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table 3 sunday?


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right can anyone who was due to be on table 3 tonight please state here if they can play on sunday.same time.9pm. pope if u still wanna play i will step aside for this match as you were willing to sub for me when i needed you to.failing that i will play myself.need to know asap please guys.:ok

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Re: table 3 sunday?

right so thats me' date='moface and bonk.what about kevsul (sub mattd) and newbie? anyone know anything about them? or do we start looking for more subs[/quote'] up to TEAM CAPTAINS to sort out there shoddy players , if it was up to me i would void the points for the 2 that didnt turn up!!!!!!!!! but its not so there lucky:tongue2
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Re: table 3 sunday? right im bumping this up. are we gonna play this or what.i need to know so i can set up the table. i need the players to give me a definate answer and can someone decide if these points are gonna count. i am looking to set up the table for between 9.30 and 10 pm so if anyone has any prefence let me know asap.:ok

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Re: table 3 sunday? ok im gonna set up the table for 9.30pm and will pm the passwords to all the people playing.anyone who cannot play please let me know asap so i can try to get a sub. i would be grateful if ppl could try and take their seats about 5 mins before it starts and i will try to sit down last in case any problems arise.

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Re: table 3 sunday?

i think i was due to play, my net was out for 10 days. i'm free to play tonight at 9 so count me in!
we named a sub for you mate, boof bonk boosh so he will be playing tonight if he still wants to. if your available for the next games tho, you will be back in the line up
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Re: table 3 sunday?

we named a sub for you mate, boof bonk boosh so he will be playing tonight if he still wants to. if your available for the next games tho, you will be back in the line up
right can someone let me know who is playing as i need to pm them the details.
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