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Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!!


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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! made a desperate mistake when not watching properly and eventually blew out while chasing.......... Guy raises 200 and i call with Q,J suited Flop leaves me with 4 of flush with turn and river to go so I call his 300 raise River comes the fifth diamond so I put him all in thinking that he may have TRIPS or a BIG PAIR He turns over A,A I chuckle to myself and then look on in dis-belief as the chip glide towards HIM!!! The river card was A HEART!! :$:$:$:$:$

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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! Ouch.... Been there and done that, ever since I have palyed with a four colour deck were possible. At least it was near the start of the tournament, it can be very painfull after a few hours play. Out early tonight, all in after the turn with 2 pair Aces and Jacks to his pair of aces and King kicker, river was a queen so i thought great not noticing there was one on the flop already.... I lose due to worse kicker.

made a desperate mistake when not watching properly and eventually blew out while chasing.......... Guy raises 200 and i call with Q,J suited Flop leaves me with 4 of flush with turn and river to go so I call his 300 raise River comes the fifth diamond so I put him all in thinking that he may have TRIPS or a BIG PAIR He turns over A,A I chuckle to myself and then look on in dis-belief as the chip glide towards HIM!!! The river card was A HEART!! :$:$:$:$:$
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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! I'm out, played another shocker. Got 33 UTG limp it, 1 guy makes minimum raise it folds round and I call. Flop 3TJ. Me like. Check then guy bets 250 (blinds 50/100) I should have went all in but I call. Turn is a K. I check, guy goes all in for 600ish, I've got slightly more and call. He has AQ and the straight. Balls. Board doesn't pair on the river so I'm left with 80. On BB next hand got 28 and lose to AQ and something else. Useless:$ :$ :$

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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! Yeah, well played guys :clap. Thats always few more points on the table. Have to say was lucky to finishe 8th. With blinds 150/300 I had 340. Two guys went all in, but somehow i got 2 pairs and went on. Mr I, where do you get to see leaderboard for this?

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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!!

Yeah, well played guys :clap. Thats always few more points on the table. Have to say was lucky to finishe 8th. With blinds 150/300 I had 340. Two guys went all in, but somehow i got 2 pairs and went on. Mr I, where do you get to see leaderboard for this?
Try this http://www.betfairpromo.com/pokerleaderboards/CityAM.pdf
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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! :clap Nice one. Actually I have just read what are we playing for the first time :$. Apart from 8 winners of each freeroll, 42 of the leaderboard join them in live tournament :eek. Thats awesome man. Plenty to play for then :beer.

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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!!

Out in 7th position. Picked up a few more points' date=' Also at the final table were Heniek and Ovalman. wp guys...[/quote'] Out in 6th, hit an all in UTG with 55 and got called with JJ, I could have held off for another round of betting but I had to make a move with only 3 places paid. Well played to you and Heniek for reaching the final table also. This is my first points in this tournament so I'm pretty pleased.
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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!!

:clap Nice one. Actually I have just read what are we playing for the first time :$. Apart from 8 winners of each freeroll, 42 of the leaderboard join them in live tournament :eek. Thats awesome man. Plenty to play for then :beer.
That gives a bigger incentive now I know there's a live game at the end of it. Do you (or anyone else) know what the payout structure is for the live game?
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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! Hi guys, Well played last night... more points for most! I was 'trying' to play but for some reason the software or my PC were going so slowly that my hand was being folded before I could do anything! This occurred for the first 15minutes or so of every new table... Got to last 20 once the software would let me play but once moved to 1 of last 2 tables I tried to go all-in 4 times and ended up being blinded out without even having cards to show so could even win when all-in on the big-blind. This is the second time on Betfair this has happened to me... any idea why? I don't have problems with the other poker sites... e-mailed them... no reply as yet.

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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! Im pretty sure its not only your problem Tweety. It happens to me time to time on Betfair. IMO, it occurs if you playing more than two tables at the time and basically get a lag. I always try to cut all my tables to one or max two when on Betfair. How many tables did you have opened yesterday?

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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!!

That gives a bigger incentive now I know there's a live game at the end of it. Do you (or anyone else) know what the payout structure is for the live game?
Doesnt say much on the website, as only that: In addition to the top prize, the 50 player Grand Final will have a £3,000 prize pool up for grabs at the final table as well as fantastic City A.M. giveaways. Indeed, the evening already promises to be very memorable indeed. You can find everything here: http://www2.betfairpoker.com/microsites/cityam/grandfinal.html
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