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working out pot odds


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Hey folks This has no doubt been covered before:unsure, I have searched the site for the thread but i can't seem to find it:sad. I was wondering does anyone have a good website or program for working out pot odds, i noticed alot of people have excel spreadsheets, r these any good? been reading alot of websites and other things on the subject, but am getting confussed:wall Any ideas :hope

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Re: working out pot odds yeah, i got this months pokerplayer (1st time buying it), and i must say it was a good buy:ok It was this article that got me intrigued on the matter. Was wondering if there is a way to calculate it quickly, like a spreadsheet or software, till i get practice and can calculate without it. my Maths GCSE is abit crap:cry

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Re: working out pot odds If you want software to do it for you, texas calculatem is probably still the best - get it from cnet.com or probably many other places. If it's so that you can eventually learn to do it in your head, best bet is likely just to use a calculator - anything else and you're not forced to work it out yourself.

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Re: working out pot odds A good quick way to calculate it is .... 1) assess the number of outs you have (feel free to count 1/2 an out if you assess a card has a 50% chance of winning a hand) 2) Multiply this by 2 for rough chance of hitting with one extra card (more exact is to multiply by 2 then add 10%, though this degree of accuracy isn't necessary IMO) - multiply by 4 for a rough estimation of hitting in 2 cards So if you have a nut flush draw - 9 outs ...... that's roughly 18% (19.8% adding 10% for increased accuracy) to hit with 1 card to come or 36% to hit with 4 cards to come.........comparing that to the table in Poker Player mag - it is actually 19.6% and 35%

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Re: working out pot odds Thanks for the reply GAF :clap I ve been setting up mock hands at home in an attempt to work this out. What i actually got was a sore head:wall lol Think am getting the hang of it how, i read, and re read the PPlayer mag article and i think its starting to sink in:drums Cheers again. :ok

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Re: working out pot odds

I don't play paker though:rollin
hahahahahahaha:lol MCFC u should check ur spillling before u past on this fourum. Use spill cheuquer if you have a proobleam (silly i know but hey....................................Dancing Bananas :nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana
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