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Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban !


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FYI : ====== Please reply above this line ====== RE: Sporting Odds Chat Ban (FAO Malcolm Campbell) Dear Jeff, Thank you for the email regarding your poker account. In response to your query we have reviewed your account and received your apology but as this is a very serious issue we will not be lifting your chat ban at this time. We hope this clarifies the situation, however if you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards, ---------------------------------------------------- Linda Borsman Customer Service Agent (Team Leader) IPN Response Suite 812, Europort Gibraltar International 350 51710 Freephone UK 0800 376 2815 Freephone USA 18667452385 The information in this e-mail and any attachment is confidential and is intended only for the named recipient(s). The e-mail may not be disclosed or used by any person other than the addressee, nor may it be copied in any way. If you are not a named recipient please notify the sender immediately and delete any copies of this message. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden. Any view or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Ticket Details ========= Ticket ID: IUD-57389 Tracking URL: http://support.st-minver.com/index.php?_a=tickets&_m=viewmain&[email protected]&ticketkey22=81db6e17 Department: Poker Response Created On: 13 Apr 2006 02:11 PM Last Update: 13 Apr 2006 02:11 PM Status: Closed :@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@ Obviously, I now have to consider whether I will continue to use SO in the future, or another other Boss media Affiliate.....

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Re: Sporting Odds WONT lift my Chat Ban !

How stupid are they? :@
INCREDIBLY stupid!!!:eyes :eyes :eyes (Well Boss Media are, As PR has pointed out, Sporting Odds have been helpful) So why do they do nowt about the bleeding Magyars?. That's worse. It's collusion in many cases!!!:@ :@ :@
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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban ! Hope you don't mind Jeff - have changed the heading from "Sporting Odds" to "Boss Media" as it is a "Boss Media" decision and nothing "Sporting Odds" can do about it.... I know we have Joe on side and I know he has been working with you on it ........ can I propose that you forward him the email from Poker Response and see if there is anything else he can do to help. Please also copy in [email protected] on your email so we can keep in touch with what is going on...........

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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban ! I may be wrong, but I seem to remember that last time one us was given a chat ban for mentioning PL, they (SO or Boss Media, don't know which) apologized in the end, saying that whoever implemented the ban hadn't realized that PL was a forum and not a competitor. I.e., they told us it was OK to mention PL ... Has anybody brought this up with them this time?

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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban !

FYI : In response to your query we have reviewed your account and received your apology but as this is a very serious issue we will not be lifting your chat ban at this time. We hope this clarifies the situation, however if you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards, ----------------------------------------------------
Could you ask them to clarify why such an inane response has clarified anything?? :unsure :unsure :unsure :unsure :unsure
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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban ! My e-mails and replies about my own chat ban a few months back, in case they help at all... Me to SO Trying to say hello to another player in tonight's Super Sunday tournament, I was given the message "You have been permanently banned from chat1" I would be grateful for a complete explanation of why I have been banned ASAP. As I am about to mention on a popular forum I am a frequent poster on, the only reason which springs to mind seems to be victimisation of me just because I had the temerity to complain to you about your continued software problems 6 days ago. Reply Thank you for your email. I can confirm that you have been suspended from the chat facility due to fact you were found to be advertising. This could include your own products, our competitors promotions, or any other general touting of company names. We are regretful that we have had to take this action but the chat facility is solely for the use of exchanging pleasantries and perhaps encouragement. Any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us again. My reply I would appreciate a full list of company names or competitor promotions which I have been advertising, as I can recall no such incidents. Follow up from me I replied to the below e-mail three days ago, asking for evidence of this 'advertising'. Does your failure to respond mean that there is no evidence that I am guilty of this? If so, I would appreciate reinstatement of chat facilities immediately. If not, I would like to see the evidence. SO's reply Dear James, Please accept our sincerest apologies if you did not receive a response to your email from several days ago. We have forwarded your query over to our poker department who will now need to search the logs for the evidence you require. As soon as we have this we will get back to you, this should be within 24-48 hours. At present the only information we have is that it was for advertising and in no circumstances would we punish you for making legitamit complaints about our software. Joe Legge gets involved, proving that someone around there actually has a grasp of customer service (thanks again Joe!) James, Having had your Chat Ban on SportingOdds Poker Room bought to my attention by Punters Lounge I looked in to the situation and asked the Poker Response team to look in to the situation. It was noted in our system that you had been banned for 'advertising' but having reviewed your chat during the game they could only find you making references to Punters Lounge. I can only assume the person who placed the ban on you was not aware that this is a forum and not a competitor site. I can only apologise for what has happened to you and reinstate your chat function. I have credited your account with $20 as further means of apology. Regards, Joe (Implication here is that I was NOT at fault, obviously!!) Matter now closed as far as I'm concerned, but someone has to have the last word... Dear Sir, Thank you for contacting Sporting Odds. I can confirm that our Poker Support team have investigated the matter in question and they have agreed to reopen your chat privelages. They have asked however if you could not use this facillity to advertise other Poker Sites. We thank you for your patience and understanding regarding this matter and on behalf of Sporting Odds, the very best of luck on your future wagering. Kind Regards I refrain from replying, even resisting the urge to tell him how to spell priveleges...

