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The Good and The Bad (We've Already Got Ugly Covered)


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Re: The Good and The Bad (We've Already Got Ugly Covered) I like this MR I . Good way to have a nice laugh to start off the day :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon

eg. Blinds 25/50, lots of pre flop action; on the flop 4 players, pot 1100, check, check, check, guy in last position bets 50. MAKE A PROPER ****ING BET YOU PUFTER
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Re: The Good and The Bad (We've Already Got Ugly Covered) I'll try to ignore them at the moment but will plot to take these lucky players out as soon as possible :clap :clap :clap

I hate graceless winners. Graceless losers I can understand' date=' heat of the moment and all that. But someone typing 'he he he' in the chatbox after busting someones AA with their shitey hand really pisses me off.[/quote']
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Re: The Good and The Bad (We've Already Got Ugly Covered) Something else I hate. Heads up in an STT, opponent has about twice my stack and is just limping with anything. So I think 'right next half-decent hand I'm raising him'. Sure enough the very next hand I get AQ, I'm down to about 11BB at this point, he limps I raise all-in he flips over AA:wall Does anyone else regularly choose the worst possible time to make a stand?

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Re: The Good and The Bad (We've Already Got Ugly Covered)

Does anyone else regularly choose the worst possible time to make a stand?
God yes, pretty much every time, and then on the few occasions I've timed it right about half of those (or at least it seems like it) my opponent hits some amazing flop :@
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Re: The Good and The Bad (We've Already Got Ugly Covered) The one that really gets to me is losing to pair of 4s, usually pockets but sometimes otherwise. (As happened last night ON THE RIVER in the SO PL MTT League game). Any other hand (even bad beats) I can more or less accept, that hand just seems to send me over the edge and into tilt. Rest assured I will never move to a house numbered 44!!! Good thing?. Being able to show 2 7 o/s, sending someone onto serious tilt, then picking up a monster and whooping their candy ass out of the tourney!! Pene, hope today is better than yesterday was. Have a 36_2_80.gif from me too

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Guest gazza271

Re: The Good and The Bad (We've Already Got Ugly Covered) Good Just playing in a SO $5 STT and end up heads up, slightly ahead in chips and dealt JJ. All in was quickly called and he turns over QQ ssshhhhhhiiiiiittttttttttttttt :cry flop brings QJ*,turn nothing, river J :lol :lol Bad Always so bloody hard to let QQ KK and AA go :@

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Re: The Good and The Bad (We've Already Got Ugly Covered) Good The 'perfect' STT..... You play nothing cos you get nothing, then you're down to the last 5. 2 very big stacks 2 who are red zone residents and you. The big stacks can be loose because of their commanding position, so you double thru with a good hand. Then you watch the big stacks taking on the little guys - hopefully putting them out. So - 3 left and you're the short stack, but you start playing and it comes together, and you ending up winning it.:dude :dude 'Perfect' because of the manner of the win.

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Re: The Good and The Bad (We've Already Got Ugly Covered)

Something else I hate. Heads up in an STT, opponent has about twice my stack and is just limping with anything. So I think 'right next half-decent hand I'm raising him'. Sure enough the very next hand I get AQ, I'm down to about 11BB at this point, he limps I raise all-in he flips over AA:wall Does anyone else regularly choose the worst possible time to make a stand?
Frequently :cry
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Re: The Good and The Bad (We've Already Got Ugly Covered) Bad Downloading an innocent-looking little application mid-afternoon and discovering you've invited an extremely aggressive trojan. Then spending 3 hours try to immunize when you realise that Betfair City AM starts in just over an hour, meaning you make the decision to wipe your PC. :cry :cry :cry Now my PC is empty and I gotta say I feel so violated. :puke

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Re: The Good and The Bad (We've Already Got Ugly Covered) Good - Getting 4 of a kind (J's) 1st hand. :eek Full house 2nd hand. :eek 4 of a kind (7's) soon after. :eek Getting another full house after that..... :eek Bad - Realising that you can't find the hand history on Ongame Poker sites......:wall :wall :wall :eyes

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