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Blue Square $2000 Freeroll 1st May 10am

The Quiet Man

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Re: Blue Square $2000 Freeroll 1st May 10am nearly worked nicked laods of blinds with my all ins then i get a hand QQ and changed tatics bad move my big raise gets called as planned flop goes Jxx i go all in gets called by KJ ( dopey yanks) Bloody J on turn Buga

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Re: Blue Square $2000 Freeroll 1st May 10am Out in 31nd and foking fuming :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@. All in with AK (26k) everyone folds to BB (8k). He has 120k and calls with J2o :wall :wall :wall. Beats me and then says I was pot committed :puke. You should committed a suicide fuking imbecile :@.

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Re: Blue Square $2000 Freeroll 1st May 10am

Out in 31nd and foking fuming :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@. All in with AK (26k) everyone folds to BB (8k). He has 120k and calls with J2o :wall :wall :wall. Beats me and then says I was pot committed :puke. You should committed a suicide fuking imbecile :@.
Unluck Hen, I got took out (and had my stack reduced) by idiots calling a 3 raise with 52o. - out of the hun-pan into the septic tank:@
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Re: Blue Square $2000 Freeroll 1st May 10am :lol :lol :lol Ah well, there is a certain intelligence in knoeing where to go for good advice.:tongue2 Well done mate, and can I have Tom's autograph? It'll be worth a fortune when he hits the big time!

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Re: Blue Square $2000 Freeroll 1st May 10am

Ended up 16th for $30! :dude Better than working!:ok
Well done Scott/Tom.:clap More money for Beer/Sweeties :beer Tried to register for this on Thursday but debit card was out of date and I wasn't able to add a new one.:wall Paul.
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Re: Blue Square $2000 Freeroll 1st May 10am Congratulation TQM, good result. One thing I noticed about Blue Square which I do not like, I was in a pot against a player with about 10,000 chips, the big blind was 1600 so I clicked the 8 times button to bet 12800 and put him all in. The next hand I was on the Big Blind with nothing, the small blind called and I went to make a small bet to try and steal, but found that I had bet 12800 by mistake. Lucky for me that the small blind folded.

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