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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban ! I'm a bit confused here jaded as we managed to have brief conversations during Super Sunday before falling over each other in our rush to qualify! :lol I assume you had a problem before the game was down to 2 tables? :unsure Or was it at an earlier Super Sunday?

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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban !

Hope you don't mind Jeff - have changed the heading from "Sporting Odds" to "Boss Media" as it is a "Boss Media" decision and nothing "Sporting Odds" can do about it.... I know we have Joe on side and I know he has been working with you on it ........ can I propose that you forward him the email from Poker Response and see if there is anything else he can do to help. Please also copy in [email protected] on your email so we can keep in touch with what is going on...........
No, thats fine, GaF - I posted very quickly, as I was getting ready to go to Swindon for the speedway when I received Boss' email. I sent the email onto Joe Legge before posting on PL, and will forward on to the PL email address. Cheers, Jeff
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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban ! My reply to Linda Borsman at Boss Media : Linda, I find your reply very dissapointing and most unhelpful ! Are you not aware that Joe Legge of Sporting Odds and your own Malcolm Campbell had already arranged that if I apologised, my chat ban would be removed ? Do the employees at Poker response not communicate with each other ? Also, as for the "advertising" that I am supposedly guilty of, that is complete and utter nonsense ! My ban is allegedly for "advertising" "Punters Lounge" (www.punterslounge.com), which is NOT a rival Poker Site, but a collective of Poker Players, who in fact, use Boss Media affiliates Sporting Odds, Virgin Poker and Poker.co.uk as our main sites, as both sites run regular league games and other tournaments for us...Why not check out Punters Lounge for yourself to put your mind at rest, and then pass the info to the Customer Service team that you lead ? What "service" some might say, but I wouldnt be so un-charitable... Of course, lets not forget that by "advertising" Punters Lounge, which in fact introduces Punters Lounge to other poker players, I, and the many other PLers, are helping to increase revenues for Sporting Odds, Poker.co.uk, and therefore, BOSS MEDIA ! Another point, Linda, have you not heard that the customer is always right ? A customer in this case, who would be happy at the present moment in time to withdraw all funds in my Sporting Odds account, and never play on a Boss Media affiliated site again....I am sure plenty of other poker rooms would be happy to take my money... Hopefully, common sense shall prevail, and I await your response with baited breath. Regards, Jeff Povey

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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban !

My reply to Linda Borsman at Boss Media : Linda, I find your reply very dissapointing and most unhelpful ! Are you not aware that Joe Legge of Sporting Odds and your own Malcolm Campbell had already arranged that if I apologised, my chat ban would be removed ? Do the employees at Poker response not communicate with each other ? Also, as for the "advertising" that I am supposedly guilty of, that is complete and utter nonsense ! My ban is allegedly for "advertising" "Punters Lounge" (www.punterslounge.com), which is NOT a rival Poker Site, but a collective of Poker Players, who in fact, use Boss Media affiliates Sporting Odds, Virgin Poker and Poker.co.uk as our main sites, as both sites run regular league games and other tournaments for us...Why not check out Punters Lounge for yourself to put your mind at rest, and then pass the info to the Customer Service team that you lead ? What "service" some might say, but I wouldnt be so un-charitable... Of course, lets not forget that by "advertising" Punters Lounge, which in fact introduces Punters Lounge to other poker players, I, and the many other PLers, are helping to increase revenues for Sporting Odds, Poker.co.uk, and therefore, BOSS MEDIA ! Another point, Linda, have you not heard that the customer is always right ? A customer in this case, who would be happy at the present moment in time to withdraw all funds in my Sporting Odds account, and never play on a Boss Media affiliated site again....I am sure plenty of other poker rooms would be happy to take my money... Hopefully, common sense shall prevail, and I await your response with baited breath. Regards, Jeff Povey
OOh Jeff, how Masterful! I vote we sack 'em if we you don't get the right response. How can they not see that Punterslounge helps their busines, and the promotion of Punterslounge Promotes Boss Media? Next time you have to enmail, you might consider including a couple of links so that she can u n d e r s t a n d what we do, but it probably wouldn't make any difference :@:@:@
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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban ! And the latest is this : ====== Please reply above this line ====== RE: Sporting Odds Chat Ban (FAO Malcolm Campbell) Dear Jeff, Thank you for your e-mail regarding your poker account. We can confirm we have forwarded your email to the relevant department. They will investigate your query and act accordingly. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards, ---------------------------------------------------- Sabina Dignam Customer Service Agent IPN Response Suite 812, Europort Gibraltar International 350 51710 Freephone UK 0800 376 2815 Freephone USA 18667452385 The information in this e-mail and any attachment is confidential and is intended only for the named recipient(s). The e-mail may not be disclosed or used by any person other than the addressee, nor may it be copied in any way. If you are not a named recipient please notify the sender immediately and delete any copies of this message. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden. Any view or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Ticket Details ========= Ticket ID: IUD-57389 Tracking URL: http://support.st-minver.com/index.php?_a=tickets&_m=viewmain&[email protected]&ticketkey22=81db6e17 Department: Poker Response Created On: 13 Apr 2006 02:11 PM Last Update: 14 Apr 2006 03:23 AM Status: On Hold

