30 mins... can't make up my mind about it really :unsure ...only 2 in at the moment...
I'm in pene but I've got a feeling its going to be cancelled. (It seems to help if you are from Bristol to get a seat in the final - four of them in - I guess sheep will be safe to walk the streets of Bristol on the 7th)
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

I'm in pene but I've got a feeling its going to be cancelled. (It seems to help if you are from Bristol to get a seat in the final - four of them in - I guess sheep will be safe to walk the streets of Bristol on the 7th)
Why would it be cancelled?? Played with 3 in it yesterday, didn't it?? :unsure
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

I'm in pene but I've got a feeling its going to be cancelled. (It seems to help if you are from Bristol to get a seat in the final - four of them in - I guess sheep will be safe to walk the streets of Bristol on the 7th)
baaaaaaaaaaah! :unsure
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament?

Why would it be cancelled?? Played with 3 in it yesterday' date=' didn't it?? :unsure[/quote'] I dont know but it does say min 6 players (sorry rosie :\)
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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament? Don't you just love poker??????? :wall :wall :wall :wall 7 in... just started... I have JJ... Only me as BB, and SB... I raise 120 preflop...he calls... 4 8 10 on flop... he bets 120... I raise to 540... he takes me all in... He shows 9 10 off... 9 on turn... gotta hate that... :cry :cry :cry

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Re: Wanna play a Live TV Tournament? Mine was worse pene I presses enter to send GL in the chat and accidently did a rebuy so it cost me double!! went out 3rd A8 against A9 Hens still in HU

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