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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban !

Umm... doesn't further assistance suggest they've actually been of some assistance previously?!
Yes mate, quite correct Obviously, Boss' definition of "assistance" and our / my definition of "assistance" varies enormously :@
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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban ! Jeffster i am having exactly the same problem i have had a reply from Linda who has picked up the mail even though it was marked for Malcolm Campbell. This is unbelievably frustrating, have we got anyone with a voice out there?

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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban !

Jeffster i am having exactly the same problem i have had a reply from Linda who has picked up the mail even though it was marked for Malcolm Campbell. This is unbelievably frustrating, have we got anyone with a voice out there?
Elmcroft, All I can suggest is forwarding the email from Linda "Helpful" Borsman to Joe Legge at Sporting Odds ( [email protected]) ( CC [email protected]) and then : Reply to Linda along similar lines to me above, again copying in Joe Legge and [email protected] One wonders if Mrs Borsman is on an ego crazed power trip, but its hacking me right off ! As you say, our emails (on advisement from Joe) were clearly marked for the attention of Malcolm Campbell, so WHY is Linda Borsman even getting involved ????? Maybe she is suffering from "Doctors Receptionist" syndrome, and wants to protect "Doctor Malcolm" from us getting through to him ??? :@:@:@:@:@:@:@
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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban ! FYI - My ban has now been lifted : ====== Please reply above this line ====== RE: Sporting Odds Chat Ban (FAO Malcolm Campbell) Dear Jeff, Thank you for your e-mail regarding this issue. We accept your apology, and have now lifted the chat ban imposed on your account. We do run a continuous chat log review program, and anyone found advertising will be subject to an immediate and permanent chat ban. We accept that you were not aware of these rules, and are happy to have received your confirmation that you will not make any further mention of sites which could be perceived as advertising. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate in contacting us. Kind Regards ---------------------------------------------------- Lyn Donnelly Customer Service (Supervisor) IPN Response Suite 812, Europort Gibraltar International 350 51710 Freephone UK 0800 376 2815 Freephone USA 18667452385 I have replied thus, as I concerned that Boss have not acknowledged that I was NOT advertising a rival poker site : Lyn, Thanks for your email, and thank you for lifting the chat ban. However, it concerns me that you have still not acknowledged that I was NOT advertising a rival Poker site... As stated in my previous email, "Punters Lounge" is NOT a rival poker site, but a collective of poker players, who in fact use the Boss Media affiliates of Sporting Odds, Poker.co.uk, and Virgin Poker as our main sites, and therefore the more players "recruited" by Punters Lounge (whose membership is strengthened by word of mouth from existing PLers to new members) increases the number of players playing poker on Boss Media affiliates, and therefore adds further revenues to Boss, Sporting Odds, Poker.co.uk, and Virgin Poker... As I work for a major supermarket company here in England, I know that it would be sheer folly to advertise / recommend a competitor, which could cost me my job, and whilst playing poker have NEVER advertised a rival site while playing on "SO", poker.co.uk, etc.... Regards, Jeff Povey

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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban ! Just had this from Malcolm Campbell : Dear Jeff, Your chat ban is now lifted, the reason for the latest email from our support is down to me. I had been dealing with your query whilst I was on leave, therefore I had neglected to inform my team of what I had agreed with Joe. For this I apologise, however I hope you will see that my team were carrying out normal procedures given my lack of feed back to them. Kind Regards ---------------------------------------------------- Malcolm Campbell Call Centre Manager Suite 812, Europort Gibraltar T: +350 49552 ::

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Re: Boss Media WONT lift my Chat Ban ! Go for it Jeff!!! :notworthy It sounds like their turning into a bunch of little Hitlers at SO..... I hope you get the appology you deserve, instead of them "accepting your apology".... how big of them - when you haven't done anything wrong in the first place.